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Leroy Trusco

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Posts posted by Leroy Trusco

  1. That wank should be allowed nowhere near this club.


    Ah McCart. Another supposed club legend / motherwell man who has no understanding of a gentlemans agreement. Was this the same guy who took the job at the filth under the pretence that he would not poach our youth prospects (albeit allegedly)? Haven't seen Paul Slane around the club recently?


    McCart can get fucked.

  2. It's becoming a theme though. There's obviously some sort of 'problem' in this department.


    Absolutely. He even said during a recent interview that it wasn't the first time he had been approached so the board were warned. Amateurish.

  3. A very silly old man. His conduct of late has been absolutely appalling and he has only served to prove that there is no such thing as loyalty in football. I only hope he isn't planning to set foot in Lanarkshire ever again as he has burned his bridges in spectacular fashion.


    The only funny aspect of all this is that Brown was made to look a genius because he inherited a squad of hard working, honest players with a fair degree of ability which he was able to harness. Can the same be said for the Aberdeen squad? Rory McArdel, Jeren Ifil, etc.?


    It must also be said that the board have to take a fair amount of criticism for the amateurish way that we have dealt with CB and AK's contracts (or lack thereof). Had they been on decent deals requiring compo to be paid then it may have been the case that the skint Aberdeen board would've looked elsewhere?


    All that remains is to wish Two Face and his mouthpiece every misfortune for the future. Won't be long till he's pishing his nappy in some nursing home anyway. Fuck both of you you dishonest old pricks.


    MON THE WELL!!!!

  4. Is it though? Is it really any worse than anywhere else?


    At the end of the day, it's only a gemme of fitba'. If you want to retain the human element of refereeing then you have to accept mistakes will be made. Far too many punters think it's OK in a football stadium to deliver the sort of abuse that would rightly get you the jail in the street. Old firm fans, for whom every season represents a war between King Billy and the Pope, take this a step further by abusing refs and their families in the street and issuing death threats. Death threats for fuck sake! Without the Old Firm we wouldn't have this situation but if it's not nipped in the bud we'll end up with no referees and no fitba'.


    Fair do's. The quality of the referees is subjective but how many times have you been at Ibrox, Parkhead or even Tynecastle and watched referees bow to pressure from the stands to give poor decisions against us (and no doubt the other provincial clubs)? I wouldn't say they are corrupt. Just shite at their job.


    It appears to me that the referees are demanding absolutely no criticism no matter how poorly they perform. If a ref makes a terrible call against us I will make my opinion known there and then. No sane person condones doing it in the street or targetting families of officials but all this "respect" stuff is a two way street. Better, more approachable referees who can justify their decisions would get far less stick than the dismissive, unaccountable halfwits we are forced to put up with at the moment.

  5. Fuck the refs!!


    They're trying to hold the game to randsom and some people seem to be missing a few important points. Firstly, the standard of referees in Scotland is crap and secondly, they demand respect from managers players and supporters yet the majority of them have an aire of arrogance and distain for the lot of us.


    To question their integrity is wrong and Celtic should be hammered for it but calling supporters SCABS for not blindly backing the refs actions is plain stupid. When BA cabin crew decided, in the midst of a recession, that they wanted more money / better conditions was everyone who had holidays or business trips planned expected to cancel purely to back a cause they may or may not have believed in? No chance. If your flight was still on, you went.


    Our duty is to support Motherwell. Not these inept goons who have been giving us the shaft for as long as I can remember.

  6. Fair play to the guy. He's had a very decent season and if he continues to progess he may well become a regular in the Scotland team for years to come.


    Unfortunately for him and many of the younger guys currently getting call-ups, it may appear slightly sullied because of the complete retard whas in cherge. Had the call come from a more respected manager such as CB or WS then the inclusion may hold slightly more value to those of us looking in.


    End of the day, he isn't exactly going to turn round and say he doesn't want to be included as he maybe hasn't quite earned his place yet. If anything it will give him a better understanding of how a crap manager operates as he's probably gotten used to working with a pair of legends.


    Well done Stevie. Do us proud and don't take no shite from that jambo arab bastard!

  7. Hope is knowing that football fans, like the scarves we wear, are made to be lifted up. Because our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. Confucious said that ye know, or was it Stephen Craigan?


    Like Fir Parks fearsome roar, hope arouses a passion for the possible. It helps us achieve the unthinkable - Motherwell 4 Dundee Utd 3.


    We can live 40 days without food, 3 days without water and 8 minutes without air. We can spend 4 days in Nancy without changing our replica shirts but we cannot live for 1 second without hope.


    Hope is not caring if we win with a sclaffed goal from 2 yards off of the referees arse.


    Hope is calculating that the £2m prize fund for reaching the group stages would mean we could offer Steve Jennings a 5 year deal on increased wages, hope is booking the holidays off work for the next games "just incase".


    Most of all, hope is like a path in the country - there never was a path, but when many of us walk the same ground, the path comes into existence. This is the path we follow - wherever it takes us, whatever it takes.


    Into this Danish shite Motherwell, I believe!


    I give you the single best post I've ever read on here. Absolutely seconded!



  8. JB's rant was probably justified but his thoughts could've been expressed with a little more tact and diplomacy than a fist clenching, head shaking rant which made us look a bit amateur. As many predicted, the divisive statements from the unfortunate lot who's contracts were cancelled by us are now littering the Scottish gutter press but in all honesty, who cares? Surely only the OF still read these crappy publications anyway??


    The comparisons being made between Cardiff's current situation and ours of 8 years ago are complete bollocks. When we got to the stage that we couldn't repay our debts, we put our hands up. We proceeded through the appropriate legal channels, took our medicine and cut our cloth accordingly. Something that we're still paying for today according to Eddie Forrest (who was utter shite and a complete imposter if memory serves). What Cardiff are doing is ignoring their responsibilities to existing creditors and running up further debts regardless. If they won't or can't pay their current debts, fine. Let them do as we did, go into administration, take the points deduction and sell off the necessary assets to pay a percentage of their debts. I'd have no complaint with that but what they are doing now is plain piss taking of the highest order.


    Hopefully other clubs have become aware of this and make a conscious effort to avoid doing business with Cardiff as they are clearly not to be trusted and with any luck their actions will soon catch up with them and they suffer the indignity that we suffered. Pikey bast@rds.


    P.S. Mon the Dossers the night!

  9. This thread thread is crap. The overwhelming majority get behind the team and the support in general last night was positive and appreciative of the performance the lads put in.


    Some people will like or dislike certain players (often for no good reason) but to start a post suggesting that the majority don't support the team enough is a really poor effort.

  10. The pitch is an absolute disgrace, end of. There nothing remotely as bad in the SPL and Broon's comments after the match were cringeworthy!!


    Everyone who paid money to watch that garbage on Saturday (myself included) was utterly bumped and the pitch was the root cause (pun intended). Fair enough, the Accies went out looking to kill the game and escape with a point and my mate made a good point at half time when he said "this mob could make Barcelona look shite".


    Time for the club to brief everyone on what the hell is going on and if I hear the term "microclimate" one more time I'm gonna flip. It's absolute bollocks.


    Sort it out Motherwell!!!!!!! :lol:

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