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Jamie Murphy


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  • 6 months later...

2 things most frustrating about our performances at Fir Park this season...


1.) Higdon being isolated and winning countless headers and flicking them on to no one.

2.) Murphy wondering around the pitch aimlessly and doing the square route of fuck all.


The solution, play Murphy up front with Higdon!! Not left wing, right back, centre mid or wherever else he fancies popping up. Make sure he's on the shoulder of the last man every time the balls fired up to Higdon and use his pace to get in behind. Also get him picking up the ball in the final third were he can run at defenders and be a danger and not fannying about with the ball in his own half getting in other peoples way(Mostly Nicky Law's).


He certainly needs to get his finger out, our most talented player maybe but nowhere near our most effective this season. Hopefully playing him up front can sort out our problems and his.

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


so Murphy has been playing just wherever the hell he fancies popping up


I'm saying he's not suited to the role he's being playing at home in the system we are playing and that's why he's been ineffective. I want him to be playing closer to Higdon up front, not drifting around the midfield looking for the ball. We have Law to carry the ball and link up between defence and attack, Murphy doesn't need to be dropping so deep to collect the ball and should be looking to pick up the ball in the final third were he can do more damage. Not popping up in areas of the pitch were he doesn't need to be and is completely ineffectual. The amount of times Hammell collects the ball and Law and Murphy take up the same posistion is infuriating.


Of course I didn't mean he was dismissing McCall's orders and just playing where he wants, didn't think anyone would be that daft enough to think that's what I meant but there you go. :mellow:

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I'm saying he's not suited to the role he's being playing at home in the system we are playing and that's why he's been ineffective. I want him to be playing closer to Higdon up front, not drifting around the midfield looking for the ball.... Murphy doesn't need to be dropping so deep to collect the ball and should be looking to pick up the ball in the final third were he can do more damage. Not popping up in areas of the pitch were he doesn't need to be and is completely ineffectual.


I totally agree. That said I don't think he's a striker - more an out and out winger. You're right about Michael Higdon too - plenty of flicks, knock downs but no-one to take advantage of them. Jamie has even ended up playing behind Steve Hammell at times when MH is crying out for support. We're doing very well this season as our league position proves, but Jamie is being wasted in the current set up.


The reasons for our lacklustre home form are plain for all to see - wrong offensive formation and tactics.

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I'm saying he's not suited to the role he's being playing at home in the system we are playing and that's why he's been ineffective. I want him to be playing closer to Higdon up front, not drifting around the midfield looking for the ball. We have Law to carry the ball and link up between defence and attack, Murphy doesn't need to be dropping so deep to collect the ball and should be looking to pick up the ball in the final third were he can do more damage. Not popping up in areas of the pitch were he doesn't need to be and is completely ineffectual. The amount of times Hammell collects the ball and Law and Murphy take up the same posistion is infuriating.

You can see it, Dave can see it, I can see it and agree in full, but the man that matters and has us in third position obviously doesn't think thats whats holding him back, but surely he is equally as concerned that a few players are going backwards under his spell in charge (or maybe he just thinks they are pish!)


Of course I didn't mean he was dismissing McCall's orders and just playing where he wants, didn't think anyone would be that daft enough to think that's what I meant but there you go. :mellow:


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You can see it, Dave can see it, I can see it and agree in full, but the man that matters and has us in third position obviously doesn't think thats whats holding him back, but surely he is equally as concerned that a few players are going backwards under his spell in charge (or maybe he just thinks they are pish!)

I agree, it's hard to criticise the man with the job he's done though.






Only jesting.

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