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Everything posted by MJC

  1. I get the feeling that there is a general downer around the club and the support just now, exacerbated by our dismal transfer business. That and potentially seeing KvV turn out against us tomorrow isn’t helping the mood. The only way things can improve in the second half of the season is for us to start winning football matches and perhaps, hopefully, a decent Scottish Cup run. At the moment the signs aren’t good and there isn’t much, if anything, to suggest that we’re going to suddenly turn the corner. We are weaker now than we were at the beginning of January and we’re going to be relying on Theo Bair for goals. Theo Bair! No harm to the guy I like him and think his effort and workrate is first class, but he’s not going to get us goals and he has nothing in the way of support that would enable him to be a foil for a proper striker. Hopefully we look back at this in May as we secure another year of top flight football (and maybe even celebrate winning the Scottish Cup!) but at the moment I don’t see much reason for optimism.
  2. We’ll find out tomorrow. But we’ve got more to worry ourselves with just now. The way I see it is that we need a minimum of four points from the next two home games and progression in the Scottish Cup within the next week or Kettlewell is done. If we lose tomorrow or even do our usual and fall behind early on then the reaction from the stands will be unpleasant because I get the feeling that more and more of the support are at the end of their tether.
  3. As a club we are in trouble imo, on and off the park. Financially we are flagging and without knowing all the ins and outs I struggle to see how we can sustain our position as a top flight, full time club when we are told that we can’t even match half of what the likes of Killie and St.Mirren can offer signing targets. What is our plan going forward? Do we simply live hand to mouth, day to day and hope that there are worst sides than us in the league to help us avoid the drop? Because that’s what it looks like. Our management and recruitment are are falling way short of where they should be. We looked poorly coached every week and I cannot for the life of me understand why we’ve added two more full backs on the last day of the window when it was clear that up front was where we needed to strengthen.
  4. You can dress it up any way you like but if someone had said on 1st January that by the time this window closes we will have lost Biereth and the only forward replacement we signed was a kid from Blackburn with zero track record of scoring goals then it would have seemed unbelievable and totally unacceptable. But that’s where we are now. An absolute shambles of a transfer window.
  5. The usual mugs in our support will cheer him no matter what he does. That said though the mood in the support is at a low point and on the back of this clusterfuck of a transfer window if van Veen plays and scores against us for Killie tomorrow while we struggle for goals and watch to see if our umpteen full backs can make an impact then it might be a bridge too far even for the East Stand fan boys.
  6. Perhaps yes. But at the same time in St.Mirren’s case, with Paisley, would they not have at least as much if not twice more the amount of football fans who follow the Old Firm in their town? Given their proximity to Glasgow then it’s hard to think otherwise surely? Kilmarnock are a bit more out of the way, but the town and general area will almost certainly have more Celtic/Rangers fans than those who support Killie I would have thought?
  7. But St.Mirren and Kilmarnock don’t seem to have quite the same amount of ‘stay-away’ fans as we do?
  8. I’m not feeling in a joking mood and often find your ‘humorous’ interjections irritating, to say the least. But I did laugh at that. 👍 Nice one! 😆
  9. Yes as I said I get that, times are tough. But by the sounds of it both you and your brother go to the games whenever you can go? That’s great. As I said though we have ‘supporters’ who for whatever reason choose to spend their money elsewhere on match days most weeks. That’s up to them of course.
  10. Where are you seeing this?
  11. I get that and I know that in modern times it can be hard for fans to fork out their hard earned week in, week out to go and support the team. Life happens. But I’m not ‘having a go’ at fans who for whatever reason can’t go to the games. I’m more meaning those who could go but choose instead to spend their Saturday/or whatever at the pub or the bookies, or the bowling or the golf…all of which costs money too. I know a fair few Motherwell supporters who fall into those categories and I dare say others do too. Semi Finals? Cup Finals? European ties? They’re there. But run of the mill games against Kilmarnock on a Saturday and Ross County on a Tuesday night? Forget it. Like it or not we just don’t have a very good or loyal support with the exception of the small, faithful band of regulars.
  12. As I’ve said before, maybe if so many of our ‘supporters’ weren’t as lazy, fairweather and only turned up when we get to Hampden or for European games then we might have been able to do a bit better than only being able to match half of what St.Mirren do. I genuinely didn’t think that that would leave us so far behind the likes of St.M & Killie in terms of wages etc but I suppose it all adds up.
  13. Great. Just in time for him to debut against us at Fir Park on Saturday then.
  14. He did. But where do we stand as a club?
  15. Noted. But it’s still pretty galling for us to be ‘gazumped’ by them by double and brings us back to the issue we face that fan ownership isn’t feasible for us as a club. This is just my opinion but I don’t see how we can sustain ourselves as a top flight and full time club on our current structure and as I’ve said before if and when we are relegated then part time football is inevitable for us.
  16. Unless we genuinely are in financial trouble and are struggling to tick over day to day? As I said a few weeks back, there are worrying signs for the club and with that video and now apparently we can’t even offer half the wages that St.Mirren do then you have to wonder. Either we are up shit creek financially or there is a huge amount of lying and penny pinching going on at Fir Park? I honestly don’t know the answer to that but whatever it is it does not bode well for us as a club going forward.
  17. It would certainly feel like a boot in the balls if either or both happen. Even if there is nothing in the Vale rumour the fact that a player held in such high regard whom we were linked with bringing back ends up going to St.Mirren as they can apparently offer twice the amount as we can whilst we continue trying to secure another bottom feeding loan from the lower English leagues is utterly fucking scunnering. Even just a quick read through the comments on X is enough to show that a lot of fans are fed up too and I think seeing KvV join St.Mirren whilst we’ll be lucky to bring in another loan would be a gut wrencher for many.
  18. I knew that Killie & St.Mirren would be able to offer more money but double? Seriously? If that’s the case then we are well and truly fucked as a top flight club to be honest. And if (I stress IF) the rumours about Vale are true then it would be the most horrendous twist yet in this awful season for us. If KvV signs for fucking St.Mirren on the same night that our latest uninspiring loan recruit goes elsewhere without kicking a ball for us then it would be an absolute embarrassment for us as well as a massive boot in the balls. Seriously, get this season in the fucking bin!
  19. 19 years today since Marc Fitzpatrick fired scored a last minute extra time winner against Hearts in the League Cup at Easter Road. One of the greatest nights I’ve had following Motherwell.
  20. They can I’m afraid. Whether they will or not remains to be seen but if it comes down to us or St.Mirren for KvV then he will go there for the simple reason that they would be able to offer him more money than we could.
  21. It didn’t stop them going for old Broon after McGhee had flopped. Robinson would probably be a good shout for them but no manager will ever be able to match the demands of their deluded followers. Derek McInnes was their best manager in recent times but even he was hounded out eventually and they’ve not come close to getting anyone to replicate his success since.
  22. Which would suggest that he couldn’t cut it at first team level, or that’s what it looks like on paper anyway. Its uninspiring and to be honest I would have kept Wilkinson rather than sign this player but it is what it is and he’ll get my support.
  23. Jack Vale confirmed. A forward, which we need but his goal scoring record is unimpressive, to say the very least.
  24. We need someone in, we can’t just go with what we’ve got. And the social media team aren’t doing themselves any favours today by posting pointless guff when they know fans are waiting job signing being announced. They’ve not gone “coffee and a chat with x, y or z” quite yet but they would be as well not posting anything until they’ve got something to announce.
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