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Posts posted by The_Pup

  1. Opted for Jennings as I felt tonight was his best performance that i have saw. hard choice though as everyone in claret and amber were immense. Thorougly deserved to take all 3 points - poor decisions by officials cost us that though!!

  2. Just watched a replay and everyone inside FP except the linesman and ref know that it was a legitimet goal, rangers players never even appealed for off side. When are the SFA going to wake up to the fact there is a need for profesional referees and the use of tv to take away any injusitices. if the "goal" was scored against us would the linesmans flag have gone up??

  3. woke up this morning and have a great feeling about tonight, 'Well 2 - 0 h**s. Scum from the land of weegie will greet about the pitch but the game will show we were right up for it giving them no time on the ball and getting right intae them !!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. As far as I am aware this is an poll on people's opinion. Where is the stipulation that anyone who wants to give their opinion actually had to attend the match? For many folks this is not possible, would that therefore exclude them from having and sharing their opioion?

  5. This will be a crucial game, a win for Falkirk will see them off the bottom of the table and a win for us will see us leap frog the diet h**s. I'll go for the same line up as Saturday with Murphy and Humphrey to come of the bench to make the difference in the last 20 mins


    2 - 0 'Well

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