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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2024 in Posts

  1. Just got around to watching the highlights. For all Colin Steven is undoubtedly a poor referee it does look like he and the VAR got the offside decision on their goal correct. The frustrating thing is it takes so long and the camera angles we appear to be using are so poor, it lends little confidence to the process. Good finish from Bair again for his goal anf unlucky with his other chance as its point blank range and the keeper spreads himself well. I see Paton is getting a hard time on social media and I obviously didnt see his whole performance, and whilst he should hit the target with the first one, the keeper does very well to deny him a shooting opportunity with the second. Cant help feeling that folk are using him as a stick to beat SK with due to their Ross County connection. I find him to be quite a tidy footballer for the most part who tries to do the right things and is sometimes put under pressure by having no out ball. He looked a much better player in the first part of the season when we were playing well, so I think as we strengthen the squad and try to climb the table he will start to look much better. Overall, I think it was a decent point, could have had all 3. Need to strengthen up top by the weekend and then we are on to Kilmarock.
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. He always put a shift in even when he wasn't scoring. That was obvious.
    2 points
  4. ffs dave man thats uterly jinxed him noo, no more goals all season now for theo,,,,,,, you should have kept quiet 😁
    2 points
  5. So, after this weekend I have to say that I've officially been won over by Theo Bair. As most of you know, I had very little hope of seeing him be a success at Motherwell, despite really hoping he would be. He's worked hard and has proved his doubters, including me, wrong. And I've never been happier to be wrong. We all love a "lad comes good" story, and this is one of them. Let's hope it continues for him and he can even hit double figures!
    2 points
  6. and chose the wrong profession
    1 point
  7. I like the lad hope we can keep him at Fir Park but he will have to stop reading this forum 😂and he might improve 🤔 😂
    1 point
  8. av said it before but i hope to feck hees practicing defending against armstrong playing on the right, drops his shoulder inside and whips balls into our box,, now a hope tae feck somebody anybody gets there big daft heid on it to put it back up the park
    1 point
  9. I would offer him a good contract but add a clause that says "Nae corner kicks allowed" 🤣🤣
    1 point
  10. Where did we beat Livingston?
    1 point
  11. I would admit that if I'd ever claimed it, but I haven't. In fact, when fans on this forum slate the manager, I often say there's a reason he's being paid to do the job he's doing while we're all discussing it on an internet forum. If you're looking for people to admit to what you're asking there, I think there's probably more than me you need to ask. Like most fans, I'll give my opinion on things, but I've never claimed to know better than any manager we've had. It should also be said though, that one signing that has come good in Bair isn't a vindication of our transfer business and approach to it as a whole. There will always be outliers and surprises that pop up, but for every Bair there's an Obika, Souaré and Shaw. It could still be argued that one of the reasons Bair looks like such a decent signing is because the overall bar set by the recruitment team and our playing squad this season has been set so low.
    1 point
  12. Not convinced we’ll see a CH coming in, and I’m not sure we need it given that we have McGinn, Butcher, Mugabi, Blaney & Casey, with O’Donnell also able to play on the right of a 3 if need be. 2 strikers and someone that can play wide left (if Montgomery’s season is a right off) would be what I’d be after now if poss.
    1 point
  13. You get all the best bargins last minute 🤣
    1 point
  14. Barry Maguire away to Ireland it seems
    1 point
  15. Yep. I think he's a decent player, heard from one of the players he tends to go into his shell if fans are on his back...
    1 point
  16. The keeper does everything right, but Paton takes a touch too many and the last one is comically heavy. That said, there haven't been many Motherwell players I'd back in a 1-on-1 over the years, so I wouldn't be singling him out for this one.
    1 point
  17. I think you are being a wee bit hard on yourself. You were certainly not wrong to question the signing for the valid reasons you highlighted. He is doing well now and his attitude and effort sets an excellent example. Whether he is a long term solution remains to be seen but for now the project has worked fine. He needs support up front though and he should hit that double figure tablet. Well said though.
    1 point
  18. I'm more than happy with Bair's contribution so far, although my expectations were similarly low. When we signed him I assumed we saw a big athlete and hoped we could teach him enough football to be useful, and that's kind of what we've done. I'd say that Bair has moved on a bit from being just a "project" but he would benefit from having a striker near him. We are doing that thing that motherwell does. Bring in a player that no one else wanted, make him look good enough that another club will bite and give us money, then cancel the magic spell the minute the money hits the bank. Any questions? Ask Aberdeen.
    1 point
  19. Will you also admit that the manager can see things in a player you can’t ? ps , the last bit isnt a spelling mistake. 😏
    1 point
  20. Give him the next Old Firm game and he won't bother anyone after that.
    1 point
  21. As much as it pains me to say it, he's worked daily with the likes of Brendan Rodgers and Ange Postecoglou. He's spent his time there training with a much higher quality of player than you'd find at Fir Park, and Norwich City as well. He's also spent his time there getting accustomed to life and how to deal with living as a player at a big club. At Norwich, he could have been wandering the city without many people bothering him. Not the case at Celtic, and it won't be the case if he ends up at a club like AC Milan or whoever picks him up this summer. Yeah, he's always going to be a talent. That doesn't go away. He was talented when he left Motherwell. Add in the above and he leaves Celtic as a better player than he was when he arrived there.
    1 point
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