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Everything posted by Wellarmy

  1. I love home games but nothing beats going away in the Scottish Cup especially the first round we enter. What a buzz!!!
  2. Wellarmy

    Just Leaving

    Particularly enjoyed that as our ex keeper was in goals for them aswell Joining a bigger club my arse
  3. I'm back to work this week so looking like i'll be missing the game. Never been upto Aberdeen before. But might have Saturday off and then the missus lets me spend the pounds then just maybe, JUST maybe i'll be there
  4. They got took upto the back and got a talking to but everything seemed to be sorted because they were back down later in the game.
  5. "Oh the Killie are shite Oh the Motherwell are good Oh the Killie are shite oh the Motherwell are good" The youngs boys do get abit of bad press amongst Well fans but they were great today plus for once the stewards just left them to themselves and they never stopped making noise. Brilliant
  6. Its great coming onto the forum and reading everything that you were going to say but i'll say it anyways. Great team performance, great individual performances, even the support for the team was fantastic and thats fuckin unusual to say the least Well done boys, youse deserve a few of these Although youse probably aren't old enough yet
  7. Its not the same kind of goal though. Forbes' was genius, Blakes was brute power at its best.
  8. Wellarmy


    I took it back this morning then put it in for a cool wash earlier and the same bit came away so wondering whether to look to get it sorted or get it changed. 3 times now, thats takin the piss I think.
  9. Having a look at the goals again and the only goals better than Forbes' are Rodallega and Blake.
  10. Under 19s won 6-1 against St Johnstone Well done lads
  11. The longer this goes on the more Im getting worried its going to be someone weve never heard of, hope Im bloody wrong though
  12. Definately abit of Old Firm bias. Forbes's goal was better than McGeadys at least. Also better than a few of the EPL goals aswell!
  13. I thought Hibs would struggle this season but the signing of Stokes has changed that view a tad. If him and Benjelloun hit it off then it will definately be a worrying time for SPL defences.
  14. And thats not even half of the amount you c***s have nicked Lose that many late goals to youse I think theres a bloody conspiracy
  15. Was against St Johnstone, scored 2 in the last 10 minutes after being 1-0 down. That doesnt happen often either right enough.
  16. Wellarmy

    Mark Cameron

    Feels like this is now a monthly or even a weekly thing on here now. Very sad news. RIP
  17. Picked Coke, good solid midfielder. The guy won't be knocked about easy and that showed today. Got a wee head knock but was back up and raring to go again. This guy will definately prove to be a quality bit of business. Picked his passes well and wasnt caught in position, always assured with who was around him and done really well. Also a big shout to Forbes for his goal. Best goal Ive seen in a long time from a Well player. Well done mate
  18. It was Liam Craig who was then booked for the exact same sort of challenge, beggars belief
  19. Ive seen some bad performances from Motherwell players in the past but Hammell was utter pish the day. If hes not at Dundee by next week he wont start against Kilmarnock. Very disappointed with him today.
  20. Ive not really seen anybody mention this. I think the moment that had a bearing on the game was the referees decision not to send off McCaffrey(i think) for taking out McHugh with 15mins to go. The boy is away from him and he just takes him out! I dont give a fuck if it was 40 yards from goal but the wee mans pace wouldve took him right in on goal. McDonald as always shites himself on a big decision. If he goes then we wouldve won the game although I think we shouldve anyways. But well done to the boys for a great 2nd performance and two cracking goals. Also well done to Humphrey and McHugh for coming on and injecting the pace that we badly needed.
  21. My first opening day match we lost a 2 goal lead to draw 2-2 with celtic. I think Arnott scored, maybe got the two goals. Slater(who?) got the first for Celtic. It was the season we finished 3rd. Even being young the game was amazing
  22. Wellarmy


    Give him a break mate. Hes probably not seen it.
  23. Wellarmy


    Ive never seen a better Motherwell away top in years, fantastic
  24. Hopefully its a roaring start to the season with a well earned victory. 2-1 to The Mighty Well
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