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Everything posted by roly

  1. I quickly threw this together. not 100% sure if it's right or if it'll make sense to anyone. Hopefully it is and it does. Not really sure what to make of it yet too... One thing is clear though. With 4 of the top six side due 3 post split home games something has to give.
  2. We're still due another shot at them.
  3. Swings and round-a-bouts. We've taken maximum points off Aberdeen this season. Dundee Utd and St. Johnstone are both yet to record a win against them. The league without Aberdeen would be: Dundee Utd P 30, Point 49 St. Johnstone P 28, Points 47 Motherwell P 29, Points 45 Games against Aberdeen count just as much as ones Vs the Old Firm.
  4. This. Other teams may well have taken more points from the old firm than we have. We've taken more points from the other diddys. That's why we are 5 points clear in third at the moment. I'll take that over a token win against the bigot brothers any day.
  5. This has only happened to us once...
  6. Only because he's prone to the odd howler. As a shot stopper he is outstanding.
  7. I don't buy this. McCalls managing expectations in the media. I have no doubt he's sending his team out to try and win every game and telling them they're capable of it. Would you prefer he came out with laugherty-esque statements and made himself look like a tit? We can go on about how bad Rangers are just now too, but how many 'Well players would be getting a game if the were in there squad? I also don't agree with people who are saying he should have made a change. Didn't think we had any "passengers" in the last ten minutes and thought we had crafted the best chances in the second half. I didn't see any changes that would have made us stronger. Murphy would have been weakening the team as the game was far too physical for him. Daley would simply have been like for like for Humph who was still causing Rangers a few problems. This knicker-wetting is very reminiscent of the same stuff that went on around Christmas. We're still (just) in the driving seat for third. All that said we do need to lift it again.
  8. Looks like the two arse cheeks need each other after all... Theres a shock!
  9. Not sure. All I checked was the number of home games we had in total. The only season we've not had 19 since the split was introduced was 09/10 season. As I said I do remember us having other legitimate complaint on one or two other occasions. I could be arsed check all the individual fixtures to find what the anomalous games were. One thing that might work in our favour is that since the split came in Rangers, Celtic, Dundee United and Hearts have always had perfect 19/19 fixtures and St. Johnstone had a 20/19 split before (extra home game).
  10. I was arsed to check. Definetly just once.
  11. You're wrong. We've only had an uneven split once in the 2009/10 season. We have had cause for complaint in other seasons though. Can't remember the exact reasons. Possibly an extra trip to either of the old firm or a team we competeing for positions with?
  12. It wasn't so long ago that lawwell met with the SPL and another 5 clubs representatives to try to force a ten team league on the rest of Scottish football. Hypocrite doesn't even begin to cover it.
  13. Don't think numbers come into it. The word refers to people struggling against the recognised authority of power (or establishment to coin another favoured west of Scotland term).
  14. Who were the bruisers in that team today? Dillon I'll give you... I don't see any others.
  15. He has a point with horrible and stupid...
  16. I think he was clapped off by some because they didn't have a good view of how bad the the challenge was. At the time I didn't think it was worthy of a red.
  17. Pretty sure thats the first straight red of his career. mis-timed and dangerous, yes. Intentional? I don't think so.
  18. Breakdown in statistical terms: 1st - 4% + 13% = 17% 2nd - 4% + 11% = 15% 3rd - 4% + 5.5% = 9.5% 4th - 4% + 4.5% = 8.5% 5th - 4% + 4.0% = 8.0% 6th - 4% + 3.5% = 7.5% 7th - 4% + 3.0% = 7.0% 8th - 4% + 2.5% = 6.5% 9th - 4% + 2.0% = 6.0% 10th - 4% + 1.5% = 5.5% 11th - 4% + 1.0% = 5.0% 12th - 4% + 0.5% = 4.5% Last seasons split of prize money: Rangers......... £2,975,000 Celtic............... £2,625,000 Hearts............. £1,662,500 Dundee Utd... £1,487,500 Kilmarnock..... £1,400,000 Motherwell...... £1,312,250 Inverness........ £1,225,000 St Johnstone.. £1,137,500 Aberdeen........ £1,050,000 Hibs................. £962,500 St Mirren.......... £875,000 Hamilton......... £787,500
  19. No 'Well player is "that good". But you're right. He's not even amoungest the first 8 or 9 names on the team sheet.
  20. roly


    I watched the game back on alba last night. Unfortunately I fell asleep for most of the second half and didn't really get to see the Humphs contribution. Jenning was outstanding from what I saw and I rarely vote for him in these threads despite giving him a mention for his performance. For that reason he gets my vote. That said I'd like to see Humph given a start for Murphy on the right sometime soon. Really interested to see how him and Hendrik could stretch teams.
  21. Main stand reconstruction started in 1961 after the sale of Ian St. John. It's pretty difficult to make out the collar on shirts from that pic. Looking here. It seems to me that it must be the1963-66 kit. That post 1961 with Plain white shorts and dark socks.
  22. He's still in hte running at this point. Needs to either finish 2nd or win the cup to still be in with a shout at the end of the season. If Lennon does a double (which looks pretty likely) then I'm sure he'll get it no matter what.
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