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Posts posted by Fal_Dosser

  1. Absolutely Yabba - I thought the back four looked good today (Law's header back apart), and and played pretty much as a unit, and the midfield battled and worked their collective asses off - the two up front also breathed a new sense of life into attack.


    Would expect to see the same team start next week, only issue being who to replace Ramsden - he does tend to get the red mist in a tackle, but I thought he played well today.


    Whoever plays against Killie, today set the standard that has to be maintained to keep us up.



  2. its how I can live with it, no acknowledgement to anything other than Motherwell doing it for Motherwell,


    got a banterous dry.gif jibe today about desperation of Mcdonald returning, fella didnt like me reminding him it was 10years since Skippy Sunday, at closing time one of his colleagues asked me if I was going to Falkirk tonight to watch my team, they are all riddled thinking its all about them or the other mob, and they try and claim everything for themselves


    days like Skippy Sunday, Owen Coyle Day, Second Place Sunday are all about Motherwell for me.


    edit :blink: May is indeed a very, merry Month


    The Bigot Bros can't, and never will, accept that if you don't support their side, you must belong to the other half of their depravity.


    I'd quite happily live with a Scottish game devoid of any of the two of them, but until that happens, I'll live with more than a degree of satisfaction when we upset their expectations.


    As for Skippy Sunday, I only made the last 30 mins of the game due to being the dutiful parent, but what a 30 mins - only glad that I made it to witness it in person.


    And just for the record, hope I'm there if the it becomes the turn of their Bros




  3. By and large, you guys deserve immense credit for bringing much needed atmosphere back in these days of seating stadia.


    Yep, watching us so far this season hasn't been overly enjoyable, but on most occasions, you're there at least trying to get everyone behind the team. there's a few of around the middle of the East stand who aren't averse at joining in the singing, but the stronger the Bois section of the stand the better. I've got no doubt the more noise and buzz you generate, the more infectious it becomes, even the Cooper have been known to get the chanting going. I can't believe I'm alone in these thoughts, and well understand why the players get a kick from it as well.


    Maybe it's down to not seeing the team the past couple of games, maybe the introduction of new faces, who knows, but I actually woke this morning with a buzz about today. Feeling it may be the same around 5 pm.


    Will look for a point to donate something before the game,




  4. Journey to work this morning with the missus in the car went something along the lines of



    How did the game end then ?


    We got trumped 4-0 .... again !


    Yer Kiddin' .... How long has the manager been there ?


    A month to 2 months, but I reckon it'll be next season before we really make a judgement on the guy.


    But surely his first job would be to stop all the goals your losing !





    Don't you just hate it when you don't have a come back :tumbleweed:





  5. That would solve my missing centre half problem!


    Perhaps him and McManus could work well together like Craigan and Reynolds when Reynolds broke through? (No pressure son! :P )


    Might not be a bad shout - Ferguson acquitted himself well, and maybe McManus could help him along in the middle of defence, especially if the lad is no stranger to the position.


    I thought Law had a right good game 2nd half on Saturday, so again, if he knows the position, surely it stands to reason to have him in there.


    I like big Sutton, but we just aren't creating enough chances for him to get on the end off, so agree Erwin will potentially give us more at the moment - don't understand why Ainsworth isn't starting as





  6. This line up - but I would put O'Brien in for McManus. Big Mick has struggled big time this season and his defending for the 1st goal at Aberdeen was abject in keeping with his general form this season. That said Ramsden has not been much better. Maybe Reid back to right back and Carswell into the side.


    The team above would stave off relegation imho, but we need to persevere with it and not chop and change very week.


    Pretty much agree with this - I like big Sutton but the lad just hasn't been giving us a good enough option this year, and we aren't making anywhere near enough chances to have a penalty box player - hopefully if we hit a few results he'll get his chance again.


    The word of warning about the setup though is the 3 behind Erwin would have to work their arses off going back as well as forward.




    I'm going to be travelling up north on Friday evening, so won't have the opportunity to watch it - will probably dip in and out of the radio, but I find listening to Well games a torture, especially if we happen to be in the lead - could well be checking teletext through the fingers by the time we arrive




  7. I really do wonder if Ainsworth has an injury issue we don't know about, he's hardly turned up in any game I've seen him this season, though in fairness to him he's hardly alone. Wasn't there midweek but last Saturday and today we've been passed off the park.


    Was happy Erwin started but why on earth did he appear to be playing a more midfield role with Sutton apparently on his own up front: Sutton's not been shining but dear god, the majority of balls hit to him are in the air. Until we get to a stage where we pass the ball up the park, through midfield and on the deck, the way other teams seem to be instructed to play, I see nothing but a long season ahead.


    Winning is what we all want, but at what cost - I actually would be more encouraged getting beaten if we were showing a degree of skill and endeavor. I do accept that we're missing important players, but today's performance was absolutely woeful. Walking back to the car, god forbid, but I kept thinking of Hibs last year.


    On a slightly more positive note, we didn't show a lot of promise at the start of last season, and still came good, but at the moment, it seems like a lifetime ago facepalm.gif




  8. Fair post Grew, although I probably sit on the side of the fence that would say we give SMc more time - I am of the opinion that he has done a great job, in the main, in his time here, with the funding structure available to him, but I wouldn't hide the fact that some of our cup performances, and that's any cup competition, have left a lot to be desired. IMO SMC needs to be braver, both with tactics, and also with personnel - it's seriously frustrating watching us in control of games only to switch off or see subs come on to try and hold a result, and if the young ones are knocking at the door, give them their chance


    I liked Terry Butcher's reign at FP and was sad to see him go, but possibly with hindsight, he took us as far as he could, and we needed a new spark to take another step on - time'll tell with regards to SMc


    Like a few on here, I've seen many a low, as well as highs, in my near 50 years a dosser, but anyone who thinks I shrug last night off and move on, is sadly mistaken - maybe I get too involved, or take this footie lark too seriously, but the likes of last night and last week do still get to me


    I sincerely hope the team prove the majority wrong and do the business in the league, but again, only time will tell.




  9. the 4 seconds between the ball arriving in the box and the cheers as the goal was given seemed the longest 4 seconds ever but the next 20 minutes were fucking magic and will forever stay with me.

    Pretty much spot on


    and still giving it :woop: as I continue to meet the few Dandies at work




  10. So it turned out that Fud McInnes was right in his after match comments after all - arsehole of a ref got it wrong and should have awarded a penalty !!


    Just as well justice was done.


    And Mr McInnes






    Not celebrated a goal like that in a long time, and final whistle celebrations were outstanding - well done the Well Bois and the fans in general - on the odd occasion the Sheep did muster up a bit of noise, not a beat was missed and they sang from start to finish


    Great day and well worth the journey




    • Like 1
  11. Dan Twardzik made the best save I've seen this season from open play against Partick Thistle. The Nielsen's penalty save might equal it though.



    Don't know if it was save of the season, but it was a fantastic stop and every bit as important as the 5 goals that followed it in winning the game - if memory serves me right, had that gone in, we were 2 nil down - different game entirely.


    Gunnar's penalty save deserves much credit also for the overall result that day.


    Personally, on the strength of the few games he played, small as he may have looked, I'd be content to have him on board.



  12. At the end of the day they are similar but different players. Both valuable for what they do. Ainsworth is better at Humphrey going forward - better at shooting, crossing and at set pieces. But Humphrey worked harder and tracked back a lot more. For me, I'd rather have a winger like Ainsworth who is creating and scoring more goals.


    Humphrey's stats

    09/10 - 0 goals, 2 assists

    10/11 - 4 goals, 5 assists

    11/12 - 2 goals, 4 assists

    12/13 - 3 goals, 8 assists


    Ainsworth stats

    13/14 - 9 goals, 6 assists




    Essentially nothing against Humphrey, but I feel Ainsworth is more likely to have a product at the end of what he does.


    If the Humph matures in the same way, I'd have him back at some stage, however unlikely it may be.





  13. Now that the day's arrived, I'm looking forward to this one, but as to how it'll turn out, God only knows !


    I've long since stopped trying to suss my team out, as you never really know what you're going to get, but as long as we put the effort in and compete, I'm hopeful that we'll be too strong for them, especially after their exploits on Sunday. We'll need to put the shackles on Foran though, as he still impresses me and always seems to be up for our games.


    Wouldn't mind seeing Leitch getting another run out, but expect to see Carswell back in - any news on Moore ?


    No doubt come 7.45pm, all negative thoughts will have diappeared, and I'll be giving it






    :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

  14. That'll work in our favour though, let the media talk other teams up and put the pressure on them whilst we pick up points here and there seemingly unnoticed.

    Was listening in the car to Radio Scotland on Sunday, and as usual, all the pundits were creaming themselves over the Sheep and the Arabs, with some praise (rightly so) also given over to ICT - they went over to Willie Miller who was covering our game, and although I expected more of the same, he couldn't have praised the Dossers any higher, stating the club has been magnificent over the past number of seasons, as well as now, with budgets at our disposal.


    He did spoil it by going for a Sheep win, but I'll let him suffer in silence :woop:




  15. The greatest fans in the universe will no doubt be ripping us a new arsehole

    right from the start, but as unlikely as it may be, if we somehow get a decent

    result against them, how good will be ramming it right up their hin'

    end ......... as they slaughter their ginger messiah



    I live in hope :yahoo:




  16. Thankfully I couldn't get to the game on Saturday, so as bad as I feel about the result, I'm probably cushioned a bit in not seeing the display 1st hand.


    I'll be there on Friday in hope more than expectation, but it's the Well, so you just never know :ph34r:




  17. Work with a Rovers supporting lad (that's two of them now !), and he tells me the capacity for Cliftonhill is down to 1200.


    Also the following from his email after I suggested it may unfortunately move to Airdrie


    It won't be Airdrie after their attempted extortion over theRangers game in July. Hamilton would be first choice and Livi thereafter, but it really has to be at home; here's hoping Police Scotland agree




  18. Missed the 1st half as I was at the lad's game so flying up the road at HT to get the 2nd half - put on radio to see how it went in the 1st - Richard Gordon was talking the game up and our performance before asking Fud Young to join in.


    He fecking slaughtered the game and wasn't impressed - got the impression that even Richrd Gordon wanted to tell him he's a fud ! I can only go with what I saw in the 2nd half along with other comments, and almost all, including the Sportscene guys were commenting on it being a good game. No doubt the Fud was happier when we were 1 down, but can only imagine his despair when Ainsworth scored.


    For my own part, disappointed we only got a point, but there are positives to take from the game - as others have mentioned though, two very poor goals to lose, and avoidable, but beforehand, would've taken the point.


    Home game next week, and these are the games we have to win, so hopefully onward and upward :notworthy:





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