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Everything posted by roly

  1. I think fuck usually just calls that cheating.
  2. I'd disagree that most clubs have strengthened... Maybe St. Johnstone. That said losing Jenno is a big loss for us and does make me think this will be a much more difficult campaign. I'm hopefull we can push for Euro spots but don't expect anything more than avioding a relegation dogfight. Cup run would be nice too.
  3. I doubt it. Merchandising and sponsorship should help keep Celtic way ahead of the competition financially anyway. It would also be in the interests of the other clubs to try and handicap Celtic in other ways. Maybe we could see if we could push through a measure for them to start each season with -15 points.
  4. Totally agree regarding TV money distribution... Agree with this too. Its important to note the Bundesliga financial model isn't achieved by sharing gate reciepts or merchendising revenue though. Fair enough. For me this is the real reason for the competitivness of the NFL. Gate reciepts and merchindising is probably reasonably small fry in comparison to that massive TV deal and sponsorship and one which the biggest franchises won't miss. There's probably nowhere near the disparity we have in Scotland in terms of gates too. Celtic wouldn't be far off having an average attendance of 10 times that of the rests average, they'd be giving away a hell of a lot more than the best supported teams in the NFL do. The draft and the salary cap is a much bigger leveller. Do you think it could be implemented in Scottish football?
  5. I'm aware of that. It's an apples and pears argument though. Similar to the one trotted out about the price of German football in relation to prices over here. In a nation of 300,000,000 big money is easier to generate and neither of those sports have the kind of competition the Scottish game has from other European football leagues when it come to broadcasters thrashing out tv deals. I'm sure it's not without it's problems too though. I only have a passing interest but I'm sure there was a big player revolt not too long ago that had its seeds in the way money was carved up.
  6. tl;dr Only kidding... Good piece. Certainly better than most of the shite I've read throughout this saga and I couldn't disagree with any of it.
  7. Because the only reason this comes up about the SPL is because of the vast difference between the Old firms attendances and the rest of us. It's a non-issue for every other division in Scotland. The difference in the spread of wealth in SFL 1, 2 and 3 would be negligible. Anyway. You didn't answer the question. Motherwell funding The Wee Rovers and and The Gable Endies? For or against? Celtic make vast amounts more money from sponsorship and merchandising than anyone else too. Should we be laying some kind of claim on that too?
  8. What about one more step? Pool all profits from every Scottish league game (spl and sfl 1, 2 and 3). Then distribute evenly. Do you feel the same way about Motherwell subsidising Ablion Rovers and Montrose as you do about Celtic and Hearts subsidising Motherwell?
  9. Comparing the fooballing landscape now to that of the glory days really gets my goat... Even the comparson with the 14% drop in the past decade is risable. 08/09 saw an average attendance of over 15,000 in the spl. Fast forward a year of rescession and almost 2000 people a week are lost to the game. And this... Why did we see an increase of almost 200 people per game on average this year? That with 2 big city clubs (Hibs and Aberdeen) seeing fairly dramatic attendance drops due to poor performance.
  10. Just to debunk this... average spl away attendances and average spl home attendances Acorrding to those stats Hearts would have lost out if this was in place last season. That was WITH the team formerly known a Rangers in the league. Without them Aberdeen and Hibs would probably lose income too... Therfore not in their interests. 50-50 gate split in my opinion will never be a workable proposition. I'd like to see a pooling of gate money though. Something like the SFA taking 5% to 10% of all gate reciepts. At the end of the season half of that is added to the prize monies (which DO need to be more evenly distributed) the other half is pumped back in the the game to help improve that standards of football in this country. Unfortunatly this will never happen too. Chairmen will be too scared to lose vital money they need to help with cash flow issues.
  11. Positive move by the club. I was never intending packing in watching the 'Well if the board voted yes. I do believe a Rangerless SPL will have a more detrimental effect on our finances. As this saga has gone on though it's become clearer to me that the right thing to do is to vote no. I've not joined the 'Well society yet, this decision means I'll be trying to scrape together enough funds to make that investment.
  12. There's a thread here about Humphreys' suspension. It probably won't give us that much more info, but it's good fun to read the posts in as stereotypical a Jamaican accent as possible.
  13. Mixed up with a different Daley I think... See here
  14. Oh well... Humphrey won't feature in the next round of fixtures due to being banned for breaking curfew rules. Not the kind of thing I'd have expected from him. He'll need to wait till September now for another chance to repersent his country.
  15. There's been a bit of discussion in the Ojamaa thread about his game time with Estonia. Maybe some have forgotten the Humph is away with the Reggae Boyz at the moment too. He's had a little involvment in the double-header freindly with Panama He picked up his first cap last Monday in a 0-1 home defeat to Panama. From the report I found he came off the bench for the majority of the second half. He then got just 5 minutes at the end of the reverse fixture as Jamaica went down 2-1 in Panama. Will be interesting to see if he's done enough to get an opportunity in the upcoming competetive fixtures in the CONCACAF qualifiers wor the 2014 World cup. The Reggae boyz face Guatemala at home on Friday and then a trip to Antigua and Barbuda the following Tuesday. Meanwhile Henrik has one more opportunity for some game time when Estonia travel to France on Tuesday evening. Good Luck to the pair of them!!!! ETA - Found a video... Humphs effort at 1:53. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJyzba5XsA4&feature=related
  16. Has anyone got the open all mics commentary from goals? It was on the end of season podcast but thats been taken down now. I seem to remember a youtube video kicking about with it dubbed over the top too.
  17. roly


    the link above doesn't seem to work... This does though.
  18. roly


    My missus has one too...
  19. What he said. This thread could do with some YouTube clips.
  20. It was tweeted by a beeb correspondant so you would think it was.
  21. Well seeing your chatting about Rangers situation again...
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