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Posts posted by bigshinyhead

  1. ...Celtic I'd say will actually be a stick on "Yes"...

    Celtic stand to lose the most out of this, no question. A Celtic supporting mate claims it would be suicide for them to vote 'yes' but they'll obviously be severely damaged by voting 'no'.


    I think that, like a lot of clubs, they'll accept that the landscape has now changed and they just need to adapt.

  2. Here’s hoping that we and the other clubs do the RIGHT thing.

    I don't think there will be any need for a decision to be made. I will bet my left bollock (and it's my second favourite) that any sale of assets will be blocked in court by HMRC. They've apparently already appointed an insolvency expert - BDO - to take over from Fud and Skelps. There's no way they will allow assets valued at £109m to be sold for £5.5m when they're owed a stack.


    I don't think there will be any newco to be voted in or out.


    Time for the SPL Chairmen to show their hands as a Newco is all but guaranteed now that they are liquidised.

    I think it's liquidated but I like your style ;)

    • Like 2
  3. Regarding the alternative mentioned in the document where they are liquidated and Charles Green acquires the assets for 5.5 million, is it not strange that this figure is the same as the administrators fees (so they get paid and everyone else gets nothing) and seems alot less than the actual value of the assets?

    This is what I don't understand. How can it be legal to sell your assets at a price much lower than their valuation when you have a queue of creditors the length of the Clyde? Surely the creditors must have first dibs on the assets and would be able to block such a sale in court?

  4. Lets be honest about this the SPL needs Rangers in it,

    I'd have said the same thing a few weeks ago, not now though. Regardless of what happens, the SPL will be a one horse race for the foreseeable. It won't be a better spectacle just because one of the diddy teams is called Rangers although that may make it more attractive on paper to Sky or whoever.


    My understanding of the 'Rebel 10' position is that a newco Rangers won't get voted back in without change to the voting structure, etc so it would seem that the 'Rebel 10' really are in a position of power as long as they hold their nerve and stick together. Which they seem to be doing.

  5. Just had a word there with Professor Stephen Hawking and he says we should sneak third spot if we end up with more points than the team in fourth...

    Widny listen tae Hawking. Never kicked a baw in his life...

    • Like 1
  6. Obviously really pleased he's signed but canny help thinking that we're maybe wanking all over his dish a bit too much here.


    If he can keep up the performances then brilliant but we canny expect what we've seen so far every week.

    • Like 4
  7. He's unhappy about having been shifted from club to club without getting a regular game. He's had a couple of games for us and has already become the first name on the team sheet. He would be mental to consider going anywhere else at this stage of his career and risk going back to not playing regularly.

  8. I don’t really know where to start to be honest; I suppose the first question for clarity needs to be: Is the original post the official position of the MFC Trust and the board or are the comments contained within it essentially the position of one individual?



    My view for what it is worth is that these types of comments really achieve very little and smacks of ‘my da is bigger than yours’.



    I may be missing something really fundamental but surely anyone involved and giving up personal time to put themselves forward, whether it be from the Trust, the SAC or indeed the Association, all pretty much want the same thing. That is for supporters to be involved and bring forward ideas - GOOD and BAD – and for those ideas and feedback to be considered and debated. If that general point is accepted then surely it does no good whatsoever to be ridiculing some the very people who have put themselves forward in the first place?



    Given everything positive that is happening at the club at the moment and remember, with the backdrop of some very difficult times for Scottish Football, surely it is now the time for us (SAC, Trust and Association) to be galvanized and not to create more distance between supporters.



    This is a call for unity; it is high time any old issues are put to the side and for the 3 organisations to merge into one, stronger and more effective group.



    That is my view for what it is worth.




    This post highlights the pitfalls of composing your comments in a Word document then copy and pasting into a forum response. Sometimes you get great big spaces between your paragraphs that you probably didn't want.

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