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Undersoil Heating


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I must admit, I'm surprised the Rangers game is off.


They should throw the book at them - Mickey mouse outfit - how can they not have their stadium up to scratch to host football games . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Insert any other chliche that gets rolled out when teams like us call off a game for frozen plumbin'


That fucker Bain must be out the country - his hot air should be well capable of keeping that shit hole frost free

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They should throw the book at them - Mickey mouse outfit - how can they not have their stadium up to scratch to host football games . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Insert any other chliche that gets rolled out when teams like us call off a game for frozen plumbin'


That fucker Bain must be out the country - his hot air should be well capable of keeping that shit hole frost free



I heard from a couple of Rangers seasons ticket holders at work that parts of Ibrox are falling to bits and they can't afford to fix it due to the upcoming bill they are due to receive from the taxman.


Some of the toilets were wrecked at a game months ago which were reported and they were told there was nothing could be done. They also heard a rumour that they might have to stop serving hot food at the kiosks as they can't afford to keep that running either. :lol:



Probably utter pish, but heard it a while ago off a few people.

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Really, what was the fucking point in making sure SPL teams have USH? Another waste, just like all-seater stadiums.
Wait until Jan/Feb when there is just frost to deal with and then judge. It was never intended to deal with the current weather and I imagine there will be 3 or 4 games saved per season because we have it. For a club like us, that can keep the finances ticking over nicely.
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Doncaster last night seemed to suggest an early July start to the SPL going forward. Obviously it has to be put to clubs for consensus.


He did highlight that UEFA insist on blackouts on domestic competition even if it's a Europa qualifier involving teams in Lithuania against Bulgaria. So, even if we wanted to get a few extra games out the way in the light nights when you can show up wearing a t-shirt then unfortunately the leagues hands are tied.


Just another example of UEFA/FIFA's response to common sense to stick their fingers in their ears and shout "nananananananana".


I don't understand the Ibrox decision a full 30 hours before though, we put on a game on Tuesday night, the roads are pretty much clear (that was the Police objection) and the temperatures have been consistent in the past few days.

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I don't understand the Ibrox decision a full 30 hours before though, we put on a game on Tuesday night, the roads are pretty much clear (that was the Police objection) and the temperatures have been consistent in the past few days.


FFS how many times? It's not the pitch that's the problem it's burst pipes that have caused extensive damage.

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I understand, and we had a similar problem on Monday/Tuesday, however plumber(s) got their finger out and repaired upwards of 50 leaks.


We also have a fraction of the turnover and resources that Rangers have.


Also, with respect to your "FFS How many times?" comment, SteveDiggle mentioned it, so that would be one and not a plethora as you appear to suggest.

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Also, with respect to your "FFS How many times?" comment, SteveDiggle mentioned it, so that would be one and not a plethora as you appear to suggest.


True, I'll concede that one. I thought your post was having a go at the pitch/surrounding area/roads when in actual fact it was extensive water damage caused by burst pipes that the game was called off for. We've no idea how bad the damage is at Ibrox compared to ourselves so I don't think it's fair to draw any comparisons.


Just ignore me, I'm being a grumpy bastard today. <_>

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Not sure I agree that it was a total waste. Our pitch looks amazing. It's been a bowling green all season with few signs of it becoming an embarrassing tattie field.

That's all well and good - but what use is it when we can't get the games played anyway? Why force teams into unnecessary expenses like this when the game is dying in its arse?

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That's all well and good - but what use is it when we can't get the games played anyway? Why force teams into unnecessary expenses like this when the game is dying in its arse?
Because it will be in good shape when we do have games, and when the abnormal snow conditions disappear and we are back to regular overnight frost/freezing (with no snow involved) we will be minted.
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I'm never been a fan of undersoil heating, for environmental reason, the only reason why the SPL insit on it is so that they meet their TV contracts and we have to play so many games each season becuse the old scum want to have 4 old hate games every season.

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