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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2023 in Posts

  1. Spittal has been one of the stars of the Kettlewell era, I think everyone would agree that.
    5 points
  2. Cannot help yourself can you? just another one in a long line of players who can do no right in your eyes. Spittal is another. Whether you are prepared to accept it or not, Spittal and SOD have contributed to the revival under Kettlewell. Not just players or football of course. Dare I mention Burrows or Sturgeon. I expect players to be criticised for a poor performance, and I support that criticism when it is justified. Where most fans differ from you is that they will praise those same players when they perform well. You on the other hand just go silent. And anyway, if SOD were to leave, you would have to find someone else to obsess over.
    4 points
  3. I would happy for SOD to stay, i don't get the amount of stick and booing that he gets.
    3 points
  4. I’m happy to see him stay
    2 points
  5. I'll be honest I couldn't care less if I never saw Motherwell in another European game ever again. Other than the financial rewards the actual competition would put you to sleep. We've played in 36 European games how many of them have been edge of the seat exciting with with great atmospheres .. if it covered 5 games I'd be amazed. For those who love it great but for me I'd rather have an exciting Scottish Cup tie where we may have the chance to achieve something. European Football at all levels bores me to tears. It's set up to suit the big clubs and the rest of us are just chaff in the wind.
    1 point
  6. Disgraced former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and current Aberdeen CEO Alan Burrows? Dare away.
    1 point
  7. There is no doubt he has a level of quality missing in many of our signings over the last few years and Kettlewell is bringing the best out of players. Given that I don’t see a problem with him staying. We can hopefully build something around those better players next season and a fit and motivated SOD should be an asset.
    1 point
  8. I wouldn't say he deliberately got himself sent off. I just think the stick he gets is over the top, I don't know the guy personally but apart from him having a bad spell when yes he was poor I don't see what he has done so wrong. All about opinions..COYW
    1 point
  9. That's because he's barely kicked a ball this season. If you go back a year further he was getting sent off on purpose against Rangers and giving away stupid goals every other week because he spat the dummy that no other club wanted him after the Euros.
    0 points
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