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Everything posted by Trucks

  1. How the fuck can a ten year old come on here, say "my mates a die hard dickhead...", spout a random name and random club, and spawn a three page fucking discussion?! *Starts a 'McGarry to Man Utd' thread*
  2. I like this guy. Would've loved it if that big fucker scored that long effort. What the fuck was he doing on a football pitch?!
  3. Must've been a bitch of a commute for you. People blaming McGhee.
  4. Is it on the fishel site? Spacker.
  5. This. Club captain or whatever. Wouldn't really bother me if it was a new signing or whoever took it though, giving it to Clarkson was a nice touch, treat it as normal from now on.
  6. Trucks


    Birthday present innit.
  7. Trucks


    Top arrived today (after paying fuck all for it. ) and it looks like a shite fake thing. Was it really worth it to have a stripe along the back?
  8. Your spelling is as good as this thread.
  9. Is everyone not getting a little bit excited about someone who done terribly with Fulham, showing that he couldn't pick a good player out of a barcelona side? Chris Baird. £3m.
  10. This is definetly going to be taken serious, especially as you've used the correct updated spelling of 'thanx'.
  11. Leitch is away with him. Thank christ.
  12. What the fuck is Jeffries and Hughes doing there? Were just about to lose a manager to an SPL side, but obviously we can take one off another SPL side.
  13. Trucks


    Would still be a better contribution than most on here tbf.
  14. Trucks


    That's some first post.
  15. Trucks


    God help someone has a view against the majority. Did the Motherwell designers put the 3 dots under the arms, which coincidentally occurs on most of the CCC tops?
  16. Trucks


    Lots of this. Some of you lot are so sad. OH MY GOD IM GOING TO GET UP EXTRA SPECIAL EARLY AND LOOK AT A TOP I WON'T BE ABLE TO BUY FOR 20 DAYS. It's alright, shorts would be better claret. But I've still got my claret shorts from the xara tops, so whenever some mug buys me it, it'll be fine. Not paying for shit>>>Paying for shit.
  17. This! You lot must be fucking slow.
  18. :facepalm: You didn't get dropped at birth did you? You were thrown.
  19. It was on the bbc gossip section that if we avoid 2 reds we are in europe. It also said Celtic are signing Bojan on loan.
  20. We could be dancing in the streets of Total Network Solutions.
  21. I might renew mine, but I ain't renewing yours pal.
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