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Everything posted by Lobey_Dosser

  1. It’s dangerous to 2nd guess anything in this saga but I doubt Scott Brown would have been so candid today if this wasn’t happening. I expect him to be training with Celtic by the end of the week.
  2. If Alan Nixon is suggesting the move to Celtic is back on then it probably is.
  3. McBride did very well on loan and Nadir was obviously a dream. Other clubs have done well on occasion. Christie was key to a good Aberdeen side and Henderson delivered the Scottish Cup for Hibs. I think we can forget about Johnston, Morgan and Henderson now though.
  4. I think I read earlier in this thread that Turnbull has the same agent as Stuart Armstrong. If so, there is a bit of tension between club and agent. That might explain the toys being thrown out the pram. As an aside, credit to Turnbull for not rushing into anything. Of course he may still end up at Parkhead but there can’t be too many young Scots that have previously rejected the opportunity to sign for Celtic or Rangers. All too often, heads are turned at the slightest interest from either club. Fingers crossed he gets the move he really wants.
  5. Mikey Johnston and Lewis Morgan are cracking talents from what I’ve seen with Scotland, while Henderson is reportedly on another level. I doubt any of them would be keen to leave Celtic prior to having the opportunity to impress during CL qualifiers but if there is scope to bring one in, we have to be all over it. In years gone by I was never keen on taking Premiership players on loan but in an era where the turnover of players is so high and few quality players stay beyond a season, why not? The primary disadvantage is obviously not being able to play against Celtic but the opportunity to have access to an exciting talent well beyond our budget for 34/35 league talents surely makes it worthwhile.
  6. I think we’ll be in the market for two midfielders. One to replace McHugh/Gorrin and one to pull the strings and feed all these wingers that we are after. Assuming Cadden finds a new club, I suspect we are looking at around 6 more signings.
  7. The likelihood is that there would have been a gentleman’s agreement on an acceptable transfer fee when we prevented Turnbull doing a Hastie. The club have played fair by the most talented player to come through the system in decades. It’s the way we have to be if we want to continue enticing the best young kids to sign for us. Regarding timing, there was absolutely no way a player of David’s ability was going to stay at Motherwell beyond this summer. He is just too good for us. So surely, it’s better a deal is a agreed now than transfer deadline day? From the outside, all parties appear to have conducted themselves impeccably. The challenge now is to invest the money wisely in the coming years by identifying and developing the next Marvin, Moult, Kipre, Turnbull etc.
  8. When Turnbull signed his new contract, a release clause was obviously agreed. Motherwell have since been fairly public on our strategy. Credit to Celtic, they’ve obviously learned from the McGinn saga and have offered the requested amount without messing us about. It remains to be seen if David actually signs for Celtic. Personally, I think his development would be better suited to a Bournemouth/Southampton and that would obviously benefit Motherwell with regards future sell on value. Nevertheless, I wish him all the best whatever he chooses and I can’t wait to see him starring for the national team.
  9. Bournemouth now getting linked. This is more like it. Manager that likes to play good football and has transformed Ryan Fraser into one of the best wingers around. Nice part of the country too.
  10. £3 million and a decent sell-on clause to an English team would be excellent business. Hopefully a number of clubs meet the requested fee, allowing Turnbull to decide what option is best for him. Id normally be gutted at Motherwell losing such a talent but he is so good, I just want to watch him perform at the highest level possible.
  11. And so it begins with Celtic not learning anything from the McGinn embarrassment last summer, when they failed to pay £3m for a boy that is now worth £25m. We need to get Turnbull down to England so we can max out on sell-on clauses. It’s also the best place for his development.
  12. After refusing to play on the Kazakhstan plastic, he started upfront on the San Marino grass and did his ankle. Out for the season.
  13. I’m no sure I’ll ever enjoy a goal more than Lionel’s. Pearsons piercing run and the off the ball movement was a thing of beauty. I can still hear the noise of the ball hitting the net. Never have I felt so feart going to a game but it proved to be one of the best nights ever.
  14. I quite liked this at the beginning but as Andy says, the regionalisation takes away the freshness. The last two names in the heart were Clyde and Dumbarton so I’m glad we could the latter for a wee bit of a change. Will be interesting to see if this format is maintained once the tv deal is up.
  15. Tad surprised and really disappointed he hasn’t made the squad. Midfield is where we have depth but his ability to ping one from distance would have came in handy.
  16. Cannot wait to see David in a Scotland short, think he’s done enough to get his chance next month.
  17. Derby, Cardiff and Bristol City linked with Turnbull today. Having watched a fair bit of Derby recently, I think this would be the perfect move for him at this stage in his development. He’d fit nicely into Lampard’s style of play.
  18. Wigan secured championship survival with a win over Preston, I wonder if there are any related add-ons in the Kipre deal. Moult came on as a late sub.
  19. Good luck to Hastie at Rangers, should that be his chosen destination. It’s disappointing to lose him at this stage but you can’t blame any talented youngster moving to a bigger club if they have a genuine shot at first team action. I’m now more interested in seeing who will be the next youth product to nail their spot in the first team as I don’t envisage Scott, Maguire and Livingston being regulars. I’ve only seen Semple for Scotland youth teams and that was some time ago, is he the hottest prospect for 2019/20?
  20. Dom Thomas scores his 15th of the season.
  21. Not for the first time, we are being linked with Liam Polworth. Scott Burns the source, indicating St Johnstone and Hamilton are also interested. I didn’t see the semi at the weekend but generally whenever I see Inverness on the tv, Polworth catches the eye. Suspect he would be a replacement for Cadden.
  22. There is a real chance of Turnbull generating a record transfer fee for Motherwell. In order for this to materialise however, he needs to stay with us until at least Dec 19 and prove his ability against the bigger teams. Sadly though, I can see numerous clubs making offers in the summer that may prove too tempting for player and club. As an aside, if he’s determined to have a strong end to the season, he may have an outside chance of making the Scotland squad for Cyprus/Belgium double header in June given the inevitable calls offs.
  23. Slightly surprised we haven’t heard anything yet. There must be reasoning for it. Do we have any suspended penalties hanging over us following the Rangers playoff?
  24. Glad I stayed in the house as the players have been content to go through the motions today. Hopefully it’s a wake up call for those that want to move onto bigger and better things. Two or three are talented enough to do so but they’ve failed to perform in front of the cameras today. The three goals so far have been absolute gifts from us trying to play football. Important we learn from today and strike the right balance going forward.
  25. We’ll have offered Cadden better terms then he is already on to secure compensation. In terms of form and career progression, his injury can’t at a real unfortunate time. It will be interesting to see what his options are, will an English club be willing to pay the previously reported £600k? I was previously of the view that he had to move for his own career development. Given how Robinson has transferred the team since Christmas though, the prospect of Cadden playing in an attacking role alongside Campbell and Turnbull is an enticing one. Would be nice to have the three of them together for a year, unlikely though.
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