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Great Balls of Shire

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Everything posted by Great Balls of Shire

  1. Sorry, didn’t mean to quote your post...
  2. The lad will need to have thick skin , not played a game and he’s getting pelters already.....pretty sure his auld man wouldn’t put him in the firing line just for the hell of it
  3. Wouldn’t want to be in any of the leaders shoes at the minute but The Scot Gov and the UK gov, in particular won’t be the gold standard in terms of dealing with a pandemic. There is going to be major collateral damage from this, some of it may have already surfaced but when people are being laid off , left right and centre , after employers have to pay half the furlough , it will begin to bite. The lockdown approach can’t continue indefinitely.
  4. Not had one for a few years but I tend to get one mentioned on email that you can pay in 4 instalments ....didn’t see this option when clicked on today on website...anybody know how you get this option...thanks
  5. Clark was solid and didn’t hold back and obviously did Maxi a lot of harm, but I don’t think there was any malicious intent there....prob a foul tho....all worked out in the end
  6. Posed the question to some mates last night ( remotely of course) ....Did they think the standard in general was better, same or worse than now......the ones who got back to me thought we played more football on deck now.....I tend to agree , after watching again last night, surprised how many long balls were played.Not complaining mind you. i thought the standout players for both teams were Phil for us and John ONeil for them, wonder why he never went further.
  7. Usually no fan of the steel boy, but that’s helluva harsh.....it’s ok saying extend the season if there’s an opportunity but that’s going to have a knock on effect. Plus no vulnerable person would put their health at risk for a football match
  8. What’s the thoughts if the season was to stop soon? Would we just get third .....Unprecedented ..... This might need another thread ....
  9. And we should be one of the strongest sides to finish third with the money we spend?? Disagree with you re Aarons and Hilton , both made decent contributions and a couple of the others quoted haven’t had enough of a chance. Polworth mostly has been different class. Just enjoy the moment , it could be a relegation dog fight next year....who knows What you like when things aren’t going well?
  10. Don’t read anything different in there that hasn’t already been reported ....
  11. Pretty naff comment, even for you....Any chance you and Yodo can transfer onto a “Love Island” forum permanently and leave this one to supporters ....just asking
  12. Just managed to face Highlights, we had so many chances in the first half....Campbell and Polworth need to get shooting lessons from Turnbull on how to hit target.....hopefully he’s still got that in his locker
  13. Think you’re adding two and two and making five Do you honestly think players are bothered if their manager has been lifted on a day out . They are playing for win bonuses, their next move , maybe even professional pride. Admittedly it’s not coming together at minute. On the whole Robbo has done a good job, if we end up sixth at end of season , then we can judge them all but let’s give them a chance to dig themselves out of it From my perspective Polworth and Campbell are shadows of the players they were earlier in season and Long can’t get himself a long enough run in the team for one reason or another.
  14. Going to contradict myself a bit here, Posted this before I saw highlights , although was at game. It did look a booking from stand.After viewing second booking on highlights, was it really that bad? Maybe could say don’t go in for those tackles when on a booking but if he’s not tackling he’s going to be accused of not trying.Long does come across as a bit Petulant at times , so that doesn’t help . Also the fact it was in front of Hamilton dug out. Stupid first booking though.
  15. I didn’t know we were charging £30 for some fixtures...take it it’s Old firm , who else? Thats excesssive imo. If people are taking families , it’s hard to justify, don’t know what they charge for kids? i went yesterday but it wasnt enjoyable, would have helped if we kept 11 players on pitch....Maybe Chris Long needs to think about the punters spending their money in the freezing cold , before throwing toys out of the pram Sonetimes have sympathy for players getting sent off for two hard tackles etc but looked like he couldn’t wait to get off. £25 to watch football on a plastic pitch isn’t on.
  16. Hopefully a good bit . That’s a terrible kick off time especially for anybody travelling , especially Aberdeen or Kilmarnock, imagine it will take the atmosphere out of Fir Park that night Personally I had tickets for a concert that night , in general though Saturday nights are not great for live football.
  17. Need to see it again , but no way did it look like a Gillespie error....thought he had another great game
  18. Saw most of the 90 minutes , I thought Oxford looked a tidy team....surprised they are “division 3”
  19. It’s been a great season so far but don’t think you will see a goal conceded like yesterday in any league in Scotland this weekend , even amateur football. Jake Carrol looked like he was doing what ATS used to do and switching off at back post, but the ball should never have bounced in first place Scott wouldn’t have made any difference to that defensive set up . The ironic part is , if they’d defended that throw in better , they might even have sneaked a draw...mostly down to Gillespie.
  20. Could argue every forum needs a yodo , a bit limited but can do the spadework but you couldn’t have a forum full of yodos or you’re in relegation bother
  21. So apart from winning it, what did you want them to for?
  22. Very unfair assessment of Ross....few StMirren fans I know really rate him....His Sunderland record wasn’t too bad , he might have still got them up
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