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Posts posted by Deaddogman

  1. From the info above mate it looks like u can only pick them from tynecastle..cant actually buy them there


    I phoned in yesterday to buy over the phone and collect at tynie but my card wasn't accepted :P then the girl told me that I could buy from tynie on the day as our unsold will be returned in plenty of time :D

  2. I don't post on Kickback. :P You claim not to be fascinated by us? why are you on kickback then ? :P


    Personally, i go onto Kickback just to noise up my brother,sis and sis in law ...they hate it when i let all you Jambos know that they are related heavily to the 'Well and sis in law used to be a hibbee B-)

  3. A 12 team top league ,2nd and 3rd leagues of 12 the remaining six teams form a conference type league north and south with the highland and juniors/seniors


    teams in the top leagues play each other three times then split the leagues. top eight in league one play for Europe places, bottom four form a mini league with the top four in league two and play for top league positions ,bottom eight join up with league three with the top eight getting league two positions . The conference winners play off against each other with the winner replacing the bottom team in league three.


    simple :nod::nod:

  4. So because your own country doesn't think you're good enough to play international football, go and play for another country?? Many great players never got capped. What would he have done if Ireland didn't fancy him? Go looking for a granny in San Marino? I don't bother that much with international football but a cap should be an honour you get when you're good enough to play for your country. Not something to go hunting for...



    What country was after giving Ged Brannan his cap??? Was it the Cayman Islands or something like that :D , he wasn't booed for that was he? :D

  5. I've worked as a steward for 4 years , 2 of them in larkhall, in my experience if you let people chill out and enjoy yourself you in turn make good friends and have fun yourself.


    It's all about mindset i felt my job was to ensure that consumers had a good time enjoyed themselfs and went home safe.


    Some people are different but i'd love to steward at fir park and get involved more with the support.


    It's all about respect in some cases the stewards do seem to want to spoil your fun it's the first time i've seen the "terminator" yesterday and his angry expression while marching up and down the stands makes me feel he'd be better off going home and slapping the wife.


    Mon the well!!!


    His or yours :O:P:P

  6. How can it be deemed racial abuse when Dundee Utd (nay Hibernians) fans give him stick over it, they've stronger Irish roots than the kid himself :P

    Football world is fuckin' mad right enough.


    Here are the lads own words from that NOW article............. says it all really :P


    "What annoys me is that people don’t bother to understand. They say I’ve done the same thing as Aiden McGeady, but the difference is he always wanted to play for Ireland. I wanted to play for Scotland but they didn’t think I was good enough. Ireland did.

  7. 1) As I said in my original post because they A/ purposefully disregarded rules. Thats cheating. I went to the Wolves friendly in the summer and was talking to B/ a guy who said he did electrical work at FP. He said then the USH was broken and would not be getting fixed. I think many others heard the same or similar stories. That is why there was little surprise when the Hearts game was called off.

    2) C/ It was unfair on Hearts that day and will be unfair on any other team who make preparations only to have their game called off at short notice over the coming weeks because Well don't have USH.

    3)D/ Teams in the past have been denied promotion because their ground did not conform to SPL standards.


    If the decision that was reached this week had been in favour of the Old Firm I would be thinking it was the usual Scottish Football conspiracy. I am amazed that we got off so lightly.


    As I said I am delighted because I don't want us to suffer but it does not mean I think what has happened is right. It is like when your own player takes a dive in the box and you get a penalty. You take the goal but you still know your players a diver.



    A/ We have an USH system that works...only a small section failed to cope with the sudden drop in temperature ,no cheating involved!


    B/ I know a guy who did plumbing at Fir Park, he says the USH system works fine


    C/ If our Inverurie adventure is anything to go by then i agree to a point but the conditions attached to our Fine should see that our ground will be ice free ,but it won't be our fault if there is another "micro climate" to dump gallons of rainwater on the pitch overnight before a game , the USH won't do any good then and if the game is called of ,should the fine stand?


    D/ Yes, teams notably Falkirk have been denied access to the SPL ,twice in their case, they didn't put things right the first time and when we stayed up their second time they still had done nothing to comply with SPL criteria, we met the criteria and one of the conditions was USH which we have.

  8. 1/ Got off exceptionally lightly here. In my eyes Motherwell are cheating by purposefully disregarding rules and regulations. 2/ It's unfair on the other SPL teams and is certainly not sporting behaviour. John Boyle obviously feels that rules don't apply to him.


    3/ Should have been a docking of points if not relegation from the league.

    Still delighted of course that we have got off so lightly!!

    1/ In what way are the club cheating? We have an undersoil heating system but unfortunately a section of it failed but we have one !

    2/ How can the fact that we have a system failure be deemed unfair on the other SPL teams and unsporting? Kilmarnock have a system and theirs wasn't switched on resulting in a postponement the same day!!!

    3/ Why should we be docked points or indeed relegated ( although the SPL is a seperate entity from the SFL,so technically relegation is not really an option) for a system failure?? I accept the point could be raised if we didn't have a system or never switched it on but to copy the ranting of P&B just because a section of our WORKING system failed is indeed plain silly.


    Last seasons debacle came about because of incessant rainfall resulting in a heavily waterlogged pitch and therefore causing postponements but, now here's the irony, If we didn't have the USH system in place and working ,then the clay subsoil wouldn't have been baked solid allowing for natural drainage to take place and there would have been no postponements and the pitch would have been in better nick!!!

  9. so... once again, it begs a question I've never heard an actual answer for... do we, or do we not have a working undersoil heating system? :unsure:


    As I have said in previous threads, I'm sure there is a clue in the words spoken by Mark mcGhee after the hearts fiasco........................" The pitch was fine on friday, and , the USH was working perfectly, all gauges were showing the correct pressures and to take an extra precaution we also put the covers down" or words to that effect :unsure::P:wacko:

  10. And if they'd all met up at JD's instead, would that make it a Rangers bar?


    They didn't just "meet up" there as is outside the place,they were clearly customers! .I don't know if it is a rankgers pub or not but if the owners allow the marchers to use and leave from the place then they will get tarred with the same brush!! :whistling:

  11. What if its a case of no being late but actually not getting there?



    Thats what I am thinking, I remember a Scotland tie when we were awarded the tie as the other team didn't turn up because either they or we were at the wrong stadium or on a protest about the ground !!! :evilgrin::lol:

  12. Just a wee question here, showing my ignorance of the rules......What happens if, as the tie has been given the go ahead, our team bus gets stopped by the weather conditions and the team don't turn up on time or not at all, is the game forfeited???? :evilgrin:

  13. Caught some of the footie talk on Radio Scotland around 4pm and they stated the Loco's chairman (I think :D ) had been in touch saying they expect the game to be on unless there's a dramatic turn in the weather.


    Pretty sure they also said there are no plans for a pitch inspection ;) as the ground is fine following their home game yesterday.


    Hope it's on but if I get halfway up and it's put off, reckon the tickets will be getting sent back to FP





    It was also said that they were NOT putting the covers down as the forecast is fine :D:D and that there would be no need for an inspection at all :O:O:O

  14. I'm a member of the social club as I enjoy going there for a few before the match with the people I sit with in the Cooper and I can safely say that I've never heard of it being a Rangers bar or seen anything to suggest that's the case.


    It's great before a match and loaded with Well fans (as you would expect). That's all I'm looking for!


    The last time we were at the masters, there was some trouble with our buses (they smashed the windows), as the orange order crowd were leaving the from outside Fir Park for one of their marches, and they left from the fir park club ^_^:lol:

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