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Posts posted by Modernist

  1. Thing that pisses me off is that he had the balls to speak out with what we all know to be the truth and be shouted down for it by his own fans. He was 100% correct in what he said and last night proved it. His meedja comments were also spot on and again todays deflection tactics proves it. Mouthing off on here does fuck all, he should have been backed 100% on his 'campaign' but others let Dallas off the hook and here we are with fuck all going to get done again.

    We get accused of sour grapes because that decision cost us the game but when the errors are minor we might get a hearing. Think about it.


    Plus one................


    No point in greetin about it now chaps................


    Remember it's not the Motherwell way...............

  2. A Time Served Bakers View Of Proceedings..............


    Howieson try to use the old 'Andersons Butchers' recipe for their steak pies. (and employ or used to) a number of their 'Bakers' (Myself included at one point) They also use the 'Reids' recipe for Scotch Pies, Bridies and Sausage Rolls. (Too much rusk involved there BTW)


    Denholms (Sausage Rolls) 'like everything baked in the shop' are made the traditional way using their own recipe and not (like Greggs, Aulds ect) a pre mixed bucket of E numbers piped into some pastry...........


    Chapmans used to be good but have went downhill recently in my opinion (Is wee Rab still the gaffer in their bakery ?) A fellow Dosser anaw.


    Top Of The Pops..............


    Steak Pie - Andersons without a shadow of doubt.


    Denholms (They've stopped doing them for some reason)


    Both pissed all over the so called 'Killie' pie. Good marketing ploy by Brownings right enough.


    Scotch Pie - In the past would have to say Chapmans, now Denholms. Cracking wee bakers in Glasgow beats both (Name escapes me at the moment though)


    For Cakes ect go to Denholms people, no pre mixes used there (at least when I worked there back in the day)


    Got to give Rae's in Shotts a wee mention as well. Best 'Rolls' I've ever tasted.

  3. We also lost a player to Birmingham in September.


    FRASER Kerr took a huge step towards a professional football career after signing for Birmingham City. The 17-year-old moved from Motherwell and even got to meet first team boss Alex McLeish at the official signing evening. There were nine boys signing with Fraser on the night, but as he was Scottish and had a Motherwell connection – like McLeish who managed Well in the 90s – he got to sit next to the former Scotland boss.


    Edit.......... Did we not also lose a young keeper to Leeds a couple of years ago as well........

  4. Thought the ref was howling tonight, absoultely shocking. It always seems worse when you're in there admittedly but that was one of the worst of the season. Hearts are a dirty team and this ref was gettin it all wrong.


    Mon the well!


    Don't believe that for a minute............


    That's 'embarrassing' speaking about officials like that. :doh:


    Phone Hugh 'Bunkle' fae Dallas................

  5. Went onto jimgannon.co.uk to have a shuftie to see if he has anything to say yet. Sounds like there maybe some legal stuff going on in the background as he has been advised not to respond to fans e-mails yet and will be releasing a statement at some point - look forward to reading that.


    From website jimgannon.co.uk


    I have today (29/12/2009) received a message from Jim Gannon, thanking all the fans that have emailed through the website. Jim wanted to reply to you on an individual basis, but has been advised not to do so at this present time.


    Jim has assured me that, when possible, he will release a statement. Once again thank you for all your kind comments and support.


    Peter Wilson

    Website Administrator


    Saw that yesterday. Facts are, John Boyle has released a statement, Gannon hasn't yet.


    Add to this the usual 'Inside Info from club sources' 'Ma Da's brothers, sisters, auntie, ect'


    Funny how all these leaks to fans, journalists, happen when it suits eh !!


    I like to hear both sides of a story, somewhere inbetween, you'll usually find the truth.

  6. Except Gannon never applied for a single job and never went for a single interview anywhere. He was approached by others and refused to speak to them, according to Tam Cowan on Radio Scotland after the Trust Forum.


    Heard similar from a mate who was at the same night. Said something along the lines of Gannon saying he felt he owed Boyle for taking him on after getting the bullet from Stockport.

  7. The thing I liked about Gannon is that he knew that the older players weren't good enough. Seriously what have Craigan, Lasley and McGarry done since they have been here. From what have heard all McGarry has done this season is moan about Gannon.


    Don't say that, you'll upset the senior players. Saying that, they'll get a game now if Broon gets the gig. Expect Colin Hendry to come out of retirement as well.

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