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Everything posted by mjw

  1. They've got a story up about the return of the casuals with a picture of the old firm cup final riot. There weren't many casuals involved in that.
  2. Is anyone supposed to take the shite you post seriously? Or are you just filling in for MJC as the forum clown?
  3. Videos like that should embarrass the 'no pyro no party' gang in this country.
  4. Disgusting behaviour by the minority getting upset at losing a winnable cup tie.I'm just gutted they cut the prices as watching the ball flying through the air to a wee striker was definitely worth full price.
  5. Buckfast and 20/20 is the driver.
  6. You would think so. There is no guarantee though.
  7. I was under the impression it was the Celtic fan who went on the park at half time for a selfie.
  8. It's laughable that anyone thinks the police have decided to pick on Motherwell fans. No-one who seen the mounted police, cycle police, riot van and plain clothes police who swooped on the Celtic fan outside Fir Park last time we played would be in any doubt it's a larger problem. Why you would want to paint a big target on your back by making some smoke though??
  9. If you get a ban for driving offences and decide to flout that ban ,would you expect a court to say 'oh well never mind'
  10. Oh dear.Is that direct from a Union Bears/Green Brigade banner?
  11. Hes a striker who looks to run in behind and score goals and hes got vast experience in the Football League as well. You sure?
  12. Their rich owner pumps cash into the club,ours gives us tic.
  13. It's long term replacements for Hamell and Lasley that should be our priority. We've had two seasons warning that their best days are behind them and we've done nothing about it.
  14. Team that had there shooting boots on won.We huffed and puffed but our goal was to little to late. The only bright spot was Caddens performance.
  15. Penalty hearts. 3-0 fucking shambles.
  16. When I die and they lay me to rest. We fucked the Rangers 6-1 was the best.
  17. So not the disgrace our old pal MJC is describing it as over on P&B?
  18. similar to the deal Fran Sandaza gave details of to 'Tommy the taxi driver'
  19. we're not getting rid though someone wants Ainsworth.
  20. The only time I've ever wanted an opposition player to score a pen against us. My first Motherwell favourite.
  21. http://www.motherwelltimes.co.uk/sport/local-sport/well-deal-in-ripley-and-grimmy-1-398545056Sunday 27 December 2015 0 Motherwell manager Mark McGhee is delighted that he looks set to retain loan stars Connor Ripley and Liam Grimshaw until the end of the season. Goalkeeper Ripley (22) and midfielder Grimshaw (20) were due to return to their respective parent clubs Middlesbrough and Manchester United next month, but both are in discussions to remain at Fir Park until next summer. Connor and Grimmy have been excellent and I expect them both to stay until the end of the season, McGhee said. I think the deals will get done by next week. Ill be delighted to get them signed, because I dont want to be scrambling around looking for players. Connor has the makings of a really good keeper. He has all the attributes hes a big lad, with a real presence and great confidence. He does some really hard work and when he goes back down to his parent club he could be in contention for a starting place there. Grimshaw has also been terrific. Hes come from Manchester United but hes one of us. He has total heart for Motherwell and works as hard as any player here. He is a great lad whos getting better and better with each game.
  22. Or reflect the fact we are pleading poverty and could do with the best deal going
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