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Posts posted by Burn_Broomfield

  1. Settle down why, ya madman? Cos I'm pointing out I've been right all year?


    What a fucking embarrassment Lasley was the other night, and that wasn't the first time this season.


    It's February, hardly a bold claim. I'd seriously doubt you've been right about anything football wise in your life.


    The constant need to tell folk you've worked abroad is fucking cringeworthy by the way. I reckon myself and few others on here could let you borrow a few air miles for your next International troubleshooting assignment though. If you play nice, you might get the unrestricted lounge access and business class seats.

    • Like 1
  2. Stevie Thompson seems to think everything constitutes a red card.


    Shouting for Vigurs and Draper to be sent is a joke from an ex pro who wasn''t shy about throwing his weight around.


    I wasn't convinced Draper deserved anything other than a booking as Brown was fly by purposely standing on his foot.


    Given our recent red cards, Vigurs tackle is worse, much worse than both. He makes no attempt for the ball, in from the back/side, high with a scissor motion.

  3. I've been a vocal critic of the Well Society in the past, however I have been impressed by their recent changes to the structure which now seems to have the right people on board with concrete plans on how we progress with it. Today's development has convinced me to invest in it and I've started with a payment of £25 a month. I take it the initial lump sum investment is no longer an option? Onwards and Upwards.

  4. Leitch after falling out with McLean.


    How many players have been on our books during the time frame represented by the guys you mention? Would that be 300? 400? 500? Since Andy Walker? Ffs - is it a thousand?


    Amazing success rate there, eh?


    Fraser Wishart

    Mark Reilly

    Ian Ross



    It's a decent success rate, as 99% of players in Junior football are there for a reason, due to them not having all necessary requirements to make it as a professional footballer. Ability is merely just one attribute needed to be able to earn a decent living as a footballer.


    On very, very rare occasions you'll find a gem in Junior/Amateur football. Motherwell have always kept an eye on that level, I know of guys who have been invited for trials due to the successes of their sides in junior and amateur football, but everyone of them has always found the difference in standard to be too large and the financial rewards not overly worthwhile.

  5. So retro, what are you, stupid?


    I knew Derek befote he played with Motherwell. I was at that debut Celtic game. Scottish juniot teams are the equivalent of conference league.


    Lets sort it out in the way that a five year old can understand, in the case of Bowman.


    Guy plays for junior team.


    Guy is signed by a professional team at midnight August 31.






    Gateshead FC are a professional football team for your information, since facts aren't your strong point.


    Of the 24 teams in the National League, I think it's approximately 8 that are Semi-Professional, the rest are professional clubs just like Motherwell, in many cases with better facilities and more finance.


    Granted the Premiership is a step up in level, with different styles of football, but he should have no problem adjusting to the training.

    • Like 1
  6. Then comes the Dougie Arnott argument:


    1. Name one other player in your lifetime that moved from Scottish junior leagues to Motherwell and made it.






    Club Captain Keith Lasley

    Lee McCulloch

    Greig Denham

    Andy Walker

    Alex Burns

    Scott Leitch(Indirectly)

    • Like 2
  7. http://www.motherwelltimes.co.uk/sport/football/motherwell-fc/mcghee-my-future-is-at-motherwell-fc-1-4362347



    McGhee wants to stay on. I'd be happy enough with that as I think he's the right man at the helm until Craigan decides he wants to take over. He's made mistakes, he's got things right, he doesn't have a vintage playing squad and hopefully when we stay in the league this season he'll get the team in for a proper pre-season. I believe the new League cup format has impacted heavily on, not just us, but every team in the league, perhaps with the exception of Rangers.

    • Like 4
  8. Decent conversation on Sportsound just now involving McDonald and Derek Ferguson, echoing much of what has been discussed on here.


    Motherwell not appealing McHugh's sending off. Burrows and McDonald came away from Hampden last week knowing that due to a rule change, you can rarely go to ground when tackling, regardless of whether you get the ball, as the tackle is inevitably going to involve force.


    As an aside, Hearts' can't appeal the mistaken identity yellow. Joke!



    That is fucking mental. We'd be as well just stopping football all together.

    • Like 3
  9. Hearts have a very strong midfield and we'll struggle to compete with them, never mind outplay them. I can see the benefit of packing our midfield but as Weeyin says the danger is that Moult become isolated and we then resort to throwing high balls up to him when he's covered by 2 huge defenders. I also wonder how fit Pearo is - would he last 90 or even 80 minutes? Mark McGhee may also set us up to counteract Hearts and that would affect his line up. Still, its good to have options.


    I'd be very surprised if he is in contention for a place(even on the bench) this weekend.


    Agreeing with the above, I wouldn't be averse to trying Hastie off of Moult as part of a 4-2-3-1.


    A forum is a discourse, a conversation. People post opinions, others challenge them or agree with them. I'm sorry if you don't like having to justify a position or view or even have someone use facts to illustrate a point.



    I'm still trying to get over the absolute pile of shite you wrote about attendances and the Scottish Cup. It was nonsense, even by the standards on here.

  11. They threw the game.


    Newcastle and Brighton did the same yesterday.



    Teams up the top of the Championship have little desire to go deep into the FA Cup as it is detrimental to the league form. Especially in Leeds case, playing Sutton on an artificial surface increases the risk of injury to the main first team players..

  12. Interesting that Bowman is being offered around if true. Hasn't had much of a chance as an out and out striker yet and I thought he was brought in as Moults replacement. If true he must just not be up to it and it's money down the tubes.


    Never really been that impressed with him. Big laddie who tries hard and is committed, but he really doesn't look much of a player.


    I don't foresee Lucas, and Clay for that matter, costing us the Earth in terms of wages. Lasley has taken a significant drop in earnings from last season as well. McHugh will probably be our highest earning player in that position.

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