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Posts posted by DC'd

  1. Yeah, bet void, works the exact same way as a postponement.


    But, if it is abondoned well into the game then there is a chance the result may stand betting wise and footballing wise. I think 70mins is the target and the result is final.

  2. Obviously with every new player arriving at a club, they have to suck up their arses a tad, a cheap way to get fans on side etc.


    But, never agreed with the following quote:


    the ground is better than anything I've played in before and I'm looking forward to it


    Now that is bollocks, Ibrox, Parkhead, Stade Marcel Picot anyone?


    Pride Park may well be an impressive stadium, but surely not on the same scale as the above mentioned 3.


    Not bothered, just a pointless thing to say really and not needed.

  3. Can anyone tell me why Jones merited the sponsor MOM ????



    Well they have to give it to a Hibs player, and no one else merited it on the day, considering we outplayed them in EVERY department.


    And well without Jones there, I suppose we would have scored earlier, I suppose it is testiment to our performance that a defender was their best player.

  4. Your choice for today's match.


    Could well be a close poll for once, not one player totally stood out IMO, several very good performers in O'Brien, Hughes, Clarkson, Klimpl and my choice Quinn.


    Drove forward and played most of the 2nd half as a right winger, solid in the tackle and was a constant help for O'Brien and latterly Darren.

  5. Just back in from the game.


    Very good performance, only one team in that entire game.


    Hibs very rarely out of their own half (2nd half), Riordan virtually anonymous in that 2nd have and more-so after Colin (All Arms and Dives) Nish went off.


    Reverted to a 4-5-1 and it was ours for the taking, so defensive from them and we deserved more from that match.


    Stone wall penalty, although it appeared that McCurry was itching for Murphy to go down before giving it, no way was he just giving it for the tug - shitebag.


    Absolutely fantastic performance from Coach, really drove the team forward, and noticed early in the first half, that it was him shouting at the defence to push up and was orchestrating most things from the back. Very good performance from PQ and unlucky with his burst into the box and shot.


    Clarky and J.O'B were everywhere as well, yes O'Brien's crossing yet again let him down at times, but his work rate and balls to get stuck in was great and caused many problems to there defence and had the LB on so many occasions.


    Shame that Sutton looked really off the pace, but that was understandable due to his lack of games.


    MotM - Quinn, closely followed by O'Brien, Clarky and Klimpl.


    Shame we couldn't nick a winner late on, but would have been a travesty if we had came away from that game with nothing.


    They contributed fuck all to that game, bar their goal - which was well created and well taken. Otherwise, absolutely nothing for us to fear about a potential top 6 contender.

  6. Oh god no!


    If people thought Jim O'Brien couldn't cross a ball..


    Please don't let Gary Teale pull on a Motherwell shirt, one of the worst players (up there with Kyle and Steve Caldwell to pull on a Scotland shirt), it's an embarrasment that he has so many caps for the National Team. God fuckin' awful.


    Absolute shitebag, nae confidence to take a man on as a winger, it's get the ball and look for the RB at all times.


    No thanks.


    Doubt Derby would let him go anyway, if rumours are correct that (the other wee fannie) Kris Commons is on his way, then they will need Teale to reclaim his place at the right-hand-side of there midfield.

  7. That's the story as I know it Jonesy. Unbeleivable!! Wonder if the then youth scout at Newcastle can live with himself?! :P


    Did he have to cough up some of the £15m for his sheer incompetence?! :P


    Pretty similar to Real Madrid really as well..


    Couple of ones..


    Raul was on the books of Atletico Madrid as a kid, there Youth System went burst and couldn't afford to keep them on.. what a mistake as that was as he was released, picked up by Real, 15 yrs later, he is the greatest ever goalscorer for one of the biggest clubs in the world, if not THE biggest. A few more years at Atletico if they persevered with there youth system would have pocketed them multi million.


    Also, came back to bite Real on the arse... let Ruben de la Red out on loan to Getafe, let him go permanently, a year later in the Spain squad for Euro 2008 and Real have to buy him back for £8m. Not on the same scale as Shearer but a daft, daft mistake.


    You would have thought they would have learned there lesson,.. but nah..


    Let Juan Mata go for f all at 20, depite being Spain U19 captain... let him go to Valencia, 18months later he is in the Spain squad and interesting all the top clubs around Europe.


    Just shows you win some you lose some..

  8. Difference between us and Oldham he goes with our best wishes (assuming he signs of course). Least we got a fee for him, that was all that sticks with them, they lost out on promotion and a million and have remained bitter. We on the other hand managed European Football and inherit the best part of £500k.

  9. Agreed, the abuse in the Cooper is simply an embarrassment.


    Most of which is mainly directed at PQ, he hasn't even received the pass and there must be half a dozen people in the surrounding area, already on his back, hurling abuse and almost willing him to misplace his pass or be unable to control the pass.


    I mean Quinn's shot in the last few seconds against Falkirk he picked up the ball, then bang on cue "don't you fuckin shoot ya useless c*nt" which was followed by a "Ohhhh, unlucky son" - an absolute joke. Encouragement to the team and certain players is just non-existant. Extremely frustrating to hear and sit around, just no positivity.

  10. Thank fuck they announced this before 5pm, if the game was off.


    Due to start my travel up a touch after 5pm today, and would have been majorly pissed off to travel and then find out the game was postponed when the decision could have been made earlier.


    So, just saved me 3 days annual leave, good decision.


    So, cancelled holiday and re-applied for next week. I am determined to be at this match..


    Am I right in saying that if it is cancelled on Monday it is then re-scheduled for Thursday of next week?

  11. Thing is we are aiming for United as the benchmark for 3rd place (incidentally it's Aberdeen that hold that position at the moment).


    We don't necessarily need to aim for 3rd place, of course it will be fantastic to claim we are "best of the rest" once again, but technically 5th place should see us alright for European Football next year, as long as the OF/Hearts/Sheep make the Scottish Cup Final. That is assuming we don't make it ourselves to the final this year..


    Unlike other seasons, we certainly don't NEED to finish 3rd to claim Europe..

  12. Yeah, totally understandable, Brazilian.


    I think, speaking on behalf of the people with that bit further to travel, I would much prefer an inspection on the Tuesday they can tell me at that point if it has the potential to go ahead.


    If they say on Tues, aye there is a good chance this will go ahead, I am sure we will be happy to travel (as planned), but if they never bothered to check until Wed and then cancelled the game when they could have done that the night before and made people believe that there was an actual hope of the game going ahead would be poor.


    All we want is a check on Tues to inform people of the chances of it going ahead, and then they can have a further one on at 9am in the morning.


    Just don't want to waste the 3 days annual leave that I have taken for this game..


    I am sure others in the same boat, even the people from Motherwell that have taken just the one day off..


    It's days holiday that people can't afford to lose..

  13. I don't know, but surely Wednesday morning would be enough time since most are setting off around 1/2pm? Actually, when are the team going up?



    Or when you have to travel Tuesday night in order to come from England as per usual.


    So, a Tuesday pitch inspection would be much preferable.


    Hopefully they give us indication when the inspection will actually be beforehand.

  14. So, basically as of right now, and on the suggestion there is no + temperatures then this game is going to be off?


    Percentage wise, obviously hard to say at the moment, the likelihood of this game going ahead next Wed?


    I have 3 days off next week in order to make this match, and don't particularly want to waste them if this game is going to be off.


    Also, if there is going to be a postponement, when do you think the game will get pulled? Will it be the Tuesday or Wednesday itself?

  15. Would absolutely love it if we could bring either Lappin/Hammill to the club, even if they are only loan deals.


    Was absolutely gutted that we couldn't tie Si up to a permanent deal after his loan period was up. Was always impressed with his performances, not once did he disappoint. He may not be flash and may not catch the eye (in a way that McCormack would). But, he did the sensible thing always, simple thing with a good bit of creativity. Set pieces were immense. And well St Midden fans said his delivery was top notch, they certainly weren't wrong.


    Hope behind the scenes we are in negotiations with Norwich, but due to Roeder getting sacked the new manager, may want to keep the entire squad and make his own judgments. So, therefor I can't see Simon leaving, unfortunately in this transfer window. That sacking has came at the wrong time for our hopes of signing Lappin, I reckon.


    As for Hammill, was the MAIN reason that Dunfermline even dragged themselves into some sort of contention to stay up the season they went doon. He was also the main reason they managed to get to the Scottish Cup Final that year. Very impressive, and well caught the eye of a lot of people with performances for both Blackpool and Southampton. But, in that Sky Sports link, it does indeed say other Championship clubs are interested, if that is the case then as we know from Webster and Kennedy we simply can't compete. So, expect him to be in the Championship. Not to mention there are probably bigger SPL teams than us that must surely be interested, with bigger budgets, e.g. Hearts, Hibs, United.


    Would love to see either or both, but likelihood it shall be neither..

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