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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2024 in Posts

  1. 100% agree. As someone who pays monthly & gives up a lot of time to the Well Society (Wednesday is the only evening this week there's not been some sort of Society meeting!), I personally wouldn't necessarily be interested in giving either if the Society was no longer the majority shareholder - that's just a personal view obviously. I have contributed that money & energy to date either because we were working towards fan-ownership, or because fan-ownership is in play. If you don't have either of those reasons to contribute financially, there can be no expectation that folk will contribute financially. Again, agreed 100%. There are those of us on the Well Society Board who completely recognise that attracting external investment while still maintaining fan-ownership is far from radical. In fact, as I've mentioned before, the video that kicked this all off was specifically about attracting exactly that kind of investment - spelt out by Leann Crichton inviting investors to join the Well Society members who own the club, rather than replace them. No offence taken! I don't think it's necessarily about the Society being happy to share certain information - the vast majority of this kind of information should be accessible and transparent. A fan ownership organisation has to be more honest & more transparent than an ordinary football club, and that's something myself & one or two others on the board had been trying to push forward for some years without much success. However, that said, when the approach taken to recording & updating the information is simply not good enough from an administrative point of view, I think it probably throws up a few barriers when folk ask to access that information. There's a couple of reasons for that, but the main one for me is that the Society, quite some time ago, put a lot of effort into identifying a new CRM system that would allow us not just to easily maintain & update membership information but would, hopefully further down the line, allow members themselves to access that information, to see how much they'd contributed, their membership level etc, without having to ask. The club, however, was more interested in pursuing a system that would serve both organisations, as well as the Community Trust - a sensible, welcome approach, but a approach that, after several years, has never resulted in anything worthwhile. I think the reality now is that the Society needs to return to that original plan which, along with all the other work being done in the communications workstream, will undoubtedly lead to far more information with greater transparency being accessible. In that regard, I'd ask both members & non-members just to hang fire for a few months & then judge the Society's output in terms of communication & the ability to access information. If it's still shit, then the work we're currently undertaken hasn't been good enough - but I'm actually buzzing about the folk we've gotten involved in that, so I'm very confident about vastly improving things over the coming months. All this kind of information is also directly feeding into the strategy that the Society Board is now putting together. Negotiations between the club and the investors mentioned at the AGM will continue following the consultation, but we as a Society Board have to behave as though we're going to be the majority shareholder come the summer - investors can pull out, due diligence can raise serious red flags, members could vote against investment options (something made even more likely now given 35% have indicated they'd vote against regardless of offer). We're meeting with some very impressive, dynamic people in both the business & football world to feed into that strategy, we're looking at serious proposals that would allow the club itself to generate more income alongside the Well Society (to show that the assumption that the Society alone should be expected to foot the hypothetical financial gap is not necessarily accurate), and we're preparing the kind of information you're speaking about to ensure that Well Society members can not only be sure that the Society is a reasonable enough default option, but that it's actually the best option on the table.
    5 points
  2. Turns out a professional football manager knew more about coaching players than random punters on a message board.
    3 points
  3. From zero to hero
    2 points
  4. Love this guy. We all doubted him but his workrate could never be questioned. Putting it out there but with Mika leaving did that actually help as he then got moved to a central position? Just curious
    2 points
  5. Great update Jay. Thanks for all the effort you and the rest of the Society Board are putting into this. Its the kind of thing that should have been happening from the outset. I get that there were lots of reasons it wasnt, but great to see that its getting done now. More power to you all.
    2 points
  6. There's definitely truth in what you say there,as much as I wanted mika to stay,him going gave bair the chance to be the main man up front,which he has grabbed with both hands and at the same time we're developing our own player rather than a loanee and a player that we most likely will have a lot of interest in come the summer,who would have thought that a few months ago when he signed.
    1 point
  7. Just shows you when the a player meets the right manager anything can happen.Kettlewell and the coaching staff have brought Bair on ten fold with the right coaching,proper analysis and Bair has listened worked hard to where he has got to this season to this point. Fantastic from all involved and this is the kinda video I hope the club makes more of found it such an insight.
    1 point
  8. You make an excellent point. Mika would probably have attracted all the headlines but his departure opened up the opportunity for someone else and Theo has certainly taken that chance.
    1 point
  9. We don't usually injure our players in training until the day before a match.
    1 point
  10. A really good insight into what a modern day player goes through. The boy is not a natural goalscorer but is working hard on every aspect of his game to improve technically and up his goal tally. hes been a revelation this season and I’m delighted for him and delighted for the doubters who’d wrote him off before he kicked a ball. A great example of why you shouldn’t write off a player. What doesn’t work for a player at one team might work at another team.
    1 point
  11. We won 2-1 according to thread on P&B. No injuries reported so far…
    1 point
  12. I hope everyone wished rangers a happy Easter yesterday then?
    1 point
  13. I think the technology is fine. The issue is definitely related to your second point above. You just have to look at all the back and forth from last weekend where referees, ex-referee's, ex-players, pundits and punters all had different opinions on what various calls should have been. So tackles, a lot of handball situations, hairline offsides, penalty calls or non calls will not necessarily be resolved by VAR. it needs to be used more sparingly and specifically when it can show a clear obvious error. Following from that, there should be a very short time limit to present a contradiction to an on the field call because if it’s obvious and clear you should see it in a couple of seconds.
    1 point
  14. As bad as Nevin was as CEO, the man who appointed him should take most of the blame.
    1 point
  15. 'From zero' Brutal.
    0 points
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