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El Grew

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Posts posted by El Grew

  1. 19 minutes ago, joewarkfanclub said:

    Without really paying any attention to how United set up, Id be tempted to go same again with the players that started v ICT.

    It wasnt the hardest of nights running wise and we were able to rotate a lot of our players out reasonably early so I dont think legs will be an issue.

    I also think we need to get some continuity of selection to continue to build confidence in what we are doing. 

    Everyone who started played well and deserve to be rewarded for that. Also everyone that came on showed they can make an impact from the bench which is what we need.


    McGinn      Sol        Lamie       Penney

                           Slattery    Goss

    Efford               Tierney          Spittal


    So whose the midfield ball winner then? It certainly isn’t Goss or Slattery!

  2. 11 minutes ago, steelboy said:

    Morris is utter shite, McGinn is a good signing but means we are paying SOD a healthy wage to sit on the bench and Arrons is a known quantity who's crossing is still horrendous. Going back further extending McGinley is still mystifying.

    Now we are apparently going to make a song and dance about bringing in a striker with the worst injury record in the UK. 

    Despite the brickbats you are correct.

  3. Our league record against Dundee Utd at FP:

    P91  W38  D17  L36  GF146 GA125

    Purely on stats it’s 60% chance a home win or draw and 58% chance an away win or draw.

    In recent seasons it’s generally been the home team that has prevailed so  hoping for a good performance and a home win.  COYW!

  4. 10 hours ago, Well Well said:

    It was a ridiculous comment and your constant doom mongering is getting tiresome and predictably boring. 4-0 at home and your still having a dig...some people are never bloody happy. Give it a rest and enjoy the performance and win for a change.

    Hard f*cking cheese!  I did not say we didn’t play well but let’s put the win into some kind of perspective.

    I’ll tell you what is predictably boring is reading posts from the likes of you gushing over us beating a lower league team that have 1 win in their first 5 games, sit 3rd bottom of their league and who Partick Thistle recently humped.  This may or may not be the start of a new dawn - I hope it is - but until such time as we start looking like we can do this at home to teams in our league, I’ll reserve any judgement.

    Oh and if you don’t like my posts tough titty.  Don’t read them!

  5. 24 minutes ago, Well Well said:

    This is an absolutely terrible comment...Did you actually go to the game?.. We created lots of chances, lots of one touch football and free flowing stuff all over the park...ball was pinged about on the deck all over the place. Efford probably had his best game for us on the right. Tierney was unplayable and Goss was spraying great passes all over the park. Defence were outstanding when called upon and mopped everything up. Even under pressure they didn't punt it up the park and played the ball on the deck out of bother. I have no problems about where the goals come from as the players were breaking their neck to get in about the goals and were just unlucky not to score.

    Yes I was at the game so wind yer neck in.  My remarks were meant to be constructive and anyway they were factually correct.

    Maybe the name of this site should be changed to Pravda because it seems if you dare to post anything even vaguely critical on it you just get pilloried?  Everybody is entitled to express their views whether you like, agree or disagree with them.

  6. 2 hours ago, Dossertillidie2 said:

    formation favours our stronger/better players and shields for me has had plenty chances to be a foil to Van veen

    Wee bit unfair on Shields. Since he arrived he’s been asked to play out wide but he’s really a centre-forward.  Maybe we should play two up and try pairing him through the middle with Van Veen.

    • Like 2
  7. 8 hours ago, thewelllfan said:

    I personally would go 


    Sod Mugabi Lamie Penney

    Maguire Goss Spittal


    Van Veen Ferrie

    Why?  There’s only 2 competitions we’ve a serious chance of doing well in and maybe make some money along the way, so why start f*cking  about with the team selection?  Stevie Hammell must identify his best/ strongest 11 and play them.

    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, joewarkfanclub said:

    Not sure.

    But we just signed a left back on a 6 month loan.

    Not sure of your point?

    Spot on.  I’m not knocking the guy we’ve signed but compare the player we got to the one Kilmarnock got and be totally honest, which would you rather have?

    Ours is 24, 5’8” and on loan from a League 1 club (Div. 3 in old money) We’re now the 6th club he’s been to in 6 seasons and this is his 4th loan deal. During those 6 seasons he’s only played 70 games.

    Theirs is only 18, 6’0” and on loan from a Premiership club with whom he signed a new deal in January and Steven Gerrard rates him a good prospect. He’s just starting out on his football career.

    The point I’m trying to make is that if we must sign players on loan then ensure their fitness for purpose first.  Stop bringing journeymen in heaven knows we’ve got more than enough already. Perhaps we should try  to foster relationships with Premiership clubs who would be willing to loan us their up and coming young players.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  9. I know we can’t possibly have tabs on every player that may be available for a loan deal from England, but it’s been obvious for quite some time that we badly need a left-back.   From what I saw yesterday, Kilmarnock looked to have picked up a very decent young left-back on loan from Aston Villa in Ben Chrisene from their academy side who has represented England at under-15, under-16 and under-17 level.

    Wonder what players our scouting genius is watching? <_<

  10. 12 hours ago, FirParkCornerExile said:

    Im meaning on a personal level for him. Theres no doubt we'd be fucked without his goals. That said Id have scored 3 of his goals, much of his play is poor, too greedy and dispossessed too easily because he will not play other in. Would I still play him ? of course because no one else is scoring but the fact he has scored goals does not excuse his over all contribution from being looked at.

    :doh: :doh: :doh:

  11. 16 minutes ago, spudmfc said:

    Does his business..r u serious,he scored a good goal but his touch n build up play was pretty poor,he was in great positions but was just to selfish

    Wtf are you girning about Van Veen for?  He is in the team to score goals and so far he’s proved pretty adept at that.

    We’ve played 5 league matches, scored 7 goals and he’s gotten 5 of them.  If only the rest of them were as efficient at their job as him.

  12. Just now, MFCL84 said:

    The goals were soft, but Kilmarnock had plenty of opportunities earlier and failed to take them. A team with some half decent finishers would have embarrassed Motherwell today.

    Spot on mate.  Kilmarnock better team by a mile and in the second half they bossed the game.

    I know we lost 2 soft goals and our back four is very weak but in their defence our midfield was again posted missing - Goss, Slattery and Spittall just not good enough.

    If Stevie Hammell really thought there had been an uptick in performances from this lot he’s just had a right good rude awakening.

  13. 7 hours ago, weeyin said:

    The one thing that's certain is that there is more chance Snodgrass will join our club if we make him an offer than there is if we don't make him an offer.

    As an old cartoon cat called Katnip used to say “Duh, that sounds logical”. :lol:

  14. 1 hour ago, GazzyB said:

    I thought Lundstram’s was a red. That type of foul that stops a breakaway is of course usually a yellow, but when he is miles away from the ball, has absolutely no intention of playing for the ball, and it’s knee height, that’s a red for me.

    Totally agree Gazzy. I watched the highlights of the games on Sportscene last night and Lundstram’s foul was referred to as “tactical foul”.   That’s certainly a new slant as a few years back it used to be called a professional foul and there were calls to stamp it out by sending players off who resorted to it.

    As for our penalty against Livi it wasn’t. Neither the referee or his linesman on the Hunter Stand side had sight of it and were indulging in guesswork. I I was a corner kick at best.  But hey ho we take it with thanks and move on as we’ve had enough that went against us in the past.

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