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Dougal Talks Shite


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Apparently it's Ross Forbes fault that the linesman got it wrong. According to Dougal.


"Here's what I reckon happened early in the second half, with Motherwell a goal in front and their players already wheeling away to celebrate a second goal before Gilmour raised his flag.


In all likelihood Gilmour lost concentration at the vital moment as he saw the ball heading for the corner of the net off the shin of Stephen Craigan and considered his job done.


Suddenly, Ross Forbes appeared on the scene to bundle the ball over the line. The linesman didn't see him arrive - even the ESPN commentators claimed he came from nowhere - and the official suddenly had a decision to make.


To put it bluntly, Gilmour gambled that Forbes had come from an offside position - and he got it wrong. Take note all those who say I never admit to mistakes from officials.


As always, the assistant became the fall guy for Motherwell's failure to win but the Fir Park faithful - and other fans as well - should look closer to home for the culprits.


Firstly, Forbes showed stupidity and selfishness to knock the ball over the line when it was already on its way into the net.


Critics will fire back that's what good strikers do but the very best strikers are aware of everything going on around them and Forbes needlessly attempted to pick the pocket of his skipper by taking his goal.


It was a senseless thing to do because it immediately asked a question of an assistant that didn't need to be asked. Trust me on this, the assistant will be hurting about that decision for some time to come"




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See to be fair? It's true (albeit not as harsh as he has worded it). My immediate reaction on Wednesday night (I was right in-front of the goal in the Cooper stand) was that Forbes had no need to touch the ball as it was going in anyway - yes I'm upset about the decision and it was clearly plain wrong, but that doesn't change the fact Forbes didn't need to touch the ball, which is what Dougal's saying.

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Usual whitewash. It's a big story now for us and the SPL but will be forgotten after Saturday by everyone but us. The authorities will just quietly let it die a death. The media will also forget bar a quick mention next time we meet Rangers, of course they won't forget to mention Kris Boyd's disallowed, ahem, goal at every opportunity.

Welcome to the bitter taste of Scottish football.

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Complete and utter disgrace just the SFA covering it up. It would never happened to either of the bigot brothers. Forbes is well within his right to go for the ball as he was clearly onside.


He is, but we all know if there is any dubiety to a decision involving the old firm, they will side with them. That's the reason why I think a bit more savvy was needed from Forbes at the time to just let it roll in, or at very worst follow it in but don't touch it. Heat of the moment and all that and seeing the glory, but we know how corrupt our officials are.

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"Firstly, Forbes showed stupidity and selfishness to knock the ball over the line when it was already on its way into the net."

The ball was probably on it's way into the net but Forbes done the right thing by making sure the ball definitely went into the net.


*sweep* *sweep*

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He is, but we all know if there is any dubiety to a decision involving the old firm, they will side with them. That's the reason why I think a bit more savvy was needed from Forbes at the time to just let it roll in, or at very worst follow it in but don't touch it. Heat of the moment and all that and seeing the glory, but we know how corrupt our officials are.



I guess Forbes might have thought there was a defender right behind him and he had to make sure. He did right, linesman shouldn't be allowed to run the line again if he can't get that one right. Clear as day.

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Forbes showed stupidity and selfishness to knock the ball over the line when it was already on its way into the net.





If ANY player called an official STUPID and SELFISH in public, on record he would be hung out to dry - fines and all.


Is this cretin going to be allowed to call a young Scottish footballer these things and get away with it?


What is happening here!!??

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Establishment closing ranks again, where the fuck's Dallas or hasn't he received a letter yet?

Dougal does have a point n what he's saying but it's not a good one. When the wee midget wakes up from his coma and realises Motherwell have scored he should have done nothing cos if he doesn't see it he can't give it. What he does do though, is say to himself "Oh fuck they've scored, what happened there? Shit, if I get this wrong I'll get dogs abuse. Best go wi' the Gers that way it'll be forgotten about by the weekend"

That to me is cheating and shitebaggery of the highest order.

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So does that mean that Mark Reynolds did the right thing by leaving the ball, because it was possibly going through to Ruddy, and Kris Boyd might not have been there?


That article is fuckin ridiculous. How can Scottish football possibly survive as a whole, when the same people who can save it are the ones who are actively dragging it down?

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Could be an interesting one for the club to ask the SFA/Record for clarification, pretty sure they could try spin it as defamation...


Or even to the PCC under their "accuracy" clause...









i) The Press must take care not to publish inaccurate, misleading or distorted information, including pictures.


ii) A significant inaccuracy, misleading statement or distortion once recognised must be corrected, promptly and with due prominence, and - where appropriate - an apology published.


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QUOTE (Welldel @ Feb 12 2010, 11:20 AM)

Forbes showed stupidity and selfishness to knock the ball over the line when it was already on its way into the net.






If ANY player called an official STUPID and SELFISH in public, on record he would be hung out to dry - fines and all.


Is this cretin going to be allowed to call a young Scottish footballer these things and get away with it?


What is happening here!!??


Exactly. What a disgraceful comment to make and I'd like to see Motherwell take him up on that. It is without foundation. Absolutely shocking. He ran from an onside position to make sure the ball ended up in the net.


Trust me on this, the assistant will be hurting about that decision for some time to come"


You can bet your arse he won't.

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As the comment there says, what ever happened to giving the benefit of the doubt to the attacking team in offside decisions?


If the linesman thought he actually saw Forbes in an offside position, then fair enough, honest mistake. But even Father Dougal is saying what we all suspected -- that the linesman most likely didn't see Forbes until the last minute, and ended up guessing, instead of saying "I dunno" and leaving it up to the referee to decide. And if the referee couldn't tell either, by giving the benefit of the doubt to the attacking team, the goal stands. Simples :lol:

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Apparently it's Ross Forbes fault that the linesman got it wrong. According to Dougal.

In all likelihood Gilmour lost concentration at the vital moment as he saw the ball heading for the corner of the net off the shin of Stephen Craigan and considered his job done.


Suddenly, Ross Forbes appeared on the scene to bundle the ball over the line. The linesman didn't see him arrive - even the ESPN commentators claimed he came from nowhere - and the official suddenly had a decision to make.


To put it bluntly, Gilmour gambled that Forbes had come from an offside position - and he got it wrong. Take note all those who say I never admit to mistakes from officials.


So, what Dougal is implying (allegedly), is that the assistant referee didnt see what had happenned or how Forbes got close to the ball, but thought, what the f***, he may have been offside so I better raise my flag. So if there is an incident and say Forbes goes down holding his face, should the assistant referee raise his flag as he "gambled" that an opposition player who was in the vicinity where Forbes was, has just elbowed Forbes in the mush even although he didnt see it!!


In my view, Forbes was probably correct going for the ball anyway. Albeit looked like it was going in, when I have watched the replay, it could also have easily hit the post and bounced back out again.

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In my view, Forbes was probably correct going for the ball anyway. Albeit looked like it was going in, when I have watched the replay, it could also have easily hit the post and bounced back out again.


Yep and if that had happened there'd be 7 pages on here saying how pish Forbes is for not reading it. The boy done the right thing and a linesmans fuck up does not make him the fall guy.

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