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Everything posted by steelboy

  1. i agree 100% with ya beezer. any talk of bloodlines is a nonsense and a fantasy, if people are here and there contributing to our society they're scottish (if they want to be). england, ireland, spain, italy and countless other countries don't have any problems with stuff like this and i think the only reason we do is that we're not independent and people feel the need to fight to protect our national identity rather than let it evolve.
  2. i don't know to be honest but i suspect i'd be more sympathetic to their cause than i am now. driver came here when he was ten, the majority of his life that he can remember has been in scotland. you say nationality isn't a choice it's an accident of birth, what about all the people queuing up to be become americans?
  3. i think this case shows up how daft your argument was. any reasonable person would say driver is more scottish than humphrey.
  4. saunders has played brilliantly so far but i think it's a bit much to expect an 18 year old to keep his consistency up for a full season. there's no harm in giving the guy's a rest every so often and making them earn there place in the team.
  5. we rode our luck yesterday. if you compare our performance this weekend with our last two at parkhead (a win and a loss) there isn't really much difference in our efforts. celtic just didn't have enough quality to punish us this time.
  6. he started in midfield against st johnstone and aberdeen and at left back against kilmarnock. centrehalf is definitely his best position though.
  7. bbc have got 21 shots, 9 on target. from our point of view it doesn't matter anyway they missed three or four great chances. we had the luck today, fuck them.
  8. who do you think forbes played better than?
  9. steelboy

    Jordan Halsman

    imo a kenny wrightesque performance when he came on.
  10. that's not a compliment. there were ten motherwell players who started today who played better.
  11. right good supporrt today even with the game bejng online. whoever said they wouldn't give celtic any money is a fucking clown we paid 22 quid which is the same as you'll pay for any away game and it was well worth it to support the lads to a great result. gannon got everything right today. he did exactly what he did against falkirk. that formation is perfect for playing the OF against other teams we need more up top.
  12. the way i look at is that for every £20 quid i give the old firm motherwell gets £200 from them. i'm looking forward to saturday. it's been a month since the last away game so it's quite good we're getting a wee run of them and they're all relatively local. we're going to head into bridgeton for a few and watch the h*n game with the locals.
  13. was up getting tickets there about 250 sold apparently. with nae JOB i'd go for ruddy yassin craigan reynolds hammell hateley humphrey coke forbes murphy lukas hopefully the break will have helped forbes get back on his game. if not get him subbed early and get jennings in.
  14. i doubt he will do a pearson. my problem with pearson was that he effectively withdrew his labour and forced us to sell him at a knock down price in the winter window when if he'd have kept up his october/november form til may we could have went to tribunal and got at least as much money for him. if slane does everything asked of him until the end of the season then goes to celtic i'd have no complaints. it would be a boot in the balls for the fans but at the same time if he suffered a career ending injury the contract would be off the table and he'd be forgotten about.
  15. the idiot prize in this thread is surely destined for your matlepiece.
  16. does no else think we've no right to expect any loyalty from 17 and 18 year olds as if they weren't up to scratch we wouldn't be quick in bombing them out the door ourselves.
  17. he gave 100% on the park for the duration of his contract, that's all i'm bothered about.
  18. that's my point the shoe's on the other foot this time. if we don't want a young boy it's cheerio, don't let the door hit your arse on the way out. this time the young out of contract boy might not want us, i don't see how we can complain.
  19. how exactly did simo treat the club and fans abominably? if anything he was treated poorly when john davies and paul harvey were getting a game in front of him (which cost us europe imo). it must be frazzle's time of the month. getting whipped up into a frenzy then admitting he doesn't actually know anything about the situation a couple of posts later . you don't perchance have a big brother who's gonnae batter paul slane? all the speculation about slane is getting beyond a joke. the boy's 17 he's looks a good player but he's out of contract at the end of the season and he's got the same rights as everyone else. motherwell release near enough a dozen players every year, it's a business.
  20. i can spot myself in the east jumping about with my tap aff. went a bit mental that day.
  21. steelboy

    Supporters Trust?

    agreed. all the suggestions above would take a lot of effort from whoever is in charge. it's clear that no one's willing to put in the effort running an organisation that would please most people would require and it doesn't seem like it would be worthwhile as the trust doesn't seem to have much influence on the running of the club and right now the club doesn't appear to really need the kind of oversight a trust provides. if we ever found ourselves up shit creek again like in 2002 then i'm sure people would rally again. right now the club is ticking along nicely and due to the internet fans have the best source of info and means of communicating that we've ever had. i don't think we need a trust.
  22. aye, cambuslang young sports personality of the year quite an honour, i hope he keeps his feet on the ground.
  23. i met gannon before the ryhll game the day after he got the job. he was happy to chat for a while and he was quite happy to outline his plans to us and listen to what we thought about the squad. met loads of players but big partro is the one who sticks out as being the soundest. i also got into a massive argument with malpas after st johnstone knocked us out the cup and hegarty and his son looked like they were going to try and set about me.
  24. it doesn't have to be sooner though. clarkson had a great start for 18 months for us then had three years where he struggled but eventually he came good and we got a lot out of him on the park and 800 grand. jamie hasn't had a proper run in his prefered position but he's got good technique and he's shown in the u21 matches that he can score goals. give him time to develop physically and figure out his own game and we'll have a player on our hands.
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