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Posts posted by MFCL84

  1. 42 minutes ago, ropy said:

    Did Archer come across any better than Chapman?

    Too early to say. He made one instinctive or lucky save everything else was pretty much run of the mill stuff. Took one cross well. I thought he was a little slow to get down for the second goal, but that is maybe a bit harsh.

  2. A better performance this week, for the first 45 minutes anyway. The second half though was just a shambles. It seems that when we are on top, other teams are able to react to counter any threat that we have, Motherwell on the other hand appear unable to adjust to grapple control from any other team in the league. Why do you think that is? Answers on a postcard.

  3. 5 minutes ago, wellsince75 said:

    Stickers need opportunities - which should come from creative midfield or wingbacks that get up to the line.

    We offer very little as an attacking force.   Long/Lang/Watt can all finish but they need service 

    Yes, I agree. I find it very difficult to blame the strikers when they simply don't get anything to work with.

  4. A really difficult one today. I thought that Crawford's first half was decent, but he faded in the second. So, maybe a bit controversial, but I think that big Bevis did not too bad a job today. Look beyond his dreadful distribution and he seems to read the game pretty well and defend to a reasonable level.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Yodo said:

    We have the slowest back 3/5 in the league absolutely no pace it really is shocking but again comes down to the manager who picks the team 

    The back line is particularly vulnerable to any pace. The midfield isn't blessed in that area either. The only real pace that the team has is in Seedorf and Long. We don't seem able to unleash Seedorf's pace to any effect and Long appears to have an attitude issue that means that we won't often get the best from him.


  6. 7 minutes ago, wellup83 said:

    They should be well beyond that by now, those basics are taught at grassroots. These are pros we're talking about. If they can't do the basics like control and pass by now they shouldn't be playing the game, certainly not at this level anyway. 

    I have to agree. The fact that this forum is giving simple advice on how to pass to a teammate indicates just how poor the team's general level of footballing competence has fallen. That level really shouldn't be what we see each week at the top level in Scotland.

  7. 1 minute ago, Ya Bezzer! said:

    The standard outside the OF is atrocious.  Terrible standard of football, terrible standard of professionalism, most games are won and lost on who can be least bothered from kick off

    I have to agree with this, but I do think that Motherwell seem to be technically poorer than most of the other teams in the league. Just watching that game today it was clear that St Johnstone can pass and move better and do so with more pace than Mothewell. Our game is typified by slow movement of the ball, a lack of movement off the ball and multi-touch/mis-control. All of this gives the opposition more time to react and organise making it very difficult for us to create meaningful chances for our front players, and when those slow passes are made in a backwards direction, it places pressure on our back line ultimately resulting to the loss of goals. Basically, we need to be technically better.

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  8. Robbo talks a lot about having to win the right to play football. Well, from what I see, I don't see a team that is willing to put up the fight needed to win that right. This team is has no fight in them. Strength and desire are sorely missing. Deservedly out of the cup with barely a whimper. 

  9. St Johnstone definitely the better side from the start. They at least can pass the ball and have a higher energy level and desire than Motherwell. We are wide open on our left. O'Halleran has the beating of our defence all day long. I'm surprised that we have not shipped a goal yet. Still, let's hope for a better 2nd half.

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