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Posts posted by Bop

  1. Who checked the train timetable for the 8 minute journey? Wonders of modern technology means the Hamilton Circle line has been powered by electric traction for over 30 years and you don't have to push the trains across the Clyde... Cuts into the valuable drinking time of the beer monsters who will be there :whistling:


    Only decided to go for an earlier train due to this being PATG. Means we can get in early and congregate together in a section before the main body of fans arrive and people then have a choice whether to sit near us and join in or keep quiet up the other end of the stand.



    Merchandise? Don't suppose those silk scarves will be available? Keep it on the lowdown if you like, still trying to pacify the wee fella, neices and nephews on why Brian McMonagle got a hold of one before them and he can't get it round his neck (before herbal life usage mind).


    Usual support those in the second to end section :thumbup:


    PM sent.

  2. "Since I Was Young" presents... The Scottish Cup Pre-Party!


    We're not quite getting the day out on the terracing in Coatbridge but we can still make the most of it as ever. Join us for live music and famous Motherwell moments on the screens before we take on Lanarkshire rivals Albion Rovers in the Scottish Cup!


    No charge for entry although donation buckets will be around the bar with selected merchandise available. The Electric Bar is set to be packed out and it's sure to be a great day out.


    "We're the Pride of Lanarkshire!"




    Incidentally, I really liked the look of Molde's stadium last night. 11,000 capacity. Looked a cracking venue. Accordinging to the commentary last night they are switching to astro too for next season.



    Visited it to watch Molde V AAFK and its a cracking stadium which feels alot bigger than the 11k capacity but sadly I think it cost around £30M to build which completely prices us out of anything remotely similar.



    Their league structure is much better than ours and their game is much better financed, receiving much more sponsorship and distributing it much more fairly. The league is much more competitive than ours and local clubs are much better supported. Teams like Aalesund have a regular home support twice as big as ours from a town roughly the same size.


    Their league might be more competitive but the overall standard of football is absolutely howling in comparison to Scotland. I don't know why they can't attract a higher standard of player considering the money they pay out but it really is shite. Haugesund are a good example, I watched them a couple of times at the start of the Norwegian season which overlaps with our campaign from last year. Dundee would've beaten them in my opinion and they managed to finish 4th. St Johnstones result against Rosenborg was no fluke either, they're just shite. AAFK have 3 players that i'd take over players in our own starting 11 at the minute; Michael Barrantes, Fredrik Ulvestad and Abderazzak Hamdallah. Barrantes is only still there because he's reaching an age where it isnt worthwhile for someone to take a punt on him, Ulvestad is a hot prospect and will no doubt leave fairly soon and Hamdallah cost them 1M.



    We could learn a lot from Scandinavian football.



    Namely how to treat fans and stir up a local interest in the game. Aalesund is a brilliant place to be on a match day, there are AAFK flags up on poles all over the city and theres much more sense of community to the day out.

  5. Still too many of our support think we're a nuisance and would get in the way being up that end of the east. We can stand without inhibiting anyone's view and due to the rest of the stand being season ticket seats the only real option we'd have would be to switch to the polar opposite section of the east next to the cooper. Trust me, in an ideal world we'd like nothing better than to be smack bang in the middle of the east with fans either side joining in but I don't think its all that feasible.

  6. I heard from a Morton fan, who appeared to be in the know Imrie was waiting to see if we signed faddy before he took them up on their deal.


    Straight from the horses mouth. No contact from MFC whatsoever, more likely his agent trying to drum up interest.

  7. More and more Scottish fans are singing SIWY. Was it a Motherwell original or was it copied from elsewhere?



    The tune itself isn't originally a Motherwell song but the "Since I was Young" etc was penned by us. Its a melody thats being doing the rounds in Europe for a while but the translation is nothing at all like ours and if you hear anyone singing the version in English its been bumped.

  8. I've posted this in the display thread but didn't think there'd be any harm posting it here too for anyone that misses it. I tried to embed the youtube video but I still haven't quite mastered it.







    Also, we know that not everyone likes to go to the football and sing for 90 minutes but if we could encourage fans to take part in any of the singing tomorrow we'd love it to be at the start of the game for "HAWNS" leading into SIWY. Stuart McCall says he'd like a flying start tomorrow and there would be no better way of getting the team going right before kick off than looking round and seeing the whole East Stand (ideally the whole stadium) joining in before belting out SIWY. I've attached a youtube video if you arent familiar with the build up. If you only sing one song tomorrow night, atleast make it this and try your best to encourage those around you to join in with the overhead clapping. As always, the more the merrier down that side of the east and if you've been thinking about moving seats before but not quite managed it, theres no better opportunity than tomorrow.



    Edit: This will take place as soon as the display is finished."

  9. http://youtu.be/h8iC1Yf6h84




    Also, we know that not everyone likes to go to the football and sing for 90 minutes but if we could encourage fans to take part in any of the singing tomorrow we'd love it to be at the start of the game for "HAWNS" leading into SIWY. Stuart McCall says he'd like a flying start tomorrow and there would be no better way of getting the team going right before kick off than looking round and seeing the whole East Stand (ideally the whole stadium) joining in before belting out SIWY. I've attached a youtube video if you arent familiar with the build up. If you only sing one song tomorrow night, atleast make it this and try your best to encourage those around you to join in with the overhead clapping. As always, the more the merrier down that side of the east and if you've been thinking about moving seats before but not quite managed it, theres no better opportunity than tomorrow.



    Edit: This will take place as soon as the display is finished.

    • Like 1
  10. Somebody take a photo please


    I am down south with work and would like to see the display.



    We're lucky enough that one of the official photographers in the stadium has links to the group and will be in position to grab some pictures. That being said, we'd encourage anyone sitting in the main stand to grab as many photographs as possible.

  11. On Wednesday night against Aberdeen we will attempt what is possibly our most ambitious home display to date and we will require full participation of those in the last 2 sections of the East Stand. We request that when we raise the centre piece for this display, those with card placed on their seat follow suit and hold it above their head.

    We would like to take this opportunity to request that those in these sections please refrain from throwing the card towards the pitch when the display is complete. We have come a long way in our relations with the club and do not want to hinder that progress in any-way. The club have faced reprimands previously for the actions of a minority and while we know there was no malice in the throwing of bits of paper before, those in charge of our game have a zero tolerance policy and it is for this reason that we stress you follow this request and make those around you in the stadium aware of the situation.

    We would like to thank every person who continually supports these actions both financially and through participation. Be it through purchasing a fanzine, stickers or just a simple donation, you are what makes this possible. The effort that has went into Wednesday night in terms of man (and girl) hours far outreaches anything we've done before and we hope it spurs the team on to victory. Bring your singing voices.


    • Like 3
  12. Maybe its based on what people have seen of Hollis so far? He hasn't made many mistakes but to me he doesn't look like a "Premiership" standard keeper. £10 bet to a charity of anyones choice that Gunnar is our number 1 by the end of the season (barring injury).

  13. Big Shaun Hutchie Geordie man

    Get past him if you fuckin can

    Try a little trick and he'll make you look a prick

    Big Shaun Hutchy


    Never been able to make out the rest, hope I dont regret asking!



  14. More to do with financial constraints rather than underestimating demand. The nature of what we do means that we never have money lying around as its almost instantly spent on material/paint etc. Quite often its the guys who are involved themselves that need to sub money in order to get the ball rolling and with the majority of us being in our early 20's it means we dont have huge amounts of disposable income to set aside for a few months (production takes its time) until they are ready to go on sale. Absolutely delighted though that they have sold out so quickly and there will be discussions about the possibility of more in the future.


    Big thank you to everyone who bought one, its hugely appreciated and makes a big difference with plenty big games coming up.

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