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Posts posted by MFCL84

  1. Definitely some positives there. First half was full of endeavour and some neat football at times. The first touch was better than I have seen in a long time, they all had an extra yard in them and a willingness to get involved. Unfortunately, the second half performance was too reminiscent of most of this season. No cohesion, the ball would not stick up top and the midfield were largely spectators.

    A lot of work to be done. Let's hope for some new faces to freshen things up, but at least I now have some hope that we can gain some points between now and the end of the season.

  2. The thing is that Mugabe shouldn't have made an attempt to win the ball there. Erwin is facing away from goal surrounded by Motherwell defenders. Swinging a boot at the ball at that point, and I think he hits Erwin's heel, is just the wrong thing to do. A poor decision by Mugabe that has cost us 2 points. A soft penalty, yes, but as soon as I saw it, my reaction was penalty.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, ChrisMFCfan1886 said:

    What worried me most today is that the players just didn't seem to even care about what they were doing, and had zero professional pride.

    We now have a perfect storm of players who just won't cut it at this level, and complete shitebags who do not care one jot about the future of this football club. Pathetic. 

    Is it any wonder that some of the players don't care for the club, and by extension, the paying fans? This is surely a consequence of the model that the club has adopted. Our biggest selling point seems to be that we can put them in the shop window so that they can further their careers. So, we have short-term contracts and loans. It has nothing to do with playing for the Jersey and wanting Motherwell to be  successful. It is all about the individuals now, not the team.  The guys that seem to care are those that have an affinity for the club; Campbell, Grimshaw and Watt. Campbell may have lost some of his mojo, but so would anyone after battling alone in midfield for so long.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Spit_It_Out said:

    Lucky fans are not at the games cause too many players free riding not giving a flying f--k.

    I was just thinking that earlier today. How different it may have been if there were fans there either encouraging or getting on their backs. There would have been some reaction from the players, and it certainly wouldn't be any worse than where they have taken us now.

  5. 1 minute ago, Yorkyred said:

    Carson, Gallagher O’Donnell, Campbell, Polworth, Carroll, Donnelly, Watt are all more than good enough for this league.

    I agree, they are good enough for the league. If Dunne can get fit, he'd also be good enough. Long also has enough talent, but unfortunately he doesn't seem to want to play for Motherwell, but if that was down to the management and his attitude changed for the better, he'd be a good partner to Watt.

  6. The biggest concern that I have is that there are no signs that this team can turn this around. We are all aware that they are technically poor, but some of that can be overcome with desire and determination. I just don't see it in this team, and I think that tonight, Robinson's body language was one of defeat. He looked deflated when on camera. The team is low in confidence and it looks like the manager has run out of ideas. Very much like the end of McCall's era.

    Some of the players are very capable at this level, but we are not getting anything near their best at this point. They need a change to get them back on track.

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