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Welldaft Mk1

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Everything posted by Welldaft Mk1

  1. A quick wiki search and Robbo had a win % of 42 with Motherwell from 169 games. Tommy Wright had a win % of 40.8 from 307 games with St Johnstone. Graham Alexander had a win % of 43 from 372 games. Inflated a little with a 48% record for Salford to be expected given their clout. Interestingly GA also had 833 senior appearances as a player and 40 Scotland caps. Very experienced. So not a lot in the win % but I believe both Wright and GA would do a job. I did not have an earthly that GA had managed twice as many games as Stephen Robinson. I thought he was a bit of a rookie.
  2. I am not saying it is total bullshit but anything from the Sun and Record I take with a pinch of salt. In an ideal world Lasley would get 4 games to prove himself but the reality is probably somewhere in between. I would fully expect the club to go though a rigorous recruitment process alongside Lasley trial as it were. It is all about timing and given we are in the January transfer window we don’t have the luxury of taking weeks to decide. Lasley would probably be happy to stay as Assistant Manager for now and depending on who we appoint that could happen. Offers some continuity and would not require a settlement as it were. I would support Tommy Wright appointment as he has done well with a club with a similar budget. It would be a safe appointment and perhaps less of a gamble than a relative rookie Manager from down south. That said Graham Alexander or someone similar could also prove a shrewd appointment. I am quite sure we will have had a lot of applications for the role so hopefully the Board can select the right person to keep us away from the bottom 2 spots this season.
  3. Probably mentioned before but Edinburgh Evening news mentioning Cadden to Hibs is a strong rumour. Wonder what that would mean for our compo battle with Columbus ? I very much doubt they would b happy paying jack sh1t for a player that hardly played.
  4. Based on no knowledge in particular I would think closer to £120 - 150k PA. This would be based on the improved contract Robbo would have been on after the N Ireland vacancy. Probably not enough for the likes of a Paul Cook but for us mere mortals a bloody decent salary despite all the abuse from Yodo et al.
  5. You wonder where it all went so wrong. I know 2020 has been awful but at the start of the season most felt top 6 was a stick on. We had European football to look forward too. Up until the last International break we were OK. We got as far as we expected in Europe if not further thanks to a favourable draw. We had just beaten Livi and Ross County comfortably. Were all the players thinking that SOD and Gallacher would pull us though given they were a major part of a Scotland team That qualified for a finals. Either way something is rotten in the state of Denmark. To go from being OK to absolute dugmeat. Do the players not have meetings to say - we are Sh1te we had better not be sh1te any more. Lets put more effort in and concentrate for more than 20 seconds. It is an absolute mess but we still have some decent pedigree in the squad. That may change if we lose SOD, Gallacher and Campbell in the transfer window. Less likely now as anyone watching us would not want to touch any of our players. Not a one !
  6. I feel for Lasley. You have your 1st game as Manager and you have Chapman in goals and Mugabi in central defence. Like playing with 9 men. In fact it would have been preferable. Would love him to succeed as he has the club at heart. But like many on here I think being Assistant Manager makes u part of the problem. Tommy Wright would get my support but I feel we need a different direction and TW would be too similar to SR. Would like a young exciting Manager who has fallen on hard times such as G Alexander, Danny Cowley or even Malky Mackay. The latter would be a tough one but if Livingston can appoint someone who had a 6 year prison sentence then.... I was a Robbo fan boy but this seasons signings have been awful. We have had issues with injuries but Accies were missing more 1st team players than us. I like Tony Watt. He at least tries but he is not prolific. Someone up there beside him that could score would be great.
  7. Even Campbell form seems to have dropped off. It is looking grim. We need the 6 points reinstated. A new Manager and several decent players and we may just finish 10th if we are lucky. Livi look like they could finish 5th. St Mirren are a better side as are Killie. It is down to us Ross C, Hamilton and possibly St J. And currently we are losing to one of those 3 sides !
  8. At 6 foot 90 u would think he would be good. But the fact he is that tall means it takes him half a day to dive. A recipe for disaster for any shot hit hard and low. If Mugabi was also involved then I would be quite surprised
  9. Lasley is part of the furniture at Fir Park as the saying goes. But I feel it would be a lazy option to appoint him. I think the Sun article is lazy. Why would we wait for 4 games to see if he has what it takes. What if he does not ? Tommy Wright would seem an obvious option but would it be more of the same. A safe pair of hands possibly but if we have any ambition I would want us to go for someone who has shown promise like a Graham Alexander or Danny Cowley however unlikely that may be. As long as it is not Levein then he will have my support. I suspect a lot longer than the likes of Yodo...
  10. Still flabbergasted that no team from down south felt he was worth more than a £3m punt. I got slagged on P&B for comparing him to Kai Havertz. Not in terms of ability but the fact that Chelsea paid £73m. A player that has been nowhere near their starting 11 v a player that is starring for Celtic. A £70m difference. Unreal really when you think about it.
  11. The only thing that has made me laugh since 18:15
  12. In all seriousness to lose to a Killie side at home that were in worse form than us is verging on the indefensible. Robbo has the transfer window and 2 games v Hamilton and St Mirren away to prove he is worthy of staying in the job. Anything less than 4 points and time to say goodbye. We are not getting the 6 points from the SPFL that is a given so we have to look forward to playing Killie and St Mirren again. What could possibly go wrong. I genuinely think some of our players think they are better than they are. They better wake up to the fact they are shite. And a whole lot more effort and attitude is required !
  13. Marginally the better side. But again our final ball and shots at or around goal are generally poor. Can see why we struggle to score any goals. What is with Campbell. Really fallen away the past few games. Certainly not as influential. Watt has been good but should ave done better with the free header.
  14. True. But the fact that Ross County appointed John Hughes over other candidates will hopefully turn out to be a good thing for the rest of the league. Not saying he is a terrible Manager, I just don’t believe he is good enough to turn around their existing squad. That may change if Uncle Roy chucks some money his way in the Jan window. I also would rather play Killie with Dyer at the helm. Seems a nice enough guy but reminds me of Malpas in that he is so laid back it must be difficult for him to motivate an underachieving team. I suspect if they lose to us he will be given his jotters if not this year then early next. They will bring in Gary Holt. Seems an obvious replacement. That will probably be enough to galvanise Killie to safety. We have / had 4 massive games to turn our season around. All winnable and an away point at DDee Utd is an OK start. Should have been better but most would have probably taken a draw before KO.
  15. Watched the highlights and Lang was frustrating. He should have slid in Polworth but given recent history Polworth would have only put it past the post or over the bar in any case. For me the worst one was when the ball came to him outside the box and Watt was standing in front of him on the edge of the box in a MUCH better position. He should have passed to Watt no question. That is the difference between a good player and an average one. I was livid when we conceded yet another late goal, but should accept we were the better team away to Dundee Utd. That only counts if we can now take between 4 and 6 points from the next two games. That and ensuring if we do go one or two goals up that we do not concede another late goal. 50% of goals conceded in the last 20 minutes of games is an appalling stat. I hope Robbo is well aware of this. Judging by hi subs he does not seem to care. Clearly going by those stats his subs are 9 times out of 10 weakening us. That is squarely on the Management team.
  16. At this rate Phil they might well have a new a Manager or have lost their current one. Like Ross County I expect them to sack Dyer. If not after this game then if they lose to us also.
  17. Or to be more accurate the Manager. This is happening all too often for it to be accidental. Rangers were 1-0 up v Hibs and twice took the ball to the corner after 90 minutes. When will we ever learn.
  18. According to BBC 22 shots to their 10. The only difference is we got a point whereas with early games we would have lost 1-0. If we were not 1-0 up we probably would have. So disappointing to lose yet another late goal. This is becoming a habit. Although I did not see the game we do seem to get worse after subs come on. This has to be addressed. Should be happy with an away point but after everything today and leading for 80 minutes that is a sore one. Severely pissed off !
  19. For the 1st Crawford was dispossessed. Then Archer hit a daisy cutter to the half way line in what was a poor clearance. But even after all of that it was a routine cross into the box that was literally laser guided onto Mugabi but he inexplicably misses the header. He even moves his head to attempt the clearance but does not manage what was a basic header. Even after that he fails to block the pass form Kent to Roofe who scores. So yes there were others who contributed but there was still a lot to do before Rangers scored. Sounds like a witch-hunt and I tend to agree with many that our substitutes weakened us but that was yet such another VERY basic defensive error. I though he was bette than what he showed last season but he should be benched after that today I am afraid.
  20. Just watched the highlights or lowlights. 1st and 3rd goals were avoidable. 2nd was more unlucky imho. Polworth could have tried to clear for the third...BUT Mugabi was quite literally horrendous for the 1st. A very basic defensive header which he totally mistimed. They probably would have won anyway or got a draw at least but to lose the 1st goal from what should have been a routine header is unforgivable. Mugabi was also mainly responsible for the 3rd. I suspect he was played today as we needed to load central defence. But for me get O Hara back to central defence and Mugabi on the bench going forwards.
  21. Not really been watching as expecting a defeat and actually thought we would ship 6+ But...... What are we doing always losing goals in the last 2-3 minutes. That has annoyed the shit out of me. 2-1 is disappointing but respectable 3-1 is a routing pumping. Raging at losing a 3rd in 94 minutes. Soft as f*ck.
  22. In summary we sign players within our budget. And that budget determines that a high % will be shite. Need to get Poirot on this as it is a mystery.....
  23. Rinse and repeat. Still the way we are playing we would have lost to any of the remaining semi finalists in any case.
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