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Everything posted by gilmour

  1. http://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2017/06/06/motherwell-boss-admits-intention-to-hand-new-contract-to-louis-m/ We are offering Moult 18mth extension
  2. Did occur to me yesterday a club of Utds size should not be relegated never mind kept down by a club like Hamilton. However sell you're best players all the time one dodgy deal to Celtic in particular. Then don't be surprised to be in the shit.
  3. I love the tone and the language. The school bully won't pull our pants down. Also the fans have had enough giving our best players away on the cheap. Good strong interview
  4. From evening times. RANGERS have been told they will not get Motherwell duo Louis Moult and Ben Heneghan on the cheap this summer. Both players have been linked with the Ibrox club as part of Pedro Caixinha's summer rebuild but it could cost the Portuguese and his board if they want to tempt them away from Lanarkshire. Former Chester centre-half Heneghan has been put forward as the man to help solidify the Rangers defence, while Moult, Motherwell's top scorer two seasons on the trot with 18 goals, would certainly add a potent goal threat in a Light Blue shirt. However, with both players still under contract next term, Fir Park CEO Alan Burrows has been blunt about the chances of either player leaving at a bargain rate. He said: There has been some speculation about some of our players. Its public knowledge, or certainly public speculation, that Louis Moult and Ben Heneghan and others are targets for other clubs. That remains to be scene. What I will say about our recruitment policy is this. We sell a vision to players when they come here. We tell them and want them to know its a partnership between them and the club. We will showcase them in a good league and environment where they can develop their talent, they become better players and as a result will be of bigger interests than Motherwell Football Club. Thats our model. For that to work properly though, is to make sure we get true value for our players. We will not, and I say this categorically, have our pants pulled down by any club looking to try and get a player on the cheap here. Weve done it before in the past and its been hugely frustrating for our supporters, me included when I used to watch us lose good players for what I thought was not a lot of money." Burrows is insistent any Motherwell players will be sold as long as their 'proper value' was met. This was the case at the start of the season when Marvin Johnson was eventually sold on for a large six-figure sum to Oxford United. It is a model Motherwell are not prepared to deviate from now. Speaking to MFC TV, Burrows told said: What I can absolutely give people assurance of is that if anyone wants any player who is still contracted at Motherwell they are going to have to come up with a proper value. If they dont come up with a proper value we will not be selling them, its as simple as that. If we do sell them for cheap it undermines the whole model. What I will reiterate again is that if a player is in contract at Motherwell, we want to sell them that vision and we want them to complete that vision. You think of Jamie Murphy and other guys who in recent years have gone to enjoy fantastic careers. Ross McCormack, Darren Randolph and countless others. We will work with them to help those players achieve that goal but what we would be is undermined in terms of people trying to come in and take players for less than their true value. We will stick steadfast to that."
  5. Cough up Rangers or Fuck off illegally tapping our players. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/www.eveningtimes.co.uk/sport/15314751.amp Not a massive fan of burrows but I could cheer at what's said here. We won't have our pants pulled down again.
  6. Well forward admits he's loving life in Scotland and hopes helping keep the Steelmen in the Premiership is enough to earn him a new contract to stay in Lanarkshire. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/motherwell-star-lionel-ainsworth-desperate-10441931.amp
  7. According to official site we're trying to keep him
  8. It's banter btw. Thanks Scott
  9. Go kiss the badge elsewhere
  10. I've not had a season ticket for the last few years. Boyle and his cooper debacle killed it for me. However I'm going to get one this season as I feel it's massive. The team scraped through and every penny is a prisoner because of our terrible placing even though the club planned for it. Time to show my faith.
  11. I'm actually quite excited. He said he would stop us leaking goals and he did. He said if we did we'd stay up and we did. Now if he can sort a leaking defence in a few weeks. What can he do with a full pre season and a transfer window. I'm actually really looking forwarded to this season as sure as hell we won't leak as many goals as our free flowing managers did before. Il take boring 1-0 all season.
  12. He did say it would be tough and his aim was to keep us up then he begins as a manager. He's did what he said he would do even when most fans thought we were doomed me included. So let's give him the chance he asked for. He kept us up so he's fulfilled one promise so far so let's not write him off On s side not he wasn't my choice but il wait n see before i will say he's crap.
  13. Seems he's got previous http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/14475729.McGhee_tells_referee_Nick_Walsh_to_take_leaf_out_of_Craig_Thomson_s_book/
  14. gilmour


    1 year pay as you play
  15. You don't WIN a free kick you're awarded it for being fouled.
  16. Also I hate that bloody phrase how the hell do you win a free kick. You're fouled or you're not. Bloody Europeans legitimatising cheating
  17. I actually laughed out loud at this. I was 15 yards away in the cooper. And never ever ever a free kick. As I said il take it but let's not kid ourselves on it was fair
  18. gilmour


    Kissed the badge we all know what that means ask skippy
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