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Posts posted by Emmjay

  1. I work in a team, and tend to understand why things have to be done a certain way, for the benefit of the department and the service delivery and so on. There are team members who do their own thing, despite being asked to work in a specific way, with the result that mugs like me have to do THEIR job too(on occasions). Our Chief can be a pain sometimes, but she gets paid to do her job, which involves making sure we do ours. No matter how many times folks are reminded to certain things within a time scale, no matter how many times we're reminded to work towards targets, no matter how many times we are encouraged to work within an acceptable clinical style, there are staff who interpret instruction differently(basically they won't do as their asked). I imagine Jim Gannon may have similar issues at present. He knows what is successful, (he has a track record...no??). You can take horses to water and all that...

  2. You were at my wifes 40th and sponsored my son? I've read some of you posts before, like the ones about your London trip, and mentioned to my wife that a female member of HODC was a regular poster, but I never knew who it was. In fact, I still don't really know, but I can narrow it down now. I'll be checking his sponsor sheet when I get home from work. :P


    I think he pestered everone in the hall to sponser him, and came home with a tidy sum for the cause. He is really looking forward to it.



  3. We heard the report on the radio at 5 that Jim Gannon refused to talk to the media, and no member of the team was made available to speak..... And honestly, it was slevering at its worst, from the reporter announcing the "news" to the announcer toying with the "scoop"...slever, slever, slever.

  4. I was out for dinner last week and the Juke sat at the table next to me. He asked the waitress to stick down two sets of cutlery for a bit and sat waiting for someone to arrive before it looked like he'd been stood up and had dinner himself <_<

    The two of you should have sat together then...company for each other. :wub:

  5. What part of it do you disagree with? That the British army hasn't killed innocent civilians? That the wars weren't based on lies and propaganda? That the level of security in the United Kingdom is denuded rather than enhanced by our foreign policy? That people shouldn't have the freedom to either form their own opinions or decide on their own actions?


    I applauded the soldiers yesterday but I was always and will always be against the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan is more about oil pipelines and propping up Pakistan than British security.


    What worries me most about this whole thing isn't so much giving away free season tickets, more that people are losing sight of the difference between respecting the army and venerating the army. We are more and more being pushed towards the latter and anyone who know anything about history knows that is the wrong way for a society to go - in fact most British war dead, including many members of my own family, died in the battle to stop those sort of societies. I feel genuinely sorry for the military who have been put in this position by shameful people; politicians, media moguls and others, who exploit them and use them as a political football to achieve their own agendas.


    Once freedom of speech goes we are in a very sorry position, so while I applauded yesterday and respect the tough conditions many soldiers find themselves in, its actually completely necessary to debate and oppose the veneration of the army, if we don't then we slip further down the slope towards authoritarian government. Preserving free speech and allowing rival opinions, even extreme ones, does more to maintain the survival of our freedom than any army - without it the military quickly become oppressors rather than protectors.


    I wish I'd written this post.

    I agree with everything that Ya Bezzer wrote.

  6. ;):P . I'd love to have gone. I love quizzes. I'm rubbish at them...a sort of Tourettes develops, and I shout out all the wrong answers, but have a great time.

    We're doing the Hamilton show in the Town House, from the Friday 13th Nov, through to the following week, so wouldn't be able to make it.

    Best of luck with the night.

  7. And what would you know? You'v most likely never been in a fitba stadium in your life. Stick to talking utter shite about everything that doesent concern you and adding pointless ellipsis into every single post.


    ...I'm a fairweather supporter. I go to FP when its sunny and not too cold, and there are no wasps. And watch your spelling...and don't waste your post by being rude...

  8. What dreadful and very sad news.


    Our thoughts are with her family, and of course the Club she served so well.

    I have had the great fortune to have known Betty and her beloved husband Alex for a number of years, since the Club days with Bill Samuel as Chairman.

    Lately, she had been so kind and interested in us as a family, and arranged only a few weeks ago for our youngest's eighteenth to be made known during the match betwen Motherwell and Man United.

    Rest in Peace Betty, and I'll bet Alex was waiting for her with open arms. xx

  9. I object to being called a bastard, particularly when the adjective defines exactly what kind of bastard I happen to be at that precise time. Fat, blonde, cheeky, specky, ignorant, patronising...not even the heat of the moment justifies it. But bastard has become so commonplace that its original meaning is now irrelevant.

    I also object to discussion and debate on this forum reduced to personal insult. However, it sorts the men from the boys.... :D

  10. I couldn't hear anything for the Stockport fan behind me, in the POD stand.

    Honestly, I was deafened by this single foghorn.

    The away support chants were more audible after the penalty, but I felt overall, the singing/chanting was muted.

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