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Goggles & Flippers

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Posts posted by Goggles & Flippers

  1. My opinion on this has altered throughout the past year. Based on signings made, performances, winning streaks and injuries it has increased in expectation.


    The only thing we've been consistent in over the past 9 months is performances against the bottom 6 teams in our league (by and large). We've been handed a number of drubbings this season and only handed out a couple.


    If we were starting from a base datum level then of course SPFL survival is key, we're the 7th/8th biggest team in the country (2 have dropped out the league) so you would think top 6 is what we should achieve.


    But we're not starting from that datum, its from what's been built over the past few years and you hope we can use that as a catalyst to a slightly higher position (which it would appear we will this year).


    A lot has been made of how Aberdeen have spluttered recently, lets not overlook throwing away two 2-0 leads (granted one was against the league winners and before the game most would have bitten you hand off for the final result) and yesterday's debacle.


    Every league place is worth £90k or so, in a pretty poor season for the balance sheet, it would have been key to hit 2nd, annoyingly its been within our ability to achieve it, its not as if Aberdeen or Dundee United have pulled clear.


    So for me, in the current climate, make enough money to continue, top six and not to be embarrassed by teams around us is what I look for.

  2. Jesus .... an insult? Bit strong. Think what you like, its my opinion based on what I've witnessed.


    I don't dispute the good work done by the Community Trust but a lot of it is gilding the lily.


    As for the players, I think too many baulk at the idea of interacting with people, a cattle prod is often required.

  3. Don't dispute that but the issue with Motherwell and probably every other football club in Scotland is, the fans who keep on going are pumped for every penny rather than trying to win new or lapsed business.


    It would be good if we could replicate what happens in most other European countries, where each area/district has strong civic pride and any emblems/colours are to be found throughout the local area. Thinking of Aalesund and Nancy in particular. Motherwell awash in C&A from basic things like railings, those banner things around the civic centre to even the planting in the middle of Airbles Road could be geared to reinforce local pride which in turn would influence affinity for Motherwell FC.


    Unfortunately we live within a council area with 4 legacy teams, said council has a predisposition to the unwashed and no doubt a few constituents would take mock outrage/offence that railings weren't red white and blue or green and white, not recognising this isn't the Glasgow.


    The club should be looking at re-engaging and introducing themselves to new people, simple things like player involvement (even though they'd probably spit the dummy) would go so far. Youth team and current squad members can't bury their heads in the sand or think, I suspect, because they are pro's its beneath them.


    We are not far from a very shaky peg financially, a lot on here see success on the pitch and assume it translates to success on the balance sheet, which is far from true.


    However it is a little off topic.

  4. Based on our last accounts, the club isn't worth anything near £1.5m, 800k would be closer and I reckon Boyle would snap the fingers off anyone who offered it.


    With respect to the council getting involved, the Clyde/Broadwood thing plus the proliferation of fans of a certain East End club a particular non-starter.

  5. I don't know whither to be dismayed at another subsequent 2-0 lead squandered or thrilled with the guts to get the draw.


    They are the Champions and have a better quality of player so I can accept it, just the smile on my face after 44 minutes was wiped out too soon.


    Good to have that bounce for the next few matches.

  6. As been pointed out, Aberdeen are spluttering, Dundee Utd are finding form after a run of indifferent results, as for us, I don't have a clue where we are however mindful that our record against top 5 teams was looking shocking until recently.

  7. Neg votes ... deary me.


    The pitch was woeful a few years back, an empiricle sandpit, no doubt that helped seal the P45 of the existing groundsman. This article resulted in a lot of back slapping on here for the current one.


    All I was saying was (and it appear it wasn't grasped) if he encountered a winter where snow lay and froze pretty much for 2 months as it did in 2009 and 2010 then the current state of the pitch I suspect would be very different and he would no doubt be facing a little more sniping on here.


    All I was pointing out it may have been fair to judge his efforts off the back of a cruel winter.

  8. Twice bitten, thrice shy?


    Writing was on the wall earlier in the season that you wouldn't get treated right there.


    I can't understand why we can engineer police free games at FP and then we go away and get treated like this. I'd claim police intelligence was behind things but as OnTheFringes has conveyed previously, these two words don't go hand in hand as often as we assume or like.


    It would appear the division which handles Paisley has a particularly zealous match commander(s), in future vote with you feet and spend your cash on grounds where the clubs work hand in hand to improve the atmosphere. But remember to let St. Mirren know that's the case, otherwise its fruitless.


    Back to the game, watched the highlights there, going on that to get out of there with a 2-1 win would have been possibly fortunate? Doesn't take away from a woeful decision from Brines. I will never know why Linesmen aren't consulted more often.


    Essentially, we've rode our luck on a few occasions and got points we maybe shouldn't have. 2nd is still achievable, we merely share points with a team that is by and large better than ours with a game in hand. 3 points yesterday would have given confidence, its now ensured squeeky bum time and hoping for other results in the run in, part and parcel of being a dosser though isn't it? Another issue is Dundee Utd blow hot and cold, issue is its generally been hot recently.

  9. Well Ladies have kinda given away that our kits from next season will be Macron as a few of their players are wearin Macron Training wear with the Motherwell Badge and everything!




    Jesus, the bird on the left looks like she'd eat Hutchison and shit him out.

  10. I'm with Busta on that one, 2-0 up and we switch to soaking up pressure and time wasting at corner flags regardless of how much time is left, when we have momentum, go for a third and put it beyond hope for the opposition.


    Can't speak for today as I wasn't there but I've noticed a significant change in how we conduct games. We used to we woeful in the first half and came out in the second with a bounce and drive. Last few games for quite a while now has been the opposite.


    On the eve of the season I'd be happy with top 6

    Mid November, it would have been avoiding the playoff

    New Year, Euro place

    Today at 15:30, 2nd

    Today at 4:45, 4th


    Long and short is we have ridden our luck in quite a few games, karma is biting us in the arse now, not ideal as we're in the run in.

  11. He's 31 which is in goalkeeping prime, despite his injury proneness of late, he can still command a bigger club than us sadly.

    Gordon will go to Ibrox because:


    a) he's been training there

    b) they'll offer double than any SPL club can in salary

    c) a precedent has been set that even if you play for them in a lower league you can still win a cap




    Celtic sell Forster because of his exposure in the England team.

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