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Posts posted by helliseasterroad

  1. We (and I include myself in that) need to stop worrying about comparing ourselves to the OF. We have a great travelling support who obviously make a fine impression with opposition fans. We shouldn't be defined by how we stack up against the OF - hardly the standard bearers of excellence, anyway.


    Our identity as a club doesn't rely on the OF. Let the media carry on with their Rangers/Celtic obsession, and let the 'Well (and other non-OF) fans take care of our own clubs' reputations. The people of Nancy, Llanelli, Vlorë and Bucharest were smart enough to make up their own minds. We don't need spoon-fed by the Glasgow journos to tell us how good we are; we heard it first-hand :D


    Well said, I'm sure we have now built up a good reputation where it matters. I honestly couldn't give a shit about what the tabloids say. The way we were likened to Aberdeen in our defeat last week was typical of the crap they publish!

  2. Cheers, if we keep this squad together and 2 more players in, I think we will do very well. Good luck yourselves. Hopefully a 'well fan knows staff at the club and a game can be sorted next pre season between the two clubs


    I'd love to see that, we have already established a Healthy Welsh connection amongst the fans.

  3. Whose writing this fucking book, us or you?

    Going by the state of your posts it's no wonder you need us to write the bloody thing.

    Capital letters at the start of a sentence, punctuation throughout, capital I in I've, there are two 'p's in scrapped, a gap after a full stop, capital E in European, there is no such word as yous and there is an e on the end of please.

    The only writing you do is your name when you sign on, unless your carer does that for you. Jeffrey Archer must be worried sick with another cretin picking up a pen.


    Steady on, he's only a kid!

  4. Very sad indeed to see this and see the circumstances behind it.


    For someone to do this there must be some very underlying issues that none of us a privy too. It is an illness and should be seen as such. We shouldn't judge, only mourn.


    RIP Paul. My thoughts are with your wife and kids.

  5. We were totally outclassed tonight, Steau were very sharp and every player had a fire in their belly!


    Playing like that, they would easily have taken any of the auld firm.


    Heres hoping for a 4-0 home win next week. :(


    A bit better than getting beat 5-1 at home by a team I've never heard of though, eh Mr McGhee? Just as well the Aberdeen supporters are very forgiving. ;)


    If nothing else, its been an excellent pre season preparation. Can't wait until the domestic season starts.


    Well done to the players, especially Ruddy, outstanding performance. Lets try and save face a bit next week.

  6. At what stage did they hike the price up tae £689? I was able to work my way through to credit card details without an increase happening just there.


    I went in through Travel supermarket, the price came up as £289 when it transfered me to the KLM page, then it refreshed with the message saying it had changed to £689.


    That was an Edinburgh to Bucharest flight though.

  7. Any further ideas why the penalty had to be retaken? BBC are reporting that it was due to encroachment by the Albanian. In my book that means it should stand and only have been retaken if the kipper had saved the initial kick.


    Was it Billy the Fish in goals for them? :P

  8. I just hope to fuck that this old guy is ok...my grampa (as I called him) passed away about 5 or 6 years ago when he was 73...as long as I knew him (I was born in '74) he was a die hard 'Well fan and 'cause of that, I was always trying to get him back to Fir Park, he always told me he'd loved to go, but any week I phoned, there was always an excuse...t...he eventually admitted to me one New Year (under the influence!!) that he never had the confidence to go back after soooooooo long being away....I was devastaed, would have loved to have taken my gramps to a game..........because of this, I just pray to god that the old bloke isny put off coming back next season after these wankers...


    I aint a big (hard man type) guy by any means, but I'd love 20 minutes in a locked cell with each of these fuckwits...fucking cowardly pussy's them both.....and as for the uncle..............


    I'm with you there mate, I was disgusted when I heard this and would also enjoy a bit of 1-1 time with them!


    It would be a real shame if the guy was put off. I'll be looking out for him at Airdrie in a few weeks and will shake his hand if I see him.

  9. Special AKA referred to the incident in Nancy in an earlier post. One guy (and his companion) seemed hell-bent on causing a fight over seats, to the extent he assualted someone trying to keep the peace. Never seen either of them before or since and it left a bad taste in the mouth.


    I didn't go to Wales but I know this incident put a right dampener on the whole trip for a lot of people. There seems a few versions of events flying about but, it doesn't matter if there was any provocation or not, you don't assualt a frail, elderly gent. End of story.


    Yeah, the big man was standing a few rows behind me.


    Its exactly as you described, no one was sitting in allocated seats and he took a dislike to it.


    I had never seen them before that match and have never seen them since. One of them got a good thumping from a Fir Park regular though after he started on an older guy also who he thought was in his chair, it also turned out they were in the wrong section, so the whole incident was for nothing!!!

  10. Considering that some of the best times over the last 2 away Europe marches have revolved around marching in the streets with beer bottles and flags, this would be a no go for me also.


    Part of the fun is mingling with the oppostion fans, having some banter and sharing a beer.


    Nancy was typical of this with a sing off with the Nancy fans in Stanislas Place.


    I wasn't going to Albania anyway due to the early arrival of my son but doubt if I would have anyway based on this!


    Hopefully the fans that travel (and there will be some), will have a good time and come back with some stories of the good times. B-)

  11. All I can say is that I hope the guy gets all thats coming to him and anyone else involved!


    I was in Nancy last year and there was also an incident within the Motherwell fans where one guy, just went ape shit over nothing and it ended up in a boxing match.


    Luckily it died down but its something we could be doing without.


    Hopefully the old guy is ok, I've seen him around over the years, hes obviously a big Motherwell fan.

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