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Posts posted by NEMO

  1. To be honest, I'm pretty indifferent to the Fir Park situation.


    We won't sell out, and Fir Park is hardly a red hot cauldron of atmosphere. The only reasons for moving the game back to Motherwell would be purely sentimental.


    The only problem I have with moving grounds is that people end up sitting all over the place. At Fir Park, you know where the atmosphere is going to come from and like minded fans can gather together to get the chanting going. In Airdrie, you can end up surrounded by folk who want to sit in silence. However, at times last night there was a decent atmosphere all around the ground, so it can be achieved.


    The only downside to playing in Airdrie is having to get there!


    I left a pals house in newmains at 6.30 and at 7.20 was in chaplehall. I left the car in the industrial estate and ran. Got to the game at 7.40 piss poor control of traffic or poor preparation on my part, but surely 1.25 hrs is enough to get to a game ffs i can get to Hampden in that time.


    Loads of folk came in late KO should have been delayed.

  2. Thanx for moving.


    Have to agree with sentiments posted on here.


    For too long certain players have taken there starting place for granted. Gannon says we have a coach able lot and if they dont like it then just go elsewhere.



    Mc Garry wont miss him


    Hammell love this guy and he clearly loves the club i hope the kick up the arse does him good i really want to see him the way he was with us first time around.


    Graigan this wont be popular but i think hes had his day please please prove me wrong But how easily did a through ball penatrate us last night by lets face it an average team.



    Gannon to me reminds me of Souness as much as i dislike that man i loved his winning attitude,Gannon has that rather than being the players pal.

    So what if he ruffles feathers and egos as i said "this is how i want us to play every week".


    On a side not was sitting next to a guy last night who has something to do with fir park and was rather cadgey but seemed to know his stuff, said we were putting a 6ft plus white guy through his medical on wed. May be nowt but we certainally need height esp at corners, fraser :D

  3. I was in the Main Stand and there was actually quite a few scouts there tonight. At least four, all taking notes.


    I tried to sneak a peak over the shoulder of one of them, I didn't see any names but he wrote "favours the inside every time".



    Scouts note book










    You get the picture :lol:

  4. Ok this thread is a bit early and people will still be on a high after last night, but i just wanted to say what a breath of fresh air Gannon is. I know its early on but i like his style so much more than mutley, i don't want to knock mutley too much thank you for what you did BUT Gannon is by far better in so many ways.


    Hes not a media darling and says it how it is.

    Hes willing to change at 6/0 up he wanted more (remember the St Midden game when we were screaming for change)

    He applaud the fans :lol:

    Not afraid to tell seasoned pros they acted like a traffic cone.

    Not afraid of change either.


    What i think im trying to say is i trust him more than MMG as he says how he sees it, its a lot easier to trust that type of manager.



    The futures bright the futures Claret and Amber.


    It will be a long season but he has my support already and most of all my trust. I like what i see already, whether results go our way or not this is how i want us to play.

  5. Todays Sun


    Hutchison flicked on a Forbes free kick to make it 6-0 in the 37th minute.


    Bewildered right back Beqiri, taken to the cleaners by Slane, was promptly hooked.


    But it was like rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic.


    Humphrey was also given a shock insight into the expectations of the Well fans when, despite the scoreline, he was given pelters for not passing the ball. You had to laugh. But the club's previous manager wouldn't have been smiling if he'd been present - the jubilant Well supporters chanted: "Are you watching Mark McGhee?" A bit harsh perhaps.



  6. Trying not to get carried away here BUT this surely must be a massive boost to the young players confidence for the start of the season. I'm hoping that we rip teams ta feck at the start as we are starting to look really sharp and for once putting teams to the sword, i know that its only 2 teams but remember the season hasn't even started yet so players aren't fully match fit but the signs are looking positive.


    Thank you to the players for the memory of last night, one to tell the grand kids.

  7. Nice that the actions seem to match the talk. I think Jim Gannon could be the best thing to happen to Motherwell for a very long time.



    Just got up to make sure this wasnt a dream :lol:


    I personally liked it when Gannon applauded the fans who were singing there heads off nice touch. :rolleyes:

  8. This post will be lost in the Many but Forbes hardly inspires me.


    The strikers were superb but against mediocre opposition. For me slain was immense BUT we still lost too many balls down the centre, we need a big commanding centre halve without doubt.



  9. It would of been easier for you to look it up than type that sentence





    Yes smart arse i did :O


    This one says pishing rain





    And on this one cloud no where near during match.




    So wanted to ask Rickardzo as hes usuall spot on. Thanks for youre helpfull input :lol:


    Ps the games in Airdrie so maybe best to google there weather. :lol:

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