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Everything posted by roly

  1. There's definelty a comparison to be made. Rangers done it on a bigger scale. Rangers will be punished. We got off scot free. We weren't so pre-occupied sporting integrity then.
  2. roly

    Pitch Invasion

    TBH it's one thing that annoys me and I think it's fairly similar. To many fans go purely to provoke a reaction from the opposition support than to watch our team (which has played some nice stuff at times this season. It's fairly clear at trips to the likes of Ibrox and is part of the reason I rarely go there.
  3. Wish MFC ticket office had told me that. Would have saved me a trip out to Motherwell.
  4. The guy has been a stand out. I can't think of any CB we've had in the past 20 year who I've been more comfortable watching.
  5. roly


    Hutch was on fine form again today. I honestly believe he's the best CB at the club in my time watching the 'well.
  6. I heard someone on your call today talking about how bad our attendance at the St. J game was considering our position. He suggested that we were averaging double that recently. Maybe 20 years ago...
  7. Just called the ticket office... They said there won't be any on sale a Ibrox but they are open and selling just now.
  8. http://m.stv.tv/sport/football/clubs/motherwell/98035-motherwell-squad-get-in-practise-for-champions-league-nights/
  9. I believe Utd could win all 3 of the ties the have left... But not on the bounce. If they do then you'd have to take your hat off to them. I think we've done it. Also set a new record points tally for ourselves in the SPL era. Magnificent acheivement!
  10. Aye... Well done to all who made it there tonight. You certainly made yourselves heard.
  11. I don't normally do Ibrox or Parkhead. I'm really tempted by this though. Especially if Utd drop points tomorrow.
  12. They could finish above us by beating rangers OR Celtic. In fact, 2 draws might be enough.
  13. Hibs and Dundee Utd might disagree. Besides the fermers would only bring about 500 if it was free to get in.
  14. roly


    Null vote. Only Daley stuck out as being bad, but no one else really had a stand out performance.
  15. Can you honestly say you'd have left early if we'd been in front with 10 minutes to go?
  16. Murphy was dropped for good reason. It's worth pointing out he came off the bench in most of the games he didn't start and added nothing. He'll get more chances in the run in and hopefully he performs better than he has since the transfer window closed. Carswell had a decent game for a young guy today. Certainly didn't let himself down. He is purely backup though and I wouldn't want to be relying on him. He's got minimal first team experience and we shouldn't be harsh on him after a defeat against Celtic. Hateley I somewhat agree with. I critisized him here following the Hibs game, but eventually came to the realisation that he basically a Motherwell standard player. Sometime decent, sometimes shite but mostly frustrating. I still think we can take points from St Johnstone, Hearts and Dundee Utd. That could well be enough. If we don't we've still had a decent season.
  17. I think their third goal is the perfect example of why it's important to stand off and not over-commit against teams that are clearly better than you. It's all very well pointing out that it was a younger player that scored the important goals. I've always believed its much easier for young guys to make an impact with the OF as they are fed by international class players. That said the lad took his chances well and my well be one to watch. There's no point getting as het up about this result as everyone seems to be. I already had it written off. The performance (with the exception of Daley) is now where near as bad as some are making out. Play like that against Utd and St. J and we'll likely take something from them.
  18. I'd be surprised if anyone would take a punt on Jenno with the betting thing still hanging over him.
  19. I agree with the fact they don't seem to be a compatable pairing and don't solely blame Hateley for that... Sometimes the best ball to play is to one of our stirkers who comes short. Hateley make the wrong decisions regularly - not always his fault. I do think he is over-rated by our own fans and those of other team. I'm actually quite surprised a pundits had a go at him. Most see him as Mr. Dependable. I'm just questioning his distribution at times. I don't disagree with you too... I would say he's a better defender than you give him credit for though. He's only been given a roasting once or twice and considering this isn't his natual position (mibbies aye, mibbies naw) thats good going for a guy who played over 100 games there. Definetly decent a SPL standard FB - but most of our players have be above decent SPL standard this season.
  20. Last suspension was for a red card which also took him over the disciplanary points tally for an additional suspension, I think.
  21. I don't think that's a reaonable excuse. A full back should have enough time on the ball to pick the right pass. Perhaps he should take a little more time to weight thing up. I noticed him play long balls to absolutly nobody a couple of times today. I'm not trying to get stuck into the guy. I was guessing (didn't hear Dodds's comments) that he was getting grief for his defensive duties.... I'll say it again - he rarely lets us down on that front. It should be the easiest thing in the world to give a winger with the pace Humphrey has a ball to run on to. How often do we see Humphrey and Hateley pick the wrong options. Maybe "weak link" is harsh. Though outside this issue I don't have many complaints about how our team plays. I find it frustrating that a simple ball which could unlock oppositions defences is being misplayed too often.
  22. I'm not going to kid anyone on... The chances of me travelling all the way up there to watch the 'Well are slim Vs nil (never been to caley stadium too). Will be nice to see a new team in the SPL. I'd still rather Dundee or someone who'll bring more than a few 100 to Fir Park though.
  23. That was pretty much the game I was thinking of when I said he had only let us down a couple of times defensively. As a defender I think he's good. Look at our left side. Hammy links flawlessly with anything going forward. My point is that this is the part Hateleys game that needs to improve. Maybe Humphry too. They seem on different wavelengths at times.
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