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Leroy Trusco

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Posts posted by Leroy Trusco

  1. A true legend. Conducted himself brilliantly till the day he left and gave me some of my greatest, proudest moments as a Well fan.


    The sooner he returns, the better!


    Mon the Faddy!! ;)

  2. Fair enough. But if they wnat him that bad then slap an extra 30 grand on it and THEN we can start negotiating. I'd rather we kept him until his contract runs out than strengthen them just to save us one wage - unless that wage is going on bringing someone else in.


    As it stands we lose a good player and give a rival a good player just for the sake of 20 grand? Naw, no thanks.


    Spot on. A signing like that for those filthy bastards could make all the difference come the end of the season so rather than take their shitey offer and reduce the wage bill by a small amount I reckon we'd be best to keep hold till May.


    On the offer itself, it just goes to prove what a lowlife McGhee is.


    P.s. Where did those tinks get 20k from anyway? Must be hoorin that big fud Miller out through the week or something?

  3. Give the poor wee sheep shaggers a break.


    It must be hard knowing the glory of DECADES past will never be repeated and they are now little more than a broke wee team from the back end of nowhere who can't buy a win.


    P.S. 200 odd K for MM and Leetch! Still pishing myself!!

  4. also the fact he was voted MOTM against hibs fucking baffles


    Absolutely spot on!


    His positional sense was shocking and probably cost us 2 of the 3 goals. Anyone who thought he was MOTM couldn't have been there.

  5. Didn't hear any racist abuse at all from where I was sat and can't condone throwing anything onto the park but that wee shite was clearly on the wind up.


    Unfortunately the ref lacked the bottle to book him after his snide goal celebration and if we had any men in our side he'd have left the pitch on a stretcher. That would've been justice.

  6. Whatever happens, I appreciate him being upfront and honest about the situation. He hasn't gone greetin' to the club about moving, whoring himself around or handing in transfer requests unlike a certain flukey manager, a fat wee aussie and a ginger loudmouth! No names.


    Always gives his all and deserves his payday when the time eventually comes. Hopefully his performances between now and the inevitable departure are of a level to attract a good offer from a decent club (not the OF or any of the other shite up here).


    Ohhhhhhhhhh Marky Reynolds!...

  7. From the BBC Gossip Pages:


    Aberdeen's hopes of signing Plymouth duo Jim Paterson and Steve MacLean have been sunk as the Pittodrie club cannot afford the pair's wages. (Press and Journal)


    Aberdeen face competition from Plymouth for the signature of Reda Johnson after the Amiens defender played for the Championship side in a friendly against Morecambe. (Plymouth Herald)


    Just as well you're at a big club now. Roon ye bawjaws!! :evilgrin:

  8. I'm not buying this crap about how he carried/led the club through the heartbreaking loss of Phil. We all got through it together! The players, the staff and the fans. Nothing Mark McGhee did during that dreadful time made any difference to how I felt and surely guys like Clarky and the thousands who turned out at Swinecastle (2-2) deserve as much if not more credit than our former manager who was purely a mouthpiece for the club.


    His footballing achievements in the first season were brilliant considering what he started with but the players that made the difference were already there which was probably just as well as most of his own signings weren't exactly thrilling! Moreover, during the subsequent euro "adventure" Mark McGhee's ridiculous decisions in both legs against Nancy cost us dearly. Not quite the genius some folk are making him out to be.


    The less said about the second season the better. He'd already used the Hearts offer to double his wages then had the cheek to basically down tools, not even try to promote the young guys, sign duds like Boab on wages that we should never have been paying and make very little effort to keep guys like Hughes as he assumed they'd follow him when he deserted us. Wrong again spadeface.


    As someone said before on these boards, you're either with us or you're against us and some of the people on here defending that big slag want to get there priorities and loyalties in order.

  9. If the Gaffers looking for players on short term deals to help out the youngsters, he could do a lot worse than Christian Dailly, and it might give us someone who can win a header from a cross ball.


    Hope your future posts are better than your first one mate ;)

  10. Absolutely appalling! No fight, no composure and no leadership.


    I've seen some poor well sides over the years but that mob last night are easily the worst (Malpish era included). There is no argument.


    As some folks have already posted, there are certain guys who should never appear in a Well shirt again such as McGarry and Sutton. Unfortunately, necessity dictates that they will play again next week and that fills me with dread.


    JG must be wondering what he's gotten himself into. On the plus side, that shower of shit last night will show him that there is no-one in the first team who cannot be easily replaced and give an idea of the massive re-building job that is required.


    We are now officially the laughing stock of Scottish football.


    P.s. whoever gave Sutton a 3 year contract should be sectioned under the mental health act. My gran has more mobility and awareness and she's been dead 5 years.

  11. It's all very well saying that we'll get 5 or 6 players in but delivering this may prove to be a bit harder. McGhee was lucky to bring in 5 or 6 players over two years! (probably due to the fact that he only wanted players better than what we had and being stubborn about it).



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