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Everything posted by Rammer

  1. We don't seem to have too much of a cutting edge at the moment unfortunatley.
  2. Bad miss from Murphy on a 1-on-1 by the sounds of things.
  3. Oh dear, Fraser to come on then? EDIT : Coke on for the duke.
  4. Where is everyone? What's happening in the game?
  5. Quite attacking by the looks of things. C'mon ye 'Well!
  6. Team news anyone? How's the park looking?
  7. Yeah, a wee bit of extra pressure as the Jambos are breathing down our neck. C'mon ye 'Well.
  8. Aye, know what you mean. I think we may be getting a bit ahead of ourselves with this one. If O'Brien is out it certainly cuts down our attacking options. Hopefully we'll still have enough in the tank to come out on top but this will be a harder game than most people are predicting at the moment. 7-0 the 'well!
  9. Aye, Killie would be good Well_Jaggy. Or better still, why not Somerset Park where we can have a bit of nostalgia with the old terracing!
  10. Coke will admit himself that he can't play wide left or right. All his career has been played in the middle as an attacking midfielder. Unfortunately the partnership of Lasley and Jennings has limited his chances of that role.
  11. I think one is Steve Jennings according to the Wishaw Press podcast.
  12. Rammer

    John Ruddy

    What about him? He was past his best when he came to the 'Well. John Ruddy couldnae lace John Gardners boots!
  13. Rammer

    Jim O'Brien

    According to the BBc Gossip page, Hibs and St. Johnstone are interested (The Sun).
  14. Personally, I liked Stevie Kirk but he seemed to always have one good season followed by one bad one. I can see why some peoples' opinion of him may vary. What about Mark Caughey or Paul Kinnaird......both pish!
  15. Spent more times on his arse that anything else. Did he not end his Motherwell career with an injury he got stepping out of his car?
  16. Rammer

    Jim O'Brien

    Rumour has it that Aberdeen are keeping tabs on him as well!
  17. Rammer

    Jim O'Brien

    I think they might try to get JOB and apparently they're still looking at Jim Paterson as well.
  18. Tell him to go for the special, they're the dugs danglies!
  19. Rammer

    Jim O'Brien

    If JOB is still here at the end of the deadline then all that it really means is that he'll walk away from us at the end of the season for nowt. I just can't see him committing his future to the 'well. Hope I'm proved wrong but I think he'll chase the money.
  20. Rammer

    Jim O'Brien

    He could still sign for Aberdeen or Hearts up until midnight!
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