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Posts posted by lennyhenry

  1. Think the abuse that Mcghee took on sat was a disgrace and Mcghee definitely heard the abuse that came from the main stand. I personally thought that he should have brought on subs earlier, sutton should have came off and murphy brought on earlier. But I have too much respect for what the guy has done to stand up and shout "ur a disgrace McGhee" amongst other things that were shouted.


    I've heard fans talk about him touting himself for other jobs and not being loyal. No wonder. He is the manager of a team who he has no emotional connections with, done a fantastic job but still the fans give him pelters. If i was in McGhee I would do exactly the same thing!


    Got no problem with people expressing their opinion but think that they will regret it once McGhee moves on and they realise that we will find it hard to get a manager of his pedigree!


  2. hes the player we have been missing under mcghee. even by flying into tackles, he can raise a few tempers and lift the fans and the players! The klimp must be signed!


    And can someone post the words to that song that was being sung about him at tynie? Absolutly quality!

  3. curious to find out how the stewards are allocated between stands. from the phil o'donnel it looked as if there was almost a steward for every person in the east stand corner beside the south stand. for the scum in the south stand looked as if there were about 10 stewards for the whole stand.


    Away i am used to being treated as a second class citizen, but it seems every time the old firm come Motherwell treat us worse! Keep being told that communication is improving between the club and the supporters, but all i see is the club further distancing itself from the people it should be trying to improve relations with. Less time spent on a newsletter, more time spent on stuff that really matters!

  4. He's nowhere near enough ready for consistent first team games.



    I'm not talking about "consistent 1st team football" but the boy is a naturally talented footballer. IMO he needs to be given more oppertunities off the bench.

  5. i'll agree that his performances dipped when he was in the team, but when he was introduced he was the best player on the park. and when was the last time that he was given a decent run out?


    what we lack is someone that can take a man out the game. the only person we have got that can take a man on is o'brien and he cant cross a ball so it doesnt really matter. With half an hour to go murphy should be given a chance because he has the potential to change the game.

  6. IMO we need to start giving this boy more chances in the 1st team. against hibs last season and towards the start of this season he was brilliant. he was getting MOTM every time he played, now he has fallen out the picture. Surely he would have made an impact last night. not saying he should start but he is better than darren (head down and run as fast as you can) smith.

  7. I don't buy into the argument that scotland didn't approach him - what did he want a fcuking fanfare on his 15th birthday from the SFA?!


    Also read recently that 2 other hamilton youth players aged 14 and 15 have chosen ROI due to scotland showing no interest in them - I mean again what do these kids expect? Do they want the SFA to speak to every single youth player in the country and say 'Aye no bother wee man, stick with us and we'll give you a cap' -get fcuking real!


    If you're scottish, you're scottish and if you're good enough you will get picked for your country. Guys like Paul Hartley and Barry Robson didn't get picked til their late 20's, if these d1cks want to go whoring yourself out to other nations at the age of 15 then frankly i wouldn't want them anywhere near the scotland team and they deserve all the abuse they get and to reiterate its not racist/sectarian abuse, the same way as Kris Boyd/Burton O'Brien have been abused for turning their back on their country.


    My friend that is the best post i have ever read!

  8. What???? Is that what he did?? What did he shout??


    "Its a 4 3 3, honest"


    Couldnt hear what he shouted but he was mouthin off, leitch had to drag him away! There are a few idiots in the main stand an just with 1 look at them you can tell that they havent kicked a ball in their life and i do find myself telling them to shut it. but that is part of scottish football and he should be able to handle it especially when the rest off the stand is clapping the players off, after they havent played very well. IMO it wasnt right for Mcghee to do that.

  9. Okkkayyy and the award for missing the bloody point goes too........


    Go and have a read at what I posted earlier on.


    And by the way, lets not turn this into another Fitzpatrick bashing, its been done to death.

    And lets face it the way motherwell as in the club have handled the whole fan thing is a bit like a "its ma baw" syndrome. "He is my team so your no allowed to play" piss off.


    Oh and lenny henry... the wife and kids jibe was pathetic



    I did not say anythin about wife and kids, go an have a read what was posted earlier on!


    Think McGhee's article is well written and I agree with everything he says. What i dont agree with is him turnin around and shoutin at the whole stand when some supporters are clapping the players off the park!

  10. Naw its cause we booed Mccarthy Well that seems to be the answer for everything else :D



    you on a mission to start a debate about mccarthy in every thread? some people wont boo him some people will. move on an lets talk about how good klimpl is!

  11. at half time in the st mirren game when Mcghee was walkin down the tunnel someone shouted 'it's not working'. Mcghee stopped and stared the guy out as if he was going to come up and smack him. Also after the game he was shouting at the crowd. Both times Leitchy had to pull him away.


    I like Mcghee and think he has done wonders for Motherwell. I may be wrong, but i get the feeling that it is just a job for him and he couldnt care less what the fans think. He's always called a professional because he never loses his cool, but sometimes i wish he would come out and 'lose the head' (Craig Levein, Terry Butcher) just to show that he actually does care about the football club.


    IMO the treatment some players get from the fans is shocking and does not help the team, but Mcghee has been in the game long enough to deal with it.

  12. Got to admit at the start of the season i thought craigan was the weak link and should have been dropped. However, we missed him while he was away and I'm glad he is back now. He'd been in the team for a while and i think the time out with the injury has made him sharper and he has returned a better player.


    IMO, one of the main reasons that the defence has stopped leaking goals is klimpl sitting infront of them. The guy is a 1 man defence in his own!

  13. :lol::lol::P


    I've got more intelligence in left nipple mate.


    Good for you tho, good for you! Stick in at yer school thingwy and that!


    When you graduate - you'll just be like . . . . Donald Findlay! In so many ways!



    Seem to be on this site quite a lot steve... got a job? I'll prob be as rich as donald findlay when i graduate after all i am top of my class at most subjects that you prob wouldnt understand... thing is instead of hating catholics because i am a bigot, i will hate the narrow minded opinions of the west of Scotland!!! Unlike you, i am angered whenever a celtic fan supports Ireland over Scotland, likewise a Rangers fan supporting England over Scotland. I have the same feelings towards Brian McLean as i do o'brien. IMO it is pretty unintelligent to just support someone because they wear a Motherwell jersey


    Have a nice day Steve, good luck with the job hunt!

  14. and a bit thick


    Plan on explaining that? Am i thick because all the people i know that support celtic have more of an interest in Ireland, a lot of rangers fans i know support england and i dont like that. Am i thick because it is my opinion that the stories of Scotland not picking them cover up the fact that they actually favour Ireland over Scotland.


    btw, dont think i am that thick if i am doing a law degree at Glasgow uni. If you disagree with me fine, but i am probably more intelligent than you Steve Diggle.

  15. I have a problem with o'brien because i am a firm country before club man. he choose ireland over scotland and i think he is a reflection of the secretarian problem in the west of scotland. He may well have just reason for choosing ireland and i would like to hear those reasons along with mcgeady and mcCarthy. But from what has been reported the lame excuses they come out with (Scotland never picked me) reflect almost every celtic fan i know, more interested in Ireland than Scotland. When he plays for motherwell i will support him and want him to do well for the team. If he moved away would i boo him... yes!


    I dont have a problem at all with sheridan because he's an irishman playing for ireland, but when a scotsman plays for ireland or Northern Ireland for that matter, i lose all respect for them!


    If that makes me a bigot for taking a pride in my country then fine!

  16. on 90 mins we're 3-0 up, Mcghee should shout to kimpl to tackle as high as possible on the wee arse!! ruin his career and he can go back to ireland to recover!!!


    People go on about this narrow minded nonsense, have you ever stopped to think that McCarthy represents everything that is bad about scottish football. Celtic fans thinking their irish, rangers fans thinking their english!!! It's not being narrow minded, because i think my hatred is based upon intelligent and well thought principals!!!


    Maros end his career!

  17. right then lets have a forum where we all agree and some1 can bring up a point and we'll all add comments saying how much we agree. How good would that be?


    For the scottish/irish players you mentioned there some of us support our country before any1 (doesnt make me less of a motherwell fan) and we dont have any respect for them cause they choose another country over scotland.


    Bob Malcolm and Paul Quinn havent exactly got the best track record off the field, but should we just ignore that because they play for Motherwell?


    I do conceed that i some people are over critical of players e.g. Fitzy, but if you dont like the critisism chase yourself and dont read it. The whole point in a forum is for someone to say what they think and to discuss whether you agree with that topic, not for everyone to agree that Motherwell are brilliant!

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