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Yir Elder

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Posts posted by Yir Elder

  1. This is one of these matches that could go either way or be a draw, and none of those results would be a surprise! It is too close to call, for me a lot will depend on the Jambo's result tomorrow night, in terms of confidence and injuries etc.


    I expect us to be unchanged, although I feel we won't get away with making no changes like last week. We need to trust guys like Forbes, Saunders and Smith from the bench, maybe even young Lawless too. Some of our lads were tiring at Killie but stayed on, and it could've cost us the game.


    A draw looks like the best bet, but I'm hoping we have the creativity to pinch it 1-0.

  2. Happy with the draw, should be fairly comfortable and a chance for the likes of Forbes, Page, Carswell, Pollock and Halsman to get some game time, plus McHugh, Smith and Lawless too. It will allow us to rest Craigan, Lasley and Hammell at least, which given our thin squad is a real bonus.


    Regarding travel, I see the nearest train station is Croy. Its a 15 minutes train journey from Queen Street then a 20 minute walk to Broadwood. Anyone local to there able to confirm?

  3. All in all I wasn't disappointed with the result yesterday. At times we played some good fitba and made some decent openings, but sadly we lacked the killer ball in front of goal. That will come though, I'm sure of it. By and large we were very solid defensively, however Hutch and Hateley almost sold the jersey a couple of times with poor distribution. Need to keep an eye on things like that.


    In terms of the quality of the game, my own view is that I'd rather see teams play like us and Killie did yesterday when conditions are good, rather than be very route one and negative. Perhaps when pitches deteriorate and the weather is nasty we'll have to adapt, but right now we have the players for a patient passing style, and for me its very easy on the eye. We won't always make and/or convert loads of chances, but we seem to be going about it the right way.


    Kudos to the 'choir' just to my left yesterday, showed the team some great vocal and visual encouragement from minute one, keep it up lads!

  4. I will be surprised if its easy on Saturday, it never usually is at Killie. If we take the positives from the ICT game into Saturday I foresee a Motherwell win, but if we go behind I just wonder if we have enough from the bench to make a difference.


    Killie will be an unknown quantity this season given so many players have left, so its tough to predict how it'll go. I'd be happy with any win, and I'm going to say 1-0 with Higdon opening his account.

  5. Terrific display all round today. Some magnificent fitba, especially in the first half, was very easy on the eye. Law, Hammel and Murphy should be a very potent weapon down the left for us, until of course some of the dirty big cluggers of the SPL injure them! Defensively we had to contend with a bit of pressure, and by and large we dealt with it alright.


    Overall I'm very happy with the style of fitba we're playing, a couple of further additions to the squad and I reckon we'll make Top Six nae bother.


    Top of the league, suns oot, the world is a great place!!!

  6. I do expect it to be a tight encounter, they usually are against ICT. They have improved as a side, but have lost a number of stalwarts, so who knows how they'll be on Saturday.


    We have looked good pre-season, and if we can play our fitba I reckon we'll have too much for their defence to cope with. My only concern would be that we need to tighten up at the back, as well as being more clinical in front of goal.


    I'm going for a Well win, 2-0 sounds about right.

  7. Very positive after today's performance. We played some very good fitba and on another day would've netted another couple of goals. At times we outplayed Leeds and there's no way we deserved to lose. Randy will never make another error like he did today, and although Gradel and Nunez liked very well for the winner, there was a suspicion of offside.


    If we can play like that throughout this season then Top Six is almost certain. That said I'd like us to bring in AT LEAST another two signings in order to be fully competitive and account for injuries etc.

  8. If you worked at Tesco earning £5 an hour, and then moved to a bank and made twice that, then got a massive bonus at the end of the year, would you go back to Tesco for a bit because you enjoyed working there?


    If you had nothing else on the go, and wanted to work to show those banks what you could, then yes, why not?!!






  9. A loan from who? He is a free. Although due to not having a club he is getting a very nice pay packet fae the Brum this month


    This extra cash means he could surely afford to sign for us for six months, to prove his fitness by playing week in week out. We should at least ask him the question. Nothing ventured nothing gained!


    its probably fantasy but at this stage he has no club and no wages, so why not?!!

  10. I suppose in the mirth about his numerous oggies there is a question about how this game is going to shape up.


    I'm assuming that seeing as he's still playing - and arguably now playing for his place - it's going to be a serious friendly (if you can have such a thing) with no 45 minutes each team, scoring own goals for fun tomfoolery is it?


    I'd imagine it'll be viewed as the next game in our pre-season schedule, and will be treated as such. We want to see our players continue to prepare for the start of the SPL season by playing well and beating Thistle. I don't expect that McCall will see it any differently.


    Of course it is a chance to thank Crags for his great service for Motherwell, and I don't anticipate many thunderous challenges! However it will be a normal friendly match in every way.

  11. Very enjoyable day out yesterday, its a very picturesque ground to watch your fitba in, although that might not necessarily be the case in the dead of winter!


    Enjoyed our performance yesterday, some lovely stuff and in truth we could've easily doubled our tally. For all Dumbarton were poor they did at least try to play some fitba.


    I anticipate that Nicky Law will be a very important player for us this season, but will sadly be a target for the midfield cluggers that earn a living in the SPL!

  12. Actually really enjoyed that quote at the time! Perfect turn of phrase, and the first time I had heard it too


    I seem to recall the term 'corridor of uncertainty' being used by cricket commentators. They meant it as the bowler landing the ball in such a place as to make the batsman unsure whether or not to play at the ball, and possibly nicking it to the wicketkeeper.


    So in fitba it would refer to a dangerous ball in between the keeper and defender, with the keeper unsure about whether to come for the ball or not and the defenders scared to play at it for fear of conceding an OG.

  13. Enjoyed the game tonight, for me it was one of the better pre-season friendlies I've been to. Yes there was rustiness as you would expect, but for our first game it wasn't too bad. I was particularly pleased with many of the youngsters who came on at half time. Winning the game was a real bonus as i thought we'd struggle with so many u-19s on the pitch. However guys like Halsman, Lawless, Smith and Carswell were very good indeed, and hopefully we'll see more of them at Dumbarton on Saturday.

  14. What i gather from McCall is that after the Law man signs we will be after one more player which will be a defender. That means he appears happy with our current strikeforce. Can't say i share his optimism oh that. If Higdon gets injured/suspended then i can see a good few Motherwell nil scorelines. Could be wrong but other than him and Murphy do we have any recognised strikers in the squad that isn't an inexperienced youngster?


    Agreed. He's said that we've only lost Sutton from the first team squad, but he must be forgetting Ross, Jones and Jeffers who it looks like we won't be replacing. That for me is a MASSIVE gamble, and means that McHugh and Smith MUST step up to the plate, otherwise it could be a very long season. Quality over quantity sounds all well and good, but our overall strength in depth is wafer thin, and as I've already stated we can't keep reducing numbers and get away with it.

  15. Most of the responses to my post have been fair comment, but the point remains that we CANNOT continue to allow more players to leave than we bring in, unless we have one or two excellent youngsters coming through who are ready for the first team.

  16. Good news about Jennings if it comes about. Less good news that we will only sign two more players. I think we need at least three but that's obviously all we can afford and we'll just have to cope with it.


    We were told that the budget would NOT be reduced from last season, and considering that Sutton, Jeffers, Jones, Gunning, Ross, Casagolda and Charalambous have all left, to seemingly only be bringing in FOUR new faces is very disappointing to hear.


    I mean, with the cash generated from a six-game Euro campaign, a Top Six finish, a League Cup Semi and a Scottish Cup Final we MUST have made a very decent profit, plus the Reynolds sale too. To me it looks like the budget HAS been cut, despite previous promises.

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