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Posts posted by Emmjay

  1. There are two things that I think must make Mark McGhee feel a bit aggrieved at the moment. Firstly he is still getting criticised for the Hearts situation in the summer. In actual fact MM showed a degree of loyalty to the club which I think is almost unprecedented in modern times. Tommy McLean would have been at Hearts just now had it been him. Terry Butcher would be at Hearts just now had it been him. It is a minor miracle that MM did not take the Hearts job and I for one feel that he made a mistake by not taking it. At that time MM let his heart rule his head and has had nothing but stick for it ever since.


    Secondly the attendance at FP this season has been shocking. As a rough (not quoting exact figures) idea, Aberdeen had approx 16000 at their home game against Hearts the other day. Going by current attendance MWell would have to play 4 times to match that figure, and yet there is an assumption (by some)that MWell should be sitting third in the SPL. It just does not add up. Some First Division teams like Dunfermline are getting close to Wells attendance figures at the moment.


    That MM has defended himself recently is only natural and right. I still think he is the best manager in the SPL and we need to get behind him or we will most certainly loose him. Actually I am sure it is already too late because I am sure he his desperate to leave given the way he has been treated.


    That Mr McGhee had his eye off the ball to consider going to pastures new earlier this year, was enough for him to reinforce his position, to me, as a man merely doing a job. This is really the basis of my argument. I'm old fashioned, I admit it. I like to think that, if someone is doing a job, its because he not only loves the passion of the game, but he loves the team colours which adorn the paycheck. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a manager, who genuinely has the interests of the players and Club at heart....Utopian, I know!! Mr McGhee's style was the same before the summer...My opinion is that he has brought criticism upon himself, and he was never intending to stay for long...Last year, the Players/Club had the most horrendous experience, and I maintain that Mr McGhee failed them in the summer.....and he's been rumbled...

  2. The "bees from the jam jar" analogy was a phrase my father used often to describe a lack of unity from players who were all over the place, forgetting dressing room logic and tactics.

    I'm heartened by all comments, which defend Mr McGhee, and his calm, measured responses , and I agree that jumping up and down on the sidelines does not a better manager make.

    Passion for the Club..??..there seems to be a general consensus that Mr McGhee is doing a good job under a certain amount of pressure at the moment....

    Everyone can do a job...but there are jobs that require fire in the belly, the extra mile, the er....what's that magic word....passion.

    There have been previous managers who did the job for which they were paid, but injected the common touch of personal interest, and familial unity amongst players and club officials. This would have set the Dossers apart from the rest....and has previously encouraged a family and inclusive atmosphere at Fir Park which continues to endure. Mr McGhee is merely doing a job.

    Motherwell needs more than this.....


  3. My late father was a Steelman all his days...supported 'Well through good times and bad.

    My interest has always been nominal, and fortunately, my kids are massive supporters.

    Ergo...there is always discussion.

    A year ago, my husband and kids were at the Motherwell/Dundee United game. As a family, we were stunned and saddened, and joined in the public display of support for Phil O'Donnell's family, and in turn for the players, and the Club.

    One year on, and the loss is still keenly felt.

    Mark McGhee , in my humble opinion, has misjudged his leadership of the Team from this point last year, and instead of a positive and sensitive support, he seems to have allowed to develop an emotional indifference towards the welfare of his players. On the few occasions I've been at Fir Park this season, I've been dismayed to watch the players emerge from the tunnel like bees from a jam jar....every which way, and none at all...and instead of going on the pitch as a united front, they've been all over the place...physically as well as emotionally. For Mr McGhee to berate the deficiences of the boys, and stand impassively on occasions on the sidelines, is at the very least, a cop out. He's only doing a job. His heart is elsewhere, and has been since he was rumbled. We need someone with integrity and passion to get us out of the mess.

    Clearly, I'm no expert. I just know when someone isn't leading from the front, and biting the hands that are paying him....

    The support hasn't been slow in the past to criticise the leadership, but the silence is deafening at the moment.

    However, yesterday showed a spark......and with a manager's passion for the Club, and I don't think its Mr McGhee, we could effectively claw back against a very poor season thus far.

    I'm now going to enter my nuclear bunker, and place my welder's helmet firmly over my big mouth.. :O ..but like the great Roy Walker would encourage his Catchphrasers...say what ye see :O

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