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Posts posted by Burn_Broomfield

  1. In Clubs efforts to play the family card, ours in particular, they've totally dismissed what made up the majority of the fan base and that is men aged 16-50 going with their mates. We've maybe gained a few families who go on a regular basis, but have lost hundreds, thousands even, of the core support. A fact that no Club in Scotland seems willing to accept.

    • Like 3

    Not really.


    Regard the society as a holding company, and the club as a trading company, Two different boards of directors. And while the society has ultimate ownership of the club, they have decided to keep the club at a fiscal arms length. That's the correct way of doing it in my view.


    The trading company, the club, has a board of directors who are held to specific fiscal responsibilities under UK law. When you are appointed a director, you receive a governmental letter welcoming you to the ranks of directorship and advising you to be aware of your responsibilities.


    These include complying with tax regulations, employment law, health and safety standards, and the insolvency act. There are severe criminal penalties for directors that fail to comply with the relevant laws.


    Leave the professionals to run the club, and the fans to run the society. Of course there will be communication between both parties but the worst case scenario would be unqualified fans trying to force their opinions onto a legally constituted board of directors. The directors have legal responsibility for the day to day running of the club - leave them to it.


    How about Motherwell fans who are directors of successful companies and know what they are talking about?

  3. The lack of good Sports Doctors and extravagant juicing systems definitely holds Scottish football back when compared to the more successful leagues.


    Thomas building up his physique to compete with top level players will take years of hard work, probably more than he is willing to put in.

  4. I can't be bothered.


    An offer to set up an email marketing service free of charge for the forum - and it's met with this level of childish vitriol.


    When you don't know what you are talking about - don't talk.


    A skill this forum needs to learn.

    A skill that obviously bypassed yourself.

    I take you'll not be responding to me pulling you up previously then? Would this be because you don't have the first clue what you are on about?


    A toys out the pram episode when questioned allows the mask to slip.

  5. How long do you think it takes?


    Or you don't know and you just posted for the craic?


    As for your last comment - absurd beyond belief. A typical example of someone who hasn't a clue what they are talking about jumping in with two feet.


    Email is the Holy Grail of Internet marketing. I bet everyone reading this post sees emails every day from companies they have bought from in the past, airlines, etc.


    And guess why they do it, go on, guess?


    It's to remind their previous customers ( fans ) that they are still there, and what news/new deal there is to entice them.


    And guess what? It works - and that's why they keep doing it.


    But here we go again - someone who doesn't know what they are talking about slides into a conversation and derails it with nonsense.


    Fantastical that you think email marketing doesn't drive customers.

    Whilst trying too hard and failing at being a smart arse, you aren't very good at reading things over are you?


    Try again and see if you can spot your mistake before I give you a good dressing down. I would be extremely concerned if someone like yourself that continues to jump in with both feet whilst not really knowing what they are dribbling about was in charge of a marketing department.

    • Like 2
  6. Andy_P reckons forum mods can't be bothered sending out a weekly digest email.


    That's the equivalent of a pub that can't be bothered restocking, or a brickie that can't be bothered with cement.


    It's fundamental - fundamental - to forum traffic.


    So fundamental that when I showed the two relevant threads to my three Internet marketing expert pals last night they burst out laughing.


    Do you have any idea how important email still is? It's the Holy Grail of the Internet.




    Pick out the best posts of the week and send them. Pick out the best match analyses for the week and send them.


    We all know we can read the 300 word media report about who passed to who and who scored. We are fans, we want more detail than the media can give us.


    How did McMillan do? How about the new signing? Watch the threads on here, you'll see questions like that all the time. You'Ll see members go out their way to mention new players in their match reports.


    Kmcalpin, is always detailed and reasoned in his reports - let as many as possible read them.




    Email header -


    "Have You Seen Chris Cadden Play?"




    It looks we have a real find from the Academy - Chris Cadden......blah blah ....... consistent man of the match performances aged only ...... blah blah ........... have you sent him play? Get along to Fir Park and watch our new star of the future.




    Ben Heneghan - From Obscured to Assured


    Dealing in the transfer market is always risky but McGhee looks to have dug out a gem in Ben Heneghan ........ blah blah. From reserve team obscurity to assured performances ......




    This will drive people back to the forum, and even more important, back through the gates at Fir Park.


    It's a gold mine for the club, The Well Society, and the forum.


    So you're suggesting the Mods give up their current jobs and spare time to do this? Before you go running like a dog with 2 dicks about this, be mindful that this is purely an unofficial Motherwell forum that has nothing to do with either the Well Society or MFC. Those who have kept it going have absolutely no duty whatsoever to be spamming members in order to increase traffic, if anything that would make more come off of here.


    The mods do it voluntarily,probably much to their exasperation at times and should be applauded on doing a thankless task.


    It's far too simplistic(fantastical even) to suggest increasing traffic on a forum will increase footfall at Fir Park. The problems with Scottish Football run far deeper than being able to talk shite on an unofficial forum.

    • Like 8
  7. The sooner Craigan decides he wants this job the fucking better. McGhee doesn't give a fuck and neither do a few of those wearing C&A. McManus was an absolute shambles tonight, as if he was doing it on purpose such was his unbelievably poor showing.


    Scunnered with the Club as a whole these days and increasingly more are of the same opinion. You'll be lucky to break 3000 fans on Saturday such is the wave apathy sweeping through the stands.

    • Like 1
  8. Yes. Everybody who took a wee holiday to the seaside to wach some football deserves annual recognition. Makes those Syrian refugees travel efforts look amateur by comparison.



    Nobody is talking about Syrians and frankly, no one cares. What is of paramount importance here is the overdue recognition that the 10 brave individuals deserve for taking on the challenge of travelling to Albania, into the bear pit that was Vlore. Albanians are evil bastards, has no one fucking watched Taken 1, 2 or 3?

  9. motherwell as a club has wiped the albanian shambles that they started with their shambolic statement with albania is like parkhead, people who were there know the score,we know its 7 years but we can wait another 3 years



    The Albo 10 have to be formally recognised by the Club. This must also include the return of the ship to Cyprus...

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