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Posts posted by Grant

  1. Losing against the OF is not the problem for me, it's the way we fold like a cheap suit after conceding the first goal that gets my goat. That's something we can do something about.


    Maybe if we stopped drumming it onto our players that they aren't as good as the OF, are not expected to get anything, can only win if the opposition have an off day and we get a massive slice of luck etc. then our guys might actually have some belief and go into games thinking we can get something rather than how many are we going to lose this time.


    If you think you are going to lose, then you are half way there already. Rather than saying this result was expected McCall should come out and say it's not on, otherwise all he is doing is reinforcing the belief that getting humped 4 nil is acceptable, and that is exactly where we are at the minute.


    The sooner we break this habit the better.



    That's what annoys me aswell. It's the fact we always seem to put in an absolute pathetic performance home and away against the old firm. We just seem to let them walk all over us and give them too much room etc. Don't really know what can be done to sort this though.



  2. Aye ill certainly not be back to that shitehole. How can one of our fans get ejected against rangers for a flag say "We've got Law and he hates h**s" yet a few thousand of them get away with singing "go home ya h**s"??


    Stewards just looked to use their power for the whole game, getting the police to have a word with folk for nothing. Was good to see the boys up the back leaving in protest, get treated like shit at that stadium.


    As for the game, nobody turned up, simple as.




  3. Games a bogey. Was standing in the Spar or Nisa as it is now in Bellshill this morning. Two guys having a chat at the paper stand, both guys I would guess as mid to late 50's.

    Ist guy says, 'you seen the state ae Murrawell toon centre?'

    other mutant replies 'naw, how',

    Ist drongo 'it's aaw Murrawell shit, fur da cup final'

    Mutanto 2 'Dats shocking it's a Sellick toon an aw'

    At which point I proceeded to burst out laughing and replied 'the clues in the name for fuck sake, Motherwell town Centre'. Both looked at me with blank expressions that could only have been gained from 30yrs of standing in a dole queue!!!

    Sums these Fuckwits up.





    Thats the reason scottish football's in the state it's in!





  4. Been liasing with the Advisory committee and the club regarding the matter, I'm going to go down to the Civic this week and enquire about the lisence.


    For the time being, those with a PayPal account, please get donating. Card display it will be by the looks of things, we have the 40 1.5 metre squared flags which didnt arrive in time for the Semi, which will be getting saved for the final also. Shaping up to be a great day in terms of colour, lets hope we can match it with noise!!


    How many coloured cards are we looking at and are they Claret and Amber?

  5. So if Celtic met and beat us in the Cup Final and Rangers won the league we would have no Europe?


    yeh i think i heard that then the 4th place team gets into the Europa League.


    So Basically we want Celtic to win the league or Just WIN THE CUP!!!!thumbup.gif

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