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Last Saturday


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Wee bit harsh id say regarding the cup final Grimmy


Personally i think they did great to get there in the first place as this is a team we have now with a mixture of promising youngsters and a few seasoned pros , ok we didnt turn up and Celtic could have been there for the taking , at 1 .0 we smacked the cross bar that could have changed the game , also humphries chance in the sec half, if that lands to a striker could have burst the net with it .


If anyone would have said this season we would finish in the top 6 get to the CIS semi final and then get to the Scottish cup final you would have bitten there hand off for that .


Onwards and upwards i sposse but fuck me if this was a bad season a canny wait till a good one comes .



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Spare a thought for my son, he's 9 and the only Motherwell supporter in his school, he's a season ticket holder, this last week he's been punched at school and spat on by a load of wee fannies that support Celtic who have never been near a football match in their life.


What scunnered me the most on Saturday was the complete lack of 'Up for it' around Fir Park, some folk had us beat before they got on the bus.

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I think as a unit, our 7/8 defensive players did really well, the 3 players assigned to make our chances didn't really turn up/were given any kind of service. At throw ins we tried to get the ball back to the thrower instead of throwing it into the box/mix.


The baw didn't help either, it's a nightmare when it's dry.

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Wee bit harsh id say regarding the cup final Grimmy


Personally i think they did great to get there in the first place as this is a team we have now with a mixture of promising youngsters and a few seasoned pros , ok we didnt turn up and Celtic could have been there for the taking , at 1 .0 we smacked the cross bar that could have changed the game , also humphries chance in the sec half, if that lands to a striker could have burst the net with it .


If anyone would have said this season we would finish in the top 6 get to the CIS semi final and then get to the Scottish cup final you would have bitten there hand off for that .


Onwards and upwards i sposse but fuck me if this was a bad season a canny wait till a good one comes .



you may be right about the cup final but

what other job do you get a rest in?

i know it was a good season after watching jock wallace,bobby watson,roger hynd etc brand of keek but one last push could have been a great season

i dont think many player will be waking up every night like us fucking gutted

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I was expecting them to be snapping at Celtics heels, closing them down and not giving them a second on the ball.

Instead some of the players looked like they were playing st Johnston on a rainy wednesday evening.


When i saw the highlights i couldn't believe how some of them reacted when they lost the ball. gunning for example thought it was funny most of the time.

I hate criticizing the players but the truth is the truth and there's no escaping it.

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The performance on the park was as bad as it could have been. We all know that nine times out of ten Celtic will beat us but it was so disappointing that they didn't even have to break sweat to do it last week.


The atmosphere in the Motherwell end was pitiful, I commented at the time and afterwards but I think a lot of that can be put down to; a) there were a lot of 'non football fans' there, just folk out to see a Cup Final; b) Deep down, most Motherwell fans knew we hadn't a hope in hell and didn't believe we could pull off the shock given our dreadful form in the run up to the final, and; c) With all the pressure on Celtic to win a trophy given that they hadn't done so for over two years and had just lost the league by a point and what with all the off field carry on with Lennon, everyone knew that they would be absolutely determined to win that game and so would not fail to do so, whatever we did.


The atmosphere wasn't a patch on the 2005 CIS Final, although I'm not sure it was quite so much as a let down on the park as it was that day as we had a better team back then and we just completely froze but certainly off the park back then the Motherwell support was in great voice throughout, before, during and even after the game. There was none of that last Saturday and for me that was the most disappointing thing.


All in all it was just a rotten day for us, and the bus fiasco after the game combined with the weather on top of everything else meant it was a day to forget. It should be forever remembered as 'The Damp Squib'.





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The performance on the park was as bad as it could have been. We all know that nine times out of ten Celtic will beat us but it was so disappointing that they didn't even have to break sweat to do it last week.


The atmosphere in the Motherwell end was pitiful, I commented at the time and afterwards but I think a lot of that can be put down to; a) there were a lot of 'non football fans' there, just folk out to see a Cup Final; b) Deep down, most Motherwell fans knew we hadn't a hope in hell and didn't believe we could pull off the shock given our dreadful form in the run up to the final, and; c) With all the pressure on Celtic to win a trophy given that they hadn't done so for over two years and had just lost the league by a point and what with all the off field carry on with Lennon, everyone knew that they would be absolutely determined to win that game and so would not fail to do so, whatever we did.


The atmosphere wasn't a patch on the 2005 CIS Final, although I'm not sure it was quite so much as a let down on the park as it was that day as we had a better team back then and we just completely froze but certainly off the park back then the Motherwell support was in great voice throughout, before, during and even after the game. There was none of that last Saturday and for me that was the most disappointing thing.


All in all it was just a rotten day for us, and the bus fiasco after the game combined with the weather on top of everything else meant it was a day to forget. It should be forever remembered as 'The Damp Squib'.





As bad as it sounds i have to agree, 20 years waiting for another Scottish cup final day out and it turned out a total anti climax. The main problem with the lack of atmosphere from the well fans was that probably 90% of them didn't really care who won, they were day trippers out for a cup final. I went to the toilet at about 60 mins and there were hundreds of people leaving :dash2: FFS, 30 mins to go in a cup final that says it all really.

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ive still not got over it :angry: not had a good sleep since

it was fuckin there for us and we would rather hide behind the im tired pish

man up and think of the doctors etc that do 80 + hours a week



I could not agree more. There was almost a sense of relief at the end that it was only 3-0. The supporters did not believe, the players did not believe and the manager did not believe. You could not look at even a 5 minute section in that game when Motherwell looked as if they might get something from the game.


To make matters worse, I just could not understand how relaxed the players and fans were post split about the form the team was showing. Two points out of five matches (one of those against Killie who were also being pumped by everyone else) and 17 goals against was pish poor under any circumstances. It was the lack of pride that suggested to me that we were never going to win the cup final.


On the tiredness front, I happen to know a couple of guys who are talanted triathletes. They train 6 days a week, often 4 to 5 hrs a day ( some 20 hrs a week) and race every weekend from March to late September. What is more, they are amateurs.


You just have to look at the pro cyclists as well to see that footballers get it fairly easy on the training front. I am not trying to say that pro football is easy but when it is perfectly acceptable to down tools five games out from a couple final to rest, someone is taking the piss.

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I think alot of the atmosphere could go down to nerves as well. I was singing and backing the team but did spend a fair bit of the game biting my nails as well because there was silverware at stake. I felt a bit of relief when celtic scored. Put me out of my misery a bit as it was coming a mile off. May sound silly but don't think the weather helped. Certainly tool the shine off things and dampened the atomsphere- literally.

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Honestly can't see how folk can say the players looked tired or had given up. Thought most of the team looked properly fired up however we simply ran out of ideas going forward. I'd put this down to lack of match sharpness, which was McCall's decision. Not that I can blame him, we don't have the depth of squad to risk any sort of injury for a game like this. If he'd been playing the full strength squad for the remaining games at a time when it seemed like 6th was the best we'd do he'd be getting absoutely slated, particularly if someone like Murphy or Humphrey picked up an injury.


It's a tough gig.

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We blew a great chance - end of.

Celtic FC were pi$ poor and were there for the taking.


S.M. called the wrong team selection and tactics.

If we played 4-5-1 (which I agreed with B.T.W.) it had to be further up the field, in their face and supporting Sutton.

Unfortunately sitting deep in that formation was only going to end as it did.


Post split preparation and rejigging the team and formation (to shoehorn players in the showpiece final) was a huge mistake.

A confident, settled team all knowing what roles they were playing were IMO the best preparation for the final.


Anyway its done and dusted and I can only hope everyone has gained something from the match and preparation.


I only wonder if S.M. would do things differently if he got the chance again?

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I was shocked to see so many players smiling and waving at relatives/pals when they were pickin up their losers medals. Made me think that for all their talk during the week, they never really believed they were going to be winners on the day and were just grateful to be in the final.


Stuart McCall did what he thought was best, resting players after the split to make sure they were fit for the big game. But look at Dundee Utd...played 4 games in about 10 days, won 3, drew 1. They were flying. Then they got a rest before coming to Fir Park for the cup replay and got hammered. It was as if they switched off, suddenly realised they were knackered and couldn't get up for the game. Maybe the same thing happened to us, with so many players in and out of the team post split.


I won't blame SM though, cos what would the fans have said if we'd gone into the final with half a team due to injuries picked up in 'meaningless' league games.


The final was a total anti-climax for everyone involved with Motherwell, no doubt about that, but we've over achieved again this season. So, thanks to the playes and staff at Fir Park for making me proud to be a Steelman. Apart from Jack and Victor, who can feck off.

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What scunnered me the most on Saturday was the complete lack of 'Up for it' around Fir Park, some folk had us beat before they got on the bus.

A lot of that could have been because of the poor results in the games leading up to the final, for me McCall made a complete mess of things and that includes the final itself.

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