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Everything posted by Bop

  1. Get a grip of yourself. How can you say we'll be bottom six when you dont even know what our starting 11 will be?
  2. I'll check it out and get back to you, cheers.
  3. Can you PM me your address details and i'll check it out for you. There are 1 or 2 that still havent been delivered due to a dodgy sat nav being unable to find folks hooses. 1 in wishaw and 2 (I think) in Carluke.
  4. He's hardly the best defender in the world but people need to get a grip if they think we can do any better. He has plenty experience at international and champions league level and would be a brilliant signing.
  5. Still some to be delivered in Carluke and Wishaw tonight, yours will be in amongst them I think.
  6. Where abouts are you based? There are still some to be delivered locally that should arrive later tonight.
  7. Do you even bother reading anything on here before you post?
  8. Glad there doesn't seem to have been any problems with postage and people like them, wearing mine today in work and i've already had a few comments from bitter OF fans. Dicks.
  9. Absolutely no chance surely.
  10. Only really got time for one Post Office trip so they'll all be leaving at the same time anyway . Hopeful you'll have it.
  11. Look out for a handsome chap in Adidas gutties.
  12. Hopefully. We received delivery slightly later than anticipated but a few boys will be out in the next couple of days delivering the to the locals and anyone further afield will have theirs posted at the same time.
  13. By some distance. See the goals Law and Humphrey scored against them this season, both were due to Vigurs lack of pace (especially Laws).
  14. Did Wells not just sign a three year deal in December time? I might be totally out here, cant find it online but its in my head from somewhere.
  15. We have signed a player. Hes good looking and wears Adidas gutties.
  16. Spot on. There's a good few that would probably prefer lower league football. Terracing, lower entry prices, less strict policing/stewarding. AMF and all that..
  17. Gregg Wylde would be a great signing, hopefully with him pining to get back home to glorious Kirkintilloch a move to Motherwell will be more attractive than Aberdeen.
  18. I've posted this in the T-shirts thread but a few people have said it might get a bit more exposure in its own thread. End of a brilliant season off the park as well as on it and the video covers quite a few of the best bits.
  19. With the delivery date fast approaching this seems as good a time as any to post the SIWY
  20. +1. Total dive but that night down the back of the Acropolis, meeting a few of the boys from gate 13 and spending the night with the wolfman is up there with any other euro trip i've been on.
  21. Imrie is pish and is a stig who shat himself. No.
  22. Have to apologize mate, for this run we only had limited XXXL and all have been snapped up. With regards to the scarves at the moment there aren't any plans to run another batch in the same design but things might change if the demand is there. 5 left in total now, 2 small, 1 medium, 1 large and 1 XXL. I dont want to say yes 100% yet but i'd be very hopeful you will. The plan is to get them out before the Stone Roses gig on the 15th.
  23. I've not actually seen them yet so i'm not sure how the fit is although we do have a wee sizing guide on the website. Similar to yourself ive went for a small to make sure the beef stays off.
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