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Posts posted by Modernist

  1. And can I ask modernist, if the game wasn't on sky would u still be paying your money to the club? Admit it you're just feart fae the cauld! Does your Harrington not keep you warm enough :D


    No got Sky bud.......... Wouldn't give the Tory scumbag who owns it my money...... Believe that or not !! As for still paying money to the club.... Why should Motherwell suffer financially for an issue that is not of their own making ?

  2. It's not the fans that are "striking" though. I'm sure you're not offending any referee by going to the game. It's hardly even a strike anyway, just a protest. A picket surely implies that the party are making some sort of demand, the referees aren't! I can't undertsand why anyone wouldn't go to the game because they think there somehow breaking the referees picket line tbh..



    Each to their own. That's all I'm saying in the matter.

  3. A few hypocrites on this thread methinks. When Gannon was having a go at the refs many on here were saying it's embarrassing and not the Motherwell way. Now 'Pa Broon is too nice ! Ye couldnae make it up.

  4. I actually listened to the show tonight on the way home from work because I had heard Hughes had walked. To be fair Ewan C didn't say anything about Craig Brown leaving, it was a Hibbie who suggested it and Ewan C just threw his name in the hat as a possible replacement for Hughes, nothing new there generating a bit of a debate. Thought the Motherwell fan who got on the show was spot on with his assessment and Roughie backed him, would be very doubtful if Craig Brown even considered leaving Motherwell for the Hibs job if he was considered for it which again would be doubtful.


    Spot on mate, I listened to it as well as I always do.


    Why do 'Internet' people listen to something they proclaim to hate ?


    Answers on the next 'Offended' bus.....


    Broon was always going to get linked with the job.



  5. So where's Humphrey's chance? Its pretty obvious the guy's a confidence player, when he gets his head up he plays reasonably well, he hits one shite ball then everybody gets on his back and the head goes down again. Now we're back where we started. A bit of support never hurts.


    I realise I've went off the current topic a bit here, but I thought it was a valid point to make


    Good point, Humphrey seems to be the new Fitzy or Forbes. Take your pick.

  6. You mean Celtic? Since we've played three games and scored in two of them. It's a bit harsh slagging off the team for not looking like scoring against Rangers, Dundee United, Hearts etc. when eh... we've naw even played them yet :rolleyes:



    Sellick are not a good team.......

  7. If Motherwell win the next 10 games 1-0 and play shite football I'll be a happy man!


    As long as we win I couldn't care less about the performace! Do you think Inter fans cared about the boring fitba when they won the CL last year? Did they fuck !!


    We wont and didn't today either. As for Inter fans I dont give a flying fuck. I'm a Dosser.

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