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Yabba's Turd

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Everything posted by Yabba's Turd

  1. Will this service work for those with US IP addresses? Asking for a travelling friend
  2. Still unsure why current employers should have anything to add to former employer/employee accusations. Some folk just like to stir shit then throw it at the club.
  3. Turn that design the other way up and a certain section of our support would love it.
  4. Yeah bit of a wildcard shout with Boyd, to some extent Andy Walker could have been said to have a similar career with the exception of Walker doing well with Bolton and Boyd being homesick at Chelsea.
  5. Lambert, McAllister, McClair, Boyd in my lifetime
  6. I think we have done business exceptionally early in the close season, not the Motherwell way in times gone past, the club would sign players as close to the limit so as not to have to pay them over the summer when there was no turnover. Changed days.
  7. £70 in the pot, we have until Monday evening to fuck over donate to this worthy cause. Make it happen bass player.
  8. Old bone idle brigade those two. Strips are alright, not wow, not shite.
  9. So did Derek Wilson, so much so he brought a book out.
  10. We're almost half way, I might even put a signed jersey up for raffle for every fiver donated.
  11. I would genuinely sponsor your shirts as a site mate yes, there's no malice and just the kind of nonsense that keeps the spirit of OSB alive. (You may or may not recall the OSB team's 1st ever fixture as a team was played wearing Accies strips against your lot) So IF we reach target then we'll sponsor your shirts.
  12. £60 in the pot, 1 day of nonsense and we're over 1/3 of the way there, I'm going to take this to facebook and spread the word.
  13. Pot now stands at £40, anyone else wanting to help out a good bunch of guys and Frazzle?
  14. I'm almost tempted to front the £150 myself to have Steelmenonline across the back of Fir Park Corner's shirts. All joking aside, good luck for the coming season, I'll start a pot with £20 in it, if anyone else wishes to pledge a donation for the ultimate irony in sponsorship please do so and if we reach £150 we'll sponsor your kit. (I've played for and against FPC and met loads of fellow 'well fans through it, this is a genuine, if not slightly bizarre call for donations for a worthy team)
  15. That was the day I was working in the home dressing room, installing the steam room, the dressing room door flew open and the whole team rushed in with blood pouring from Griff's mouth.
  16. I'm pretty sure I wrote an article in One Step Beyond about this, are some of the corporate suites not named after former players now?
  17. Does this courtesy extend to all jakies flying with Norwegian?
  18. This is my mate's cousin and friend's boyfriend, tragic.
  19. Don't know why, my sis in law got an email offering tickets online for the Celtic end this evening.
  20. Think I recall Boyd being an absolute roaster at the Motherwell greatest XI nigh, I think someone put it to him about winning the cup with a wee team like us was a great achievement and he started slavering about Celtic's achievements when he played there, anyway on to Saturday.
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