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Posts posted by stoney

  1. Don't know if anyone else noticed it but BBC were live from Celtic Park last night - interviewing Murder McLeod and they were live from Tannadice tonight interviewing Peter Houston however they were not even at FP on Tuesday night never mind live!! The biggest game in Motherwell's history, the Champions League, the premier European competition and they all but ignored it. Oh but run up to their darlings at Dundee Utd for the Europa League. F*cking disgrace and yet another example of their p*ish coverage for us.


    IMO the club should make an official protest or consider banning the b*stards from FP. And its time their licence was pulled! :angry: :angry: :angry:


    according to my radio they were live from teh 'ark on 810MW on Tuesday mate???

  2. I can understand if you are going to Athens you need to believe that the tie is still alive due to the money paid etc. However, it is a massive, massive, ask and imo not going to happen.


    Focus being turned to the Europa League is hardly surprising and pretty realistic imo.


    but stilll far too early fo this thread finlay....:popcorn:

  3. No, it's the job of the person who is actually being paid to deal with it.


    In this day & age you'll see very few people confronting strangers who are acting up. It's simply not going to happen, and you can't expect people to do that.


    i'm not talking stangers mate...Most of us go to the match with mates....if one of your mates step out of line its YOUR job to tell him, rather than him being thrown out by a plukey wee power mad steward on minimum wage and being banned from returning.

    the more often that happens the easier it is for self policing of our full support, zoomers/strangers included.


    its like when my 11 year old gives me a telling off after i have shouted abuse at ref/linesman/opposition player or all of the above.



    But if more people would "confront" strangers, while also keeping themselves safe, our society would be a better place for us all imo

    • Like 2
  4. Or maybe the stewards can do their job? I stood and watched one guy in the third row of the 2nd bank of seats throw a balled up bit of paper and hit a steward right in the chest with it, only for him to do fuck all and what looked like his superior tell the guy in question to sit down and cut it out.


    If there is such a risk with the club getting fined and so forth then surely this guy should have been thrown out?


    Why should other fans run the risk of a barrage of abuse from someone by telling them what they can & can't do at a football game? That isn't their responsibility.


    that sums up today's society for me david


    yep its always someone else's job aint it...Personally i would rather turn to a mate and tell him he is being a bit of a fanny and to quit it, than having anyone ejected from our support :blush:

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  5. First of all, cheers to the guys on here that actually have something positive to say about us! We appreciate the support we get and i'm sure the team appreciate the support they get.


    Second of all, if it wasn't for us down in the last section Fir Park and away games would just be downright boring. With the occassional chant of 'well well super well' every 3 or 4 games!


    And to Dr fucking plangoss. Guys put in alot of time, money and effort to do things like this, for the players and for the fans! Being involved in this is something a can say i'm proud of. Then a come on here to see the likes of you moaning for a few bits of paper being thrown on the pitch. Get a grip.


    "Being total idiots" Good one. Prick.


    iain, most of us are happy that some of you put so much extra effort into helping to create a better atmosphere for us all mate. i dont think you will find anyone that is not.


    however you got to agree that the eejits that threw "a few bits of paper" directly AT opposition players were simply MORONS ( and that is to all of them throughout the east, not just around your section cos we had afew morons up the other end, and right along the touchline), especially in response to being asked by OUR club over the tannoy to stop it, taht may result in our club being fined for their stupidity :help:


    it is possible that the cost of fixing the broken seats and any fine could take away a good percentage of any profit made from last night and cost us potentially 2-3 new players wages



    yep have fun, make a lot of noise but try a little self policing to ensure the more stupid amongst our support dont ruin it for yourselves and us all. if we do get fine can the club now support any future displays? that would be difficult for them imo


  6. IF everyone connected to the club put the effort in that the lads that arranged this latest( and by far not the first ) exibition of support and enthusiasim towards OUR club together we would be in a lot better position. To condem people throwing some paper onto the pitch and looking for them to be birched or banished from future games??? GET A GRIP!!!! Sit in your sheltered cocoon of life...oops will i get puled for being racist???? and see it for what it is Nothing more than boisterious spirit from a group of fans that put their heart into supporting Motherwell FC. TRY IT SOMETIME RATHER THAT SITTING AND BEING CRITICAL ON A WEBSITE


    yep teh lads put in a great effort to try to bring atmosphere to our games. The display was good and worth the money....teh fine we will get for others stupidity is not tho


    We have a good name....do you HONESTLY believe that the eejits that decided it was a good idea to roll up the paper and try to hit pana players with it did ANYONE any good :dash2::dash2:

  7. Arrived at the ground at 7.20pm and still missed both the fans display and the kick-off. Queue at that point was round by the main entrance the POD Stand.


    Police and stewards said there was no chance of the kick-off being delayed.


    Apologies for the moan, but it didn't half put a dampener on what was supposed to be a great occasion. we all know Fir Park is getting on a bit, but I'm afraid the East Stand is no longer fit for purpose.


    I couldn't understand why so many people left it so late to come into the ground...teh gates openned at 530. I really expected teh palce to be rocking from before 7 <_>

  8. dundee, keep trying 810MW, I could sometimes get it when I lived in bristol if I headed for high ground - found myself parked in some strange places on a sat afternoon!



    If i remember correctly, its also broadcast on another wavelength as well.



    sometimes FM 104.7 does the medium wave channel too :yahoo:


    less than 3 hours :yahoo:

  9. At t risk of being hounded for going off topic, i think that given that this was the champions league etc, the size of the official party on this trip was guarenteed to be larger than usual. By this i mean club officials and directors, friends and family of club officials and directors, sponsors, friends of sponsors and a whole host of other assorted hangers on. The number of seats on the charter for ordinary fans was always going to be limited.


    If this had been done in plenty time then those who never got a seat still had time to make alternate arrangements, but by the time they were told the plane was full all the cheap deals had gone. The club have had 4 months to sort this out so if the demand was there why not put on 2 planes, or use the same plane split over 2 days like they done for the trip to Katowice in 91.


    there are still plenty of deals at far less than the cost of the club charter out and about if people still want it mate....you can leave from edinburgh, stay up to 4 nights in a 5 star hotel with a direct(ish) flight for between £400-£500 quid

  10. Here is a copy of the post from the pana fan on FPC


    "Holla from Athens and a Panathinaikos fan. The return leg will be played at OAKA (not the natural home of Panathinaikos, which can be easilly assesed by train or regular buses). Temperatures will be fiercing high (36 Celcius and more), Athens will be rather empty because most of the people are taking their leaves in August and we are expectin somethnig of 35-40.000 attendance. You will not face any kind of problem with our fans(unless you provoke, something that i am certain you will not tend to do). As for you Athens stay, do not visit the historical centre late at night and you will be fine.

    Our team is in a transition phase, we do have a bunch of Greek and foreign internationals, an extremely experient Portuguese manager and as you will perceive, a bunch of very loyal fans.

    Have a good trip and feel free to ask anything


    (here is a small taste of OAKA

    ) "
  11. I think people are putting too much emphasis on how well we done against an Everton team who never got out of first gear. Playing what is essentially almost a 4-2-4 with two frontmen and two wingers will leave us far too open in my opinion and the Greeks will pick us off. I wouldn't want us playing that way against some of the better teams in the SPL never mind Panathanaikos. Everton weren't anywhere near 100% on Saturday and on another day could have had 3 or 4. Bare in mind if we lose one away goal that's bad enough, anymore than that and the second leg becomes almost impossible. It will be hard enough to get a result in Greece without them having an away goal or two in the bank.


    Of course I'd love us to go to Greece in the lead but not at the expense of losing an away goal, a 0-0 at Fir Park would be not be a bad result and it only takes a Tom Hateley special in Greece to put us in the driving seat.


    not getting carried away mate but I think we have most of our problems at the back...so if we keep them, mostly in their own half, a big ask i know, we will have a better chance of keeping the tie alive imo

    and i also think its our best team

  12. Now that Ramsden has signed I am going to have a go at a formation for next Tuesday. I think that McCall will go defensive, even at home and will be thinking in terms of keeping things respectable so i predict he will go with



    ---------------------- Randolph------------------------



    Humphrey-----Law-------------Lasley-------- Murphy




    This assumes that the Central defenders are fit.



    nope he will start same team as saturday, with hutch in middle in place of cummins....Have we got kerr on a loan deal yet?


    2 up top and a 3-1 win at home for us :yahoo:

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