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Everything posted by mfc

  1. does a day go by when you dont pick someone up on there punctuation,seriously get a life ya pedantic prick
  2. weve all seen darren barr enough times to know he's shite so its perfectly normal if some fans are moaning about the prospect of him signing and this whole were the worst fans when it comes to this and that is a load of bollocks were not any different from fans of other clubs
  3. brilliant crowd are you serious i doubt we would have anymore than what was at the fulham game
  4. are we any nearer to getting some games announced,i cant believe we find ourselves having played only one friendly and out of europe and now relying on other teams fitting us into there pre season schedule.utter shambles
  5. that polish mob that dundee utd played a couple of season ago had over 2 thousand at tannadice and im sure poznan would have brought even more than that had we got through,its definately a financial fuck up on our part the chance to make a good bit of money from one game doesnt come round very often
  6. the rangers defeat was embarrassing
  7. mccall needs to have a word with himself its a joke throwing kerr on as a sub and asking him to play way out of position hows that going to be good for his future development.,ainsworth off and thomas on simples
  8. i guess we can start arranging some friendlies now
  9. for a club that pleads poverty we have fucked this up big time,nae excuses to have lost this tie is a fucking disgrace
  10. your right and to be fair to kerr he's only playing where he's been told too,im just amazed mccall keeps sticking him on at right midfield as it clearly doesn't work.
  11. after last season i really hoped we had seen the last of kerr being shuffled out to right midfield but here we are still doing it,its fucking torture to watch
  12. the squad is shaping up nicely,hopefully the slighty increased terms offered to hutchy will now be used to bring another couple of players in.
  13. mfc


    hutchy for me and if that was his last game for us he's went out on a massive high
  14. i didn't think it was a foul at the time and having seen the highlights a few times im not convinced it is a foul,the lack of any real protests from the aberdeen players langfield in particular says it all for me
  15. supposedly on his way to sheffield utd
  16. are you a closet hibee,if you really think hutchy would be making a step up by going there your deluded.if hutchy stays in scotland then sadly i think it will be with sevco,though i wouldnt be surprised to see him end up at either birmingham or sheffield utd.
  17. biggest lot of shite ive ever read on here
  18. mchugh really needs to move on and kick start his career elsewhere as its just not going to happen for him with us,given him a new 2 year deal last summer was a poor bit of business on our part imo
  19. i hope we aren't paying any our players £3k a week
  20. joke decision that the drum has been banned yet again,this is another big game in our quest for second place so lets get there in our numbers and make even more noise than we did last time we were there
  21. the drum is banned cause it makes to much noise,fuck sake ive heard it all now
  22. i loved seeing vigurs goal again on the highlights if we can get him and faddy linking up like that more often we'll be onto a real winner
  23. when we lost 4-1 at dunfermline during the malpas days was a shocker and even though i think we were 5 points ahead with 2 games left to play i honestly thought we were getting relegated leaving east end park that night.
  24. nielson has took pelters over this game and rightly so but lawson's part in aberdeen's first goal was a joke the way he got robbed of possession so easily mid way in our half was shocking
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