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Posts posted by Welldel

  1. Bring in Luc Nijholt with Terry Butcher as his assistant, bring over a handful of Dutch gems, sign Imrie and the boy Beevers, get TB to have them all playing like men possessed and leave the tactics and guile to Luc. Easy peasy.





    amen to all of that.

  2. Totally agree. Mark McGhee has been excellent for us and I don't think there is anyone out there (given our lack of pulling power) that could do better. I think he is the best manager in the SPL, hence the speculation about Aberdeen/Celtic. If he goes it's bad news.


    As far as the Hearts thing is concerned I can't believe Well fans are still bitter about that. He was offered a job at a bigger club with more money and he turned it down to stay with us. His only crime was that he thought about it.


    I am a Well fan but in my view if he does get offered the Dons job he would be making a mistake not to take it (he should have taken the Hearts). He would leave with my best wishes.


    As far as who would take over, I have no idea. My only hope would be that JB pulls a rabbit out the hat again. We may need it.


    I was as pleased as anyone, when he decided to stay with us and not got to Hearts, however he did more than just think about it, he agreed terms as did Leitch, the plane he decided not to board would not have been taking him on his first visit to meet Romanov.


    However that is all old news, now we cannot afford to delay the preparations for the new season or be side tracked until another club decide our Managers future.

  3. I would love him to stay, sign a couple of good players and get the team playing again like last season on a perfect pitch.


    However, like last season the club are now being distracted from the business of getting ready for the new season and possibly Europe.


    If this drags on like it did last season, by the time he either decides to stay or eventually go, we will have missed out on the players we need to improve the squad or have very little time to sign other targets.


    If he is going to go, he should just go quickly. We can't afford any fucking about.

  4. Last year when McGhee agreed to go to Hearts, Leitch had agreed to go with him. I would take from that , that should McGhee go, he will take Leitch with him.


    If they are going to go, I hope they go quick and that we get replacements in quick, we can't afford to fuck about like last season, leaving it to late to get new players in or missing out on possible targets

  5. Read somewhere that our first round Euro match would be against a team from one of the following countries : Macedonia







    N Ireland






    I would probably only manage the home game as I'm off on holiday soon after , but does anyone fancy any of these destinations ?


    I will have borrow the money from family to make it to the away leg.



  6. What a day that was . Setting your video in the morning to record the whole thing ( i still had Betamax ) and driving into Hampden.

    The game was fantastic , all the ups and downs during the game then the amazing finish. Driving home with your chest bursting with pride and the tears blinding you . Windows down , scarves hanging out , horns tooting. Whit a day.

    Welldel got pished in Jack Daniels and he was only 15.


    moanthewell let's no wait as long the next time.



    Thats a terrible accusation !


    I was 15 and a half.


    Was a magic day/week , what I can remember of it. :rolleyes:

  7. A slant on that memorable 80's shed chant ...........


    His name's Brian Mclair,

    but we call him Frank.

    He's plays for the Celts,

    he's a bit of a ####.

    He's no good at football,

    to tell you the truth,

    Brian McLair is a poof.


    Also liked .........


    Nicholas, Nicholas, Charlie Nicholas,

    He gets the ball,

    he does fekk all,

    Charlie Nicholas.



    It was actually based on


    His name is Francis, but we call him frank etc etc. Frank McAvennie etc etc


    Clyde Alloy bus circa 198?



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