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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2024 in Posts

  1. You got deservedly rinsed for posting a completely fictional list of player wages that gave some ridiculous numbers (if I recall correctly our backup keeper was our third highest paid player or something) and insisting over and over again it was factual.
    3 points
  2. It is a valid suggestion that Kettlewell's record over the past 20 games or so brings his suitability as our Manager into question. I don't really think anybody can argue with that and the debate on here has been robust. Whether for or against his retention. Setting aside contributing factors such as finance, injuries etc etc. But if those statistics are going to be the stick to beat him with then there are more recent statistics that point in another direction. Going on the basis that the current tables and form guide on the BBC site are accurate. If they are inaccurate then please dive in. Over the past 5 League games we have secured 9 points and are unbeaten. Only Celtic, Rangers and Hearts have a better record. Livi and County have amassed 1 point each, S J 5 points. More surprising perhaps is that Hibs have only gained 2 points and Aberdeen 3 over that same period. So in effect some folk want to ditch Kettlewell when we are performing better in the League than the vast majority of our rivals, in particular those sitting below us in the table. That makes no sense. In fact the stats suggest a corner has been turned. Then again those stats can change very quickly although even if we lose tomorrow we will still have a better 5 game record than 6 other teams, including Aberdeen. The time to make the decision is at season end. The time to change Manager is well gone for now. A change now would only add to the risk of relegation and I have yet to read of any realistic replacement that is available or would want the job. When that question is asked all we get is the cop out "That's not my job" Of course statistics can be contrived to suit any argument. Should we look at the last 20 games, 40 games even, or 10 games, 5 games? Each will provide a different picture. All that really matters is our final league position and ultimately that will be the deciding factor. But the demands will continue. It appears to have become personal for some, rather than logical.
    2 points
  3. T'was me who posted the bollocks. See below. I posted a link to a ridiculous and unevidenced list of player salaries. I can't remember on which thread, but these lists are generally bollocks. This list was my favourite, particularly the supposed £130k per annum for Oxborough. https://salarysport.com/football/scottish-premiership/motherwell/
    1 point
  4. I have to say pal it wasn't wellgirl that made post about the salaries. Can't remember who but definitely wasn't wellgirl
    1 point
  5. I agree. At the end of the season thank him for his service and say goodbye. Bring in a big goalie who can command his area. That then takes pressure of the rest of the defence and gives us more flexibility.
    1 point
  6. Theres absolutley nothing wrong with having an opinion. The point is that goal keepers do get dropped when form dips
    1 point
  7. The game will be available on Aberdeens RedTV for £13.99 if anyone is willing to fork out after Friday's debacle. https://ppv.afc.co.uk/events
    1 point
  8. Some would say he was mince.
    1 point
  9. Thats not really an argument at all. Every club carries a reserve keeper. Reasons are to cover for injuries and suspensions & to give competition. Same as any other area of the pitch, if you dont perform & there is someone better then you lose your place. Simple. See Arsenal currently, Liverpool previously and even Joe Hart back in his day. I dont think anyone on these forums has ever suggested that Oxborough is going to be brilliant. All people have been questioning is why he hasnt been given a chance when Kelly has clearly not been performing at the levels he can. Now it might be as simple as Ox is not good enough. Or maybe he doesnt contribute at training or he could even be a bad egg in the camp. That is all entirely plausible. If he isnt good enough then why not bring in more competition in january. Given we paid a fee for this lad then its fair that supporters assume he must be half decent. My opinion (not in the know) is that Ox will be off, even if the club wanted him to stay- which doesnt look likely. You dont hang around as an understudy and get zero game time when the number 1 is in poor form. It would be interesting to hear how his relationship is with kettlewell. Can imagine its a kick in the baws every week being on the bench.
    1 point
  10. With apologies to Grizzly, don’t you mean last of the summer whine.
    1 point
  11. I often see this question asked but its not really a fair question. Generally speaking, fans don't have access to the same information and intelligence that clubs and agents do. As always there are exceptions. How many of these fans know the details of other Scots managers', assistant managers', and coaches contracts (if indeed they have one) for example? How many candidates would appear out of the woodwork if our club approached them directly through their agents ? How many current senior players with other clubs might apply? Now to my own ignorance. I didn't know until recently that some individuals will not apply for vacancies, but will only become interested if they are directly approached. That was news to me. Then there's England. The same questions apply only moreso. How many of our fans know much about English lower league managers? Without checking up through Wiki, how many of our posters could give you a run down on the managers and their assistants at say Gillingham or Bristol Rovers? How many of our fans know much about coaches at clubs like Birmingham City? I won't go on to potential overseas candidates. In general, how many fans have a reasonably good knowledge of potential candidates' characters? These questions are hard enough for clubs, in the know, to answer never mind posters on this site. All this said, there is no cast iron guaranteee that if a manager is replaced, his replacement will be any better. I would pose the question though that if a manager is deemed to failing (who decides that I hear you say) is it better to bring in someone who might fail? All such posters can see is that the manager of their own club is failing or underperforming.
    1 point
  12. naw theve had plenty chances to bump him and heez still here he keeps us up, then we part company at the end of the season, he gets a tick on his cv our new board and ceo use our inhouse management succesion plan to appoint our new manager, we charge on with our 7 signed players n no goalie, and we win the wishaw sports centre 5 a side league , steelboy, MFC, and yoda take over in june and weve got the league in the bag this time next year, steelmen on line is shutdown cause there is nobody saying averybody/ anybody is shite , and we can all laugh at st midden getting relagated and dougie imrie getting sacked again ........................................................... thank you
    1 point
  13. No, it's not my job, but it doesn't mean I can't call for change. And yes, I think we could find something better than what we've had to accept/endure so far this season.
    1 point
  14. We should've signed a poacher.
    1 point
  15. It's my opinion. My opinion that I have a right to in my view. The same way you have yours. I personally think that the people on here who support Kettlewell get their posts automatically written off. This isn't a dig at you. That's just how I feel right now. Not an argument. I actually said a few days ago on here I thought that Kelly should be rested for his own sake. But it's Kettlewells call. I also don't think the fact that Kelly is first pick necessarily means there's anything wrong with the relationship he has with Aston.
    0 points
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