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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/2023 in Posts

  1. Just heard the sad news Best Scotland manager in my lifetime , a great year at the Well in 2010 also and dragged us from Gannon’s mess to a 12 game unbeaten run and that unforgettable 6-6 Hibs game among others Should never have left when he did in my opinion , but worked out not too bad at all with wee Stuart
    5 points
  2. I think it's a bit of a myth that Goss doesn't work hard or tackle.
    2 points
  3. Him and John Boyle had a set-to in the dugouts that same season after he’d went to Aberdeen. Boyle said something in his ear then tried to run away and Brown went after him. That spell from summer 2009 when Gannon came in to when Brown and Knox took over and then of course ditched us for Aberdeen in late 2010 was a mental but memorable spell for us. And of course him and Knox were often referred to as ‘Jack and Victor’ during their time here.
    1 point
  4. Sad to hear. One of the few people heavily involved at all levels of the Scottish game who talked it up and put it in a positive light.
    1 point
  5. He's only there out of courtesy. Rest in Peace.
    1 point
  6. RIP Craig - had the pleasure of meeting him at Stephen Craigan's testimonial dinner. A complete gent and took time to answer what I'm sure were the most inane questions.
    1 point
  7. Very sad news, his record internationally was great, his only fault being he continued with an ageing side . Done a great job for us as manager after the Gannon shambles, was in charge for the 6-6 classic. RIP Broony
    1 point
  8. Yes, confirmed on SKY. 82 years old. RIP
    1 point
  9. It's that time of year - more than 2 months to go before the window closes - when the posts start coming in about how weak our squad is. It peaks around the first or second game in the league cup group, when there's still 6 weeks before the window closes and teams are playing their fittest available 11 (five or six of which won't even be starters when the league campaign starts). The structure we have now with league cup groups, and league campaign, kicking off well before the window shuts means you would think fans would know by now that the squad the first week in July will be very different from squads the first week in September. Instead, you could cut and paste the same posts from 3 or 4 years ago into this thread. I hope they don't really get as stressed about it as their posts make them sound. Enjoy your summer, and your holidays, and then see where we stand squad-wise on the 2nd of September.
    1 point
  10. New post with Ketterwell talking to the group and he names the boy Josh.
    1 point
  11. Be really interesting to see what Efford can do this season. He looked a different player under Hammell, but got injured too quickly to assess whether he could have maintained that form. A lot might depend on how SK wants to play this season. If he continues with last seasons shape/tactics its hard to see how Efford fits into that. He might be one that we are looking to move on. He wouldnt be first on my list for that fate though.
    1 point
  12. Yup, always loved the classic "floodlight strip" as it used to be called. Last season's white outfit was pretty nice too.
    1 point
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